Most embarrassing thing you have said to a girl.

Apr 24, 2008
cuddly_tomato said:
"Your moustache is distracting me"

I really don't advise this one unless you are a connoisseur of feminine rage.
That tickled me, much like the moustache would...were you drinking?

I told a girl I had just started seeing(over the phone) that I couldn't come out today because I was getting my balls botoxed, because I was self conscious of the wrinkles. I'm not sure whether she understood that I was just joking, but the relationship didn't last long after.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Oh I easily win this. Girl I'd been kissing for about an hour in a nightclub asks me my name, so I ask her hers. What do I say next?

"Sarah? That's my mums name!"

So yeah, 19 years of being single and still counting.


Avid Reader
Dec 22, 2008
I once asked a girl to dance at the senior prom, she wasn't my date though.
Here's the kicker:
She's gay, and I'm actually good friends with her girlfriend.
Can you say awkward?

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
EmileeElectro said:
AMMO Kid said:
"Will you go out with me?" - Got totally rejected by the only girl I ever asked out
Awh, well, doesn't mean every girl will turn you down!

I think this thread is aimed at men so uhm...

I remember a few years ago, some guy at a pub cam up to me and said, "Would you like to go out and play?" (we were about 13) I said "Er..okay" and he jumped on me and dragged me outside.
Another time on holiday, I was walking back from the bar and there was some lad probably my age possibly younger in the hotel corridor, I walked past him and he jumped in my way, so he I moved to the side and he blocked me again, then I tried walking round him and he jumped on me and slung his arms around me, then pulled me back and started talking to me. Mhmmm.
EmileeElectro said:
AMMO Kid said:
"Will you go out with me?" - Got totally rejected by the only girl I ever asked out
Awh, well, doesn't mean every girl will turn you down!

I think this thread is aimed at men so uhm...

I remember a few years ago, some guy at a pub cam up to me and said, "Would you like to go out and play?" (we were about 13) I said "Er..okay" and he jumped on me and dragged me outside.
Another time on holiday, I was walking back from the bar and there was some lad probably my age possibly younger in the hotel corridor, I walked past him and he jumped in my way, so he I moved to the side and he blocked me again, then I tried walking round him and he jumped on me and slung his arms around me, then pulled me back and started talking to me. Mhmmm.
Don't worry this thread is aimed at both gender (looks at title) although i can see why you thought it wasn't (must remember to come up with better titles)by the way your avatar is AMAZING ^_^.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
In school a girl I had a crush on, Esther, confronted me with her friend Clara, and tried to set me up with her. I panicked and said "This is a joke right? You're playing a joke on me". Clara began to cry and I quickly exited the classroom amidst yells of "It's not a joke!" "I'm serious!".

It was never brought up again, but when I grew up a bit and looked back, I realized Clara probably thought I was calling *her* a joke. Since then I've always felt terrible about it and wish I would have explained that's not at all what I meant. What a fucking asshole thing to say.

Now I'm married and all that srs bsnss. Haven't heard from those girls since high school.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
"Sorry, I cant meet up with you tonight, its the Champions League final".

Barcelona won that year aswell, never saw that girl again but at least it was a good match.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
Well, the only thing I could think of was when I was still in my shy state in high school and I was asking out this real shorty of a girl to prom. That was pretty funny 'cus I forced myself to come out with it and then her first response was "...ooookay? Can we talk about this over lunch?" And we did, and she went out with me and enjoyed ourselves :) . (She isn't my gf in any way)


Aug 3, 2008
knight steel said:
Don't worry this thread is aimed at both gender (looks at title) although i can see why you thought it wasn't (must remember to come up with better titles)by the way your avatar is AMAZING ^_^.
Haha, thanks. I thought this thread was aimed at guys who have embarrassed themselves in front of girls, so I thought I'd share my story. It's not really embarrassing what a girl says to another girl, apart from one time I told some girls I didn't like shopping and they looked like I just said, "So, I killed a puppy last night." Was quite uncomfortable.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
Hexenwolf said:

I don't mean to be callous, but so? You can't avoid feeling things forever.

So did anything come of it? Should we expect little baby monkfish?
Hughblugh yes I can. Watch me.
Get ready for the avoidance of your life, son. You may want to avert your eyes, this shit is about to get real.
No turning back now, you have brought on the pain. The pain of thymoanesthesia. The gauntlet has been thrown down like rancid meat covered in spiders. Dig your heels in and steel your jaw, ************, it's coming at you like the fourth of July.

Yeah, okay, that was stupid.

But anyway, no.
We're both on the same page when it comes to relationships. Which is to say, we are both wholly uninterested in them.
She's not ready for any of that stuff just yet, and I think anything to do with romance is abhorrent.
My plan is to just let these stupid useless chemical reactions run their course and promptly forget they ever existed.
I assume her plan is the same. But I am pretty sure she has beaten me on this and is already thoroughly fed up with me.


New member
Dec 7, 2008
Hunh... I'm bi, do I get to pick one awkward thing from each gender?

Awkward thing said to girl: "That's not your shoulder, is it." I was sitting in a chair and she came up behind me. I meant to reach up behind to hug her shoulder, but um, she was taller than I remembered in my head and I ended up reaching something... something else. o_o I mean, I'm lucky she was pretty cool about it, but still, SO AWKWARD. D8

Awkward thing said "to" guy: I didn't say it directly to him, but I'm pretty sure he heard. On my sixteenth birthday, I was at school with my friends and I happened to mention that I had never kissed anyone. Being the excellent friends they are, they immediately started suggesting things like, "You can't be sixteen and never kiss anyone! Go kiss [random guy walking by #1]! He's right there!" "No!" "Okay fine, [random guy walking by #2]!" "NO!" "How about [random guy walking by #3]?" "NO I HAVE STANDARDS!"

Of course, what I meant by that was, "I don't want my first kiss to be with just some random guy," not "[Random guy walking by #3] isn't good enough for me." (Not to mention, he's gay and I'm a girl, so it's not like it would be a stirring kiss anyhow.) I was laughing too hard to explain myself to him right away. So from then on, whenever he said hi to a friend of his who was with me, he would always greet me with something like, "Hello, friend," and it was a leetle bit awkward.


New member
May 21, 2009
I think its funny that I have said half of these before. 3 drink Taylor isn't to bright.

Don't ever say "you are acting insane" to a girl.

And then laughing in the middle of a conversation with a girl while thinking about something completely different when she was apparently talking about her abusive parents. I'd like to thank two-hit Taylor for that one.

savandicus said:
'Wow your surprisingly short' Said by me yesterday to a girl i'd just met, not quite sure what i was thinking at the time but atleast i then justified it by telling her it was a good thing because she didnt have to eat as much to survive and was less likely to fall through ice.
Hell, I'm turned on.