Most Difficult Boss you've ever faced.


New member
Jan 25, 2008
MrHappy255 said:
Um yeah I have to agree that Ruby weapon on final fantasy 7 made me want to break everything I owned, Emerald, not even hard but man I am so sure it is just random frikin luck when I beat ruby weapon after trying for years, I only beat that piece of crap once years after I played the game for the first time and I think it let me win so I would play the game again instead of leaving it on the shelf, (ooo that makes me sound crazy, but screw it that boss did it too me).

The giant space ship on R type also made me want to break the controller in frustration but hey whatcha gonna do, then I couldn't play no more.
Still I probably would have felt better with two pieces of controller in my hand, damn impossible bosses. :)
Ruby and Emerald aren't that bad. The worst I've faced in FF is Ozma in IX. Not only does he take 2-3 consecutive turns between each turn of your 4 person party, but I'm pretty sure that a human controlled Ozma could beat any party. Even walkthroughs don't give you a 100% chance of killing that bastard.


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Mar 31, 2008
In Bloodrayne there wasn't enough ammo so the final boss was literally impossible.

In Geist, I hadn't been looking for the powerups so I only had between 30 and 60 seconds to beat it.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Eagle Est1986 said:
Master Murai fron Ninja Gaiden, far, far too hard for a first level boss. The first fight with Alma held me for a few days too....

Alma, Alma, Alma. Master Murai was just a dodge pattern. You wait for his charging attack and counter with a short combo, rinse, repeat. For the game that kicks your ass all the way through, Alma's ass whupping came in extra concentrated ultra doses... period. Yes, she beat me so bad I type with horrible grammar.



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Nov 10, 2007
YokoSesshoumaru said:
Omega Weapon from Final Fantasy VIII...

I just tried to fight him for the first time this weekend... and well... I got completely and utterly annihilated.

I don't understand why a bonus monster is stronger than the final boss...

Ultimecia is a piece of cake.
There's a specific pattern to his attacks. Once you know it, he's a walkover.

First thing, he casts Lv. 5 Death, so have St-Def-J/Death. This gives you time to get Haste and Aura on yourself, and Meltdown on him.

Next, he uses Meteor. Heal from that straight away, because his next attack is Megiddo Flame, which deals an unalterable 9998 damage to all. That should leave you on 1HP. Use some limit breaks, especially with Squall. His next attack is Gravija which won't hurt since you're on 1HP and it's strictly percentage based. After Gravija hits, you want two characters at least to Defend. His next attack, Terra Break, is physical damage, so a guarding character will take no damage, it will kill anyone not guarding stone dead. Revive anyone who died and heal, he will cast Ultima next. After Ultima he'll use Light Pillar, a guaranteed 9999 hit on one character. Revive them and deal some more damage, because he's going back to Lv. 5 Death, and you have some time before the next Meteor. He'll repeat that pattern indefinitely, with occasional physical attacks thrown in, so once you know when to heal, when to defend, and when to unleash hell, you'll massacre him. My party for the deed was Squall, Irvine, and Quistis. I'd say Squall and Quistis are the key players, for the Lionheart limit break and Quistis' Mighty Guard/White Wind limits, and Shockwave Pulsar, you can sub the last for anyone you please, Zell does the most damage, if you're really good (and boring) with his combos, otherwise Irvine.

General Ma Chao

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Jan 2, 2008
The final encounter in Medal of Honor: European Assault. You get blitzed by dozens of German troops in every hallway. You have a clock ticking down while the villian mocks you. On top of it all you have to rush in a game that expects you to use cover and in which one shot takes down around 25% of your health even on easy. You have to start the level again if you die. If you use the respawns you will just get caught and shot up again. I never beat it.


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Killing a Big Daddy using only a pistol. Not the hardist battle ever but only hard because of my shere determanied reteardation. Other then that, I'm drawing a blank on all other boss battles in genarel. I'll think of something.


New member
Jan 20, 2008
That Great Wyrm or something in FF12. Who gives a boss the ability to give your guys every ailment in the game? Enix, that's who. Bowser in Paper Mario would have come close, but I beat that game recently and realized how easy it was.


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Apr 29, 2008
Magneto from the 2D Beat 'em Up, "X-Men: Children of the Atom"! He is far too overpowered, and has too many special moves. I managed to defeat him only once, using Wolverine, because he can heal briefly, which gave me a TINY, TINY edge!


New member
Mar 11, 2008
Lets see...

Lou (Hard) Still haven't beaten the bastard...

The F1 Car in Burnout 3 (even though it doesn't really count, the hours I spent trying to beat one f#$%ing level make it feel like it does)...

and (only cause I played it recently) Cunningham in MGS:pO by stamina (until I figured out how to manipulate which ammo I got)...

I'd have to say that trying to get every Boss camo in MGS3 was one of my most memorable gaming experiences to date (especially The End).


