Most Boring Opinions in Geek Culture - Part II

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
IronMit said:
riight ... cept, they didn't actually change the endings now did they? your still stuck with the same crap as before, now just explained slightly better, plus a 'fuck you' ending for the people 'doing what Shepard would have done'.

(._.)b good going, you ever here of the term 'Pyrrhic victory'?

JellySlimerMan said:
lovely wall of text, and way to point out crap I already knew.

it's not the 'artistic integrity' reason why i've sided with bob here, its Bioware, they don't have any of that.

it's pure embitterment from having to sit through your infantile pissing and moaning, and more or less getting dragged into some worthless debate, about something that i would care exactly the same amount if it never existed as i do now.

right or wrong doesn't really matter to me at this point, I'm so fucking feed up with hearing about this embarrassment of a controversy that i have more contempt for the people still complaining then the people that made the game.

and next time something like this happens, leave the people who don't care about your game out of the debate


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Manga... not so much. I prefer it over western comics, but it's not really because of superiority and more because of the target audience being a little older and less serious. But it's not because they don't have endings, hence Bleach and Naruto, but one of the prime examples being D-Gray Man, a series that has gone on for far too long and has the potential to never be completed.

"14. Easy mode ruins games.

It's a game, not the SATs. Get over yourself."

I agree

"13. Casual gamers have ruined gaming.

Commentary unnecessary."

Care to elaborate?


New member
Oct 9, 2012
Worst Bond? George Lazenby. End of story. The others are head-and-shoulders above him.

Aside from that, I think there's merit to a lot of points on the list.

No matter how many times people ***** and moan about how sometimes difficulty is part of the core experience of the game, it doesn't make it any more true. If dropping the difficulty on a game ruins the experience, the game was poorly made. Difficulty cannot (and, as far as I've experienced, it never has) drive a game.

Family Guy was and still is all right. I've seen pretty much every episode. It's really good background noise for when I'm supposed to be studying or writing an essay or whatever. When it catches my focus, I can totally turn my brain off and still not miss a thing. It's got some pretty decent jokes, and there's some pretty adequate social commentary hidden in all the fart jokes, so, yeah. It's all right.

I don't mind the Star Wars prequels. I'm pretty sure I saw them first, which may have had something to do with it, but, I mean, they're still all right. Kinda like Family Guy, I suppose: they have their moments.

I think those are the only ones that really jumped out at me. I don't spend a whole lot of time cruising around forums and stuff, so I haven't heard a lot of those opinions. Not a bad list, though, Bob. Keep up the commentary on nerd culture. I enjoy reading/hearing it.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Lunar Templar said:
(._.)b good going, you ever here of the term 'Pyrrhic victory'?
Yes, and if the narrative of ME3 could have done a better job at that, instead of demostrating evidence that conventional weapons CAN harm Reapers just fine (we even killed one with a bloody Cain on London) and thus contradicting the NEED of The Crusible, THEN we could have believed it. The Reapers also acted quite stupidly and contributed to more people believing that they could win (like how they forget their own master plan of taking the Citadel FIRST in every cycle and instead they went for Earth directly because.........humans are special??)

Also, lets not forget that to make it more beliavable, all they had to do is shown in the Refusal ending for example, how your EMS STILL dont manage to make the difference at the max ammount. Just show a different cutscene at specific points of EMS values to see how they manage to loose anyway and done.

JellySlimerMan said:
lovely wall of text, and way to point out crap I already knew.

it's not the 'artistic integrity' reason why i've sided with bob here, its Bioware, they don't have any of that.

it's pure embitterment from having to sit through your infantile pissing and moaning, and more or less getting dragged into some worthless debate, about something that i would care exactly the same amount if it never existed as i do now.

right or wrong doesn't really matter to me at this point, I'm so fucking feed up with hearing about this embarrassment of a controversy that i have more contempt for the people still complaining then the people that made the game.

and next time something like this happens, leave the people who don't care about your game out of the debate
Do i have to care about the game in order to research about it as an historical event? do i have to, for example, "like" or be emotional attached to ET for the Atari 2600 to defend/critice it?? ME3 is kinda like that game. Mediocre and could have been ignored, but its repercutions on the gaming industry will lead to disaster (ET made the Great Video Game Crash possible)

Your emotions towards the issue doesnt change the fact one bit and neither do mine. Care to tell me how do you get enroled in this debate if you are not helping at all?? History shouldnt be forgotten or else we end up making the same mistakes.

And if games are supposed to be taken seriously, then a debate is BOUND to happen anyway. Why stop the inevitable? why stop argument from evolving? why stop people for making something meaningful with their times? denying it right now will start it ALL OVER AGAIN. Its better to let it grown naturally and let it collapse under its own weight, any intervencion will be meaningless.

Besides, if it wasnt for controversies like Metroid Other M, we wouldnt have The Gaming Brit and many other people who know their shit.


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
shteev said:
Well everyone seems to enjoy arguing about the separate points in the article, so maybe I'm in the minority, but I thought it was a pretty terrible article. Yes, these are opinions you hear over and over again, and a lot of them are really boring, and so naturally, an article restating them all came across as really boring.
Eh I felt the same way.

It was a kind of boring read, made worse by the fact that I was able to say "and next bob will complain about people complaining about..." and be right far too many times. Opinions on opinions are fine, but if I can predict the opinion you have on an opinion then you're either writing on a stale subject, or you have really stale opinions.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
ZZoMBiE13 said:
51: Making huge self indulgent lists of things that annoy you, and then telling others to "get over themselves".
Damn The Escapist and it's lack of a 'Like' button!

Also: George-fucking-Lazenby, people!!


New member
Sep 5, 2007
"3. Manga is superior to Western comics because its stories have endings."

Clearly people arguing this have never watched/read serial manga/anime.

Bleach, Naruto, Dragonball... When a series gets popular, oh gawd can its storyline get stretched and stretched and stretched.


New member
Jul 24, 2012
Lunar Templar said:
riight ... cept, they didn't actually change the endings now did they? your still stuck with the same crap as before, now just explained slightly better, plus a 'fuck you' ending for the people 'doing what Shepard would have done'.

(._.)b good going, you ever here of the term 'Pyrrhic victory'?
lol hindsight, wonderful thing

Was simply exercising my right as a consumer by telling them how shit some of their product is.
So should I not complain unless there's a good chance that it will be fixed properly? Nope I will complain anyway.

lord canti

New member
May 30, 2009
Smolderin said:
So I've noticed alot of people are a bit heated over some things Movie Bob said. This is just a friendly reminder, but remember these are his OPINIONS. Don't take it personally if you disagree with any of them. Feel free to state your own but I doubt your opinions are going to change his.
Silly this is the Internet where we respect other peoples opinions as long as it reflects our own.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I've heard of a couple of these and that's it. At least the responses are a tiny bit better, even though they don't solve a damn thing. You are still instigating and ignoring instead of finding the reasons for most of these (in other words you're just reviving these topics). That's how you stop a complaint altogether really, make a list of what changes or why this is better, but no, you're just saying they're boring and then giving boring responses (again) showing just how these are never going to go away.

You haven't proven any thing Bob. I don't know what you were trying to accomplish but you really just make it worse.

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
Oh my gosh, have i finally found someone who doesn't think dubs are the worst thing ever?

I actually prefer hearing all my media in English. Yes. I'm horrible. I'm over that. Point being, I find it very disconcerting and jarring to hear characters speaking a language that is not intuitive to me. It breaks my immersion. I have a very high tolerance for iffy voice acting, because I'd rather have the lip-syncing or the acting be a little bit off, than have to read my dialogue and hear something completely garbled instead of a reasonable set of words that I understand. Same with the accents; I imagine the characters a certain way, and when this random accent that doesn't make sense to my brain happens, it is utterly disconcerting for me as a viewer.