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Nugoo said:
MrHappy255 said:
Um yeah I have to agree that Ruby weapon on final fantasy 7 made me want to break everything I owned, Emerald, not even hard but man I am so sure it is just random frikin luck when I beat ruby weapon after trying for years, I only beat that piece of crap once years after I played the game for the first time and I think it let me win so I would play the game again instead of leaving it on the shelf, (ooo that makes me sound crazy, but screw it that boss did it too me).

The giant space ship on R type also made me want to break the controller in frustration but hey whatcha gonna do, then I couldn't play no more.
Still I probably would have felt better with two pieces of controller in my hand, damn impossible bosses. :)
Ruby and Emerald aren't that bad. The worst I've faced in FF is Ozma in IX. Not only does he take 2-3 consecutive turns between each turn of your 4 person party, but I'm pretty sure that a human controlled Ozma could beat any party. Even walkthroughs don't give you a 100% chance of killing that bastard.
Ya know what though, I am not sure but I kinda remember Ozma being a pain but I think I beat him the second time I went up against him, whether it was luck or what I don't know, I just know that emerald was really not that hard but screw ruby man screw him over and over again, I hate maxing out my characters and still getting my a@@ handed to me. oh well, guess that's why they are optional huh?


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Lou from ghIII at hard mode it's just not possible, the solo's are not meant for human hands! and if i even try to, my hands freeze up because of the ridicoulous speeds i have to do.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Hard balls form the original pursuit force... it was so friken impossible! He just kept getting away from me! Its a drag the new pursuit force is not that great...

Wonder Cupid

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Mar 7, 2008
Jacob Crow in TimeSplitters 3 on hard. *SPOILER* Not the second time you fight him in the castle, the part in teh underground mansion. I burnt through my homing rockets, my minigun, my plasma rifle, even my grenades, and didn't even come close to taking him out. I finally killed him with my plasma handgun, on it's last shot. took me about 200 deaths to do it, too.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Lioklian said:
Guilty Spark from Halo 3... Egad! He has SO much health and SO much firepower!

That was the hardest battle I have ever encountered in ANY game EVER!
What?! Guilty Spark was one of the easiest bosses on record, he went down in a few hits with the rocket launcher after I shot Johnson and took it and his attacks are super easy to dodge. It was on Legendary too.

Personally, I'd say Lost Planet's posses were the toughest. Particularly the giant worm, which is seemingly impossible to kill because no weapon that can kill it can hold enough ammunition to leave a significant dent before you have to run away and get some more ammo. Fighting it was fun, but the mantis fight was easier but infinitely more frustrating because he just knocked you over constantly before you could even stand.

Probably the most annoying thing that can happen in a boss fight is they don't give you enough supplies to kill the damn thing. For example, they ask you to kill a tank that takes 3 rockets to kill, but give you a rocket launcher with 1 shot and don't place any ammunition refills. So then you're left fighting an armored tank with a shotgun.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
On the professional mode first playtrough on RE4 Krauser IS A BEAST to kill! Not only is he immune to almost all weapons, but you hve like, 2 minnutes to kill him! Not cool...


New member
Apr 30, 2008
People who find Lou on Hard need to actually LEARN how to play. I beat Lou after a about 5 tries, but that was because I AVOIDED the solos. You use the solos to your advantage. What I did was learn the points that gave you power ups (there should be three before you reach the solo), and use them in proper manner. DO NOT DIFFICULTY UP, he'll just play as good. Good power ups are the whammy bar, broken string, and double notes. The amp overload does nothing. The whole things becomes so much easier if you aim to actually attack him proper, than to actually play the song through.
--Lou on Expert though, is a different story.

I have to agree with the first post: Mizar was an effing PRICK. I actually never did beat him, and our parents friend at the time decided to sell off our N64 games before I beat it. To this day, I pray to the Nintendo gods that JFG gets released on the VC.

Golden Sun had some hard bosses, but if you want a hard boss, try fighting Gigas from Earthbound. I played him 20+ times (and sat through the whole "My plans were to kill you all in time...yada yada yada" 20+ times). I NEVER knew you had to pray 9 TIMES in a row! The whole time I was trying to beat him in his "uncontrolled" form, I was using starstorm and special as much as I could while having jeff and paula do the healing. Then he started affecting all my characters so I randomly used "Pray" (sometimes you get that golden light that heals all characters), and instead, it did damage. So I thought, I'll keep using it!

The last most difficult boss I ever fought was any Resident Evil (0, 1, 2, 3, CV:X, and 4) boss in existence. Why? Because no one ever had enough first aid sprays! And aiming was a ***** to handle (except for 4 on the Wii, which made me wish motion control was invented sooner).


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Yeah, Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts 1 was ridiculously hard. I died in about 5 seconds whenever i fought him.