For the record, I have no beef with real humans having real accents and speaking real languages that aren't mine. I just don't want the *characters I'm watching*, unless they have an in-universe reason to speak that language *when everyone else doesn't*, to do this.

For example, Hiro Nakamura never bothered me. Being Japanese is part of what makes him his very specific character, not just "everyone else is Japanese too, so of course he is." (Yes, I know it wasn't dubbing, work with me.) However, if all of Ghost in the Shell is in Japanese, it bugs me because really, there's no in-universe reason why I shouldn't, as an audience member, be allowed to understand these words. With Hiro, we're deliberately not supposed to understand his spoken word.

There is one time, ever, when I have heard voice acting so bad I changed to the original language. This was the Kirby anime, which I watched on a lark, and they gave Meta Knight a really goofy accent that I didn't like on his character. One time.

I wish the anime fan folk would get over their issues with dubs, but I suppose I will never get over my issues with subs, so until then I'm watching alone.

My house rule is that we see dubs, though. :p


New member
Jan 4, 2010

No, not really. That's actually terribly ignorant of you.

I realize you're a bit limited by language, but it might be a good idea for you to recognize that the majority of the most influential, defining, and interesting works in the history of Japanese comics have never been, and most likely will never be, translated into the English language or released outside of Japan.

I like English-language comics as much as the next guy, but the Japanese titles I'm reading right now include a beautifully illustrated biography of Cesare Borgia, a procedural drama about a folklorist conducting anthropological research and far-flung regions of the globe, an episodic detective story, an action-packed drama about a crazy woman seeking revenge against Genghis Khan and his armies for the murder of her people, and several collections of Moto Hagio's work from the 70s and 80s, including some excellent Ray Bradbury adaptations (but you'd never talk about anything like that, because discussing mainstream comics by successful female creators dealing with social and gender issues far more intelligently than most contemporary works which laud themselves on their maturity is so much less fun than than wagging your finger at crutches for bad pulp writers). If you're seeing the same story over and over again, it says a lot more about what you're choosing to look at than it does about what's out there.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
IronMit said:
Lunar Templar said:
riight ... cept, they didn't actually change the endings now did they? your still stuck with the same crap as before, now just explained slightly better, plus a 'fuck you' ending for the people 'doing what Shepard would have done'.

(._.)b good going, you ever here of the term 'Pyrrhic victory'?
lol hindsight, wonderful thing

Was simply exercising my right as a consumer by telling them how shit some of their product is.
So should I not complain unless there's a good chance that it will be fixed properly? Nope I will complain anyway.
aye, hindsight is wonderful, I could sit here and say i 'called it' on the 'revamped ending' not fixing anything, but that was a while ago and i don't feel like sorting through the 5473 pages that is my posting history to confirm what i said -.- better things to do.

but that's not why I'm calling it a Pyrrhic Victory,
JellySlimerMan said:
YOU!! listen up -.-

now bare in mind, I don't like Mass Effect, it bores me. But given how company's like EA are, which do you think is more likely to happen?

are they likely to start proof reading scripts, confirming what does what in context of the games canon, and generally closing plot holes?
are they more likely to simply NOT, make multi game epics that tell an expansive story, and continue as they have?

I'm betting they'll just save them selves the head ache of dealing with the fans and not bother. the 'lessons' of this event will be render moot since those lessons assume these company's will be willing to 'try again'. All the pissing and moaning has done is cost gaming as a whole interconnected multi game story's

THAT is why its a Pyrrhic Victory, not cause the fixed ending changed nothing, but because it has very likely cost us more games 'like that' for at the very least a good, long, time, and while another Mass Effect would be mt with a resounding 'who the fuck cares' from me, this hamstrings the likely hood of say ....

a new Legacy of Kain series. /wildlyunfoundedfanboydream
[sub][sub]which was better then Mass Effect could ever hoped to have been[/sub][/sub]


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
someone uses a fucking ipad in a movie theatre? WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THAT!? somone get the tar and feathers...


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Bhaalspawn said:
JellySlimerMan said:
Sob Story
This is the problem with the gaming industry. Too many gamers have sob story.

Did mean old EA close Bullfrog? Are you not allowed to swear at Anita Sarkesian without someone calling out your asshole behavior? Are you torn between being a fan of something and a supporter of something else that is only related to it in a broad conspiracy theory? Are a bunch of pretentious fuckwads using games to express the fact they're pretentious fuckwads? Is the reality of "Supply and Demand" and "Free Market" skirting by your infant mind?

Every gamer has a sob story, and too many gamers are whining little shits that would Anakin Skywalker look emotionally stable.

No gamer is forced to pirate. That's a convienent excuse to cover their thievery.

No publishers are not nickle and diming you. You just want all the extra content for free, and that's NOT going to happen. No they are not breaking their promises. They are not out to deceive you. The world of game design is a complicated thing, where anything can change, and words are interpreted differently by developers and their dipshit fans.

The problem with the games industry is the GAMERS. Because they are never satisfied, constantly demand free giveaway every other day, and even when they are given the chance to set their own price they still give themselves a nice fat 80% discount, or just steal it anyway.

After the last three years of this bullshit, it's finally become objective fact: Gamers are self-entitled little bastards who frankly don't deserve jack shit. And any mocking Moviebob does of them on his web show now or in the future will be entirely justified.
I am very sorry. I will not stop complaining because I am "entitled" I will not accept that we are all "self entitled little bastards" and I will not accept that we "don't deserve jack shit" because you personally were annoyed by the way some of us are acting. And you know the really sad part? I actually I agree with you on some things. I roll my eyes every time people start complaining about DLC existing, and I'm a little tired of people complaining about every last thing that happens to the point where I was actually surprised the one time that Gearbox got complimented in a news article, and people who pirate games really piss me off. But you know what? If I could make all of it go away with a snap of my fingers, would I? No I wouldn't. Maybe the piracy, but I wouldn't make anyone stop complaining. Do you know why? Because people have every last right to complain, because Moviebob has no fucking right to tell us to shut up because he's tired of hearing the things he likes being insulted, so that he can go on to insult things that other people like but he doesn't, or insulting people that like things that he doesn't or don't like things that he does making it ok in some bizarre defilement of logic. A lot of times I get really REALLY tried of the things I like (Halo, shooters, Mass Effect minus the ending to three, Xbox etc) getting insulted on this website, but I refuse I refuse to throw up my hands and say that everyone should stop complaining because I'm personally tired of it. I AM tired of it, but I'd rather gamers be a bunch of chronic complainers than a bunch of submissive bitches the way you seem to be implying we should be. You see, in America we have a saying "I disagree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it." If you really disagree with someone, debate with them, try to convince them of your point of thinking, don't throw up your hands like Moviebob and say "I don't agree with you, shut up," come on.

Also, insulting someone and telling them to "grow the fuck up" because they had the audacity to disagree with you isn't going to win you any supporters.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Bhaalspawn said:
After the last three years of this bullshit, it's finally become objective fact: Gamers are self-entitled little bastards who frankly don't deserve jack shit. And any mocking Moviebob does of them on his web show now or in the future will be entirely justified.
while I can sort of agree in some ways (particually the priacy thing or waaa!! games are too expensive!) I don't belive bullshit anti-consumer stuff like DRM ect should be excused (also although its not a sold fact you can't tell me they wouldn't gut the origial product to sell the organs as DLC if they could..which they can)

when ME the paying customer who never pirates because I think piracy is fucking wrong, is being punished while the pirate gets away scot free...then we have a problem

EDIT: oh and keep your nasty sweeping statments to youself please, just because you found some people on the internet annoying

erttheking said:
Also, insulting someone and telling them to "grow the fuck up" because they had the audacity to disagree with you isn't going to win you any supporters.
and everything you just said of coarse XD