Most Frustrating/Hardest Boss You Have Ever Defeated


New member
Oct 2, 2012
So we probably already have a thread about this but I was curios. whats the most frustrating boss you guys have ever defeated? Im talking about the kind of boss that you spent ages trying to defeat and eventually triumphed over! Mine has to be Lucifer from a game called Darkwatch. It took me close to 3 hours and a lot of swearing but I eventually defeated him and boy did I feel tops after.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Just about any later boss in Resonance of Fate

Specifically the one on one fight (it'd be a spoiler but you know who/what I'm talking about if you played it) and really...any boss past the second half of the game.

Maybe it's because I hate grinding so I wasn't as leveled as I needed to be (I didn't discover that you could level up quickly by switching their weapons out until Chapter 11, over half-way through the game) but the really sweet battle system is not designed very well when it comes to fighting one big boss...

I quit that game for good so many times out of frustration...


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2013
Note: This is back when RuneScape was actually fun to play and had its original awesome combat, graphics, etc...

Nomad on RuneScape. It took me over like 50 tries to defeat him and I did! (And happily got my Quest Cape later on)!


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Dark Souls: Ornstein and Smough on new game ++. I was horrified when my internet went out, and could not summon help, save for the sun bro. It took me so many times, so many rage quits. When i beat them, it felt like it was an accident because I was messing up so much.


Oct 28, 2013
Probably the second firefly boss in Donkey Kong 64. After you smack him into lave the first time, he returns bigger and angrier than ever in a later boss fight. He can fly and the platform you are fighting him from is slowly sinking into lava, adding a hellish time constraint. To this day, I don't know whether it was a glitch that allowed me to get the last hit in in time to defeat him, or if I stumbled upon the correct combination of attacks through sheer trial and bloody error.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
The Empress of Time from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. After a few days of trying to beat her, I eventually just gave up trying in my current state and went back through on Easy and made sure to get all the life upgrades available up until that point. I can't remember how many times I lost the second time I reached her, but I do remember having a mere sliver of health after beating her. Part of me is glad she wasn't the final boss for me since I got all the health upgrades, but given how pathetically easy the Dahaka was, I may have preferred to face her again just to feel epic after beating the game.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
From Kingdom Hearts, the Riku/Ansem bossfight.

"It is I, Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness!" Again, and again, and again... Thank god they added a skip cutscene option in 1.5.


New member
May 18, 2011
Most "frustrating"? In this case, most of the Arkham games count because I don't see any mechanic more frustrating than "toss in a few dozens of goons to harass the player while they fight the boss".

Most difficult? Hmm. Algalon the Observer, Herald of the Titans achievement, with no shaman in the raid, pre 4.0. Literally nothing less than perfect execution could win that one.


New member
Nov 27, 2013
The final boss of Prototype, the Supreme Hunter. The difficulty curve in that game when it came to bosses was insane, especially on the hard difficulties. What really didn't help was the 6 minute countdown timer for the nuke sitting under the deck of the ship you were fighting it on.
Jun 20, 2013
No More Heroes 2.

Just, the whole game.

In particular, there's Nathan, where the whole design of the "arena", well, it just doesn't mesh well with the changes in the game's design. I need to be able to SEE the frickn laser beams, in order to dodge them.

The final boss is just cheap beyond belief.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Kael'Thas in World of Warcraft.

This was when the Burning Crusade first came out and the only time I was ever in a proper raiding guild, and of all the bosses that was the one that proved the most exhausting. Not because it was the hardest really, but because it lasted forever with something like... jeez... 7 or 8 stages? The fight last at least half an hour and as a healer I'd be spending the entire time concentrating not just on keeping everyone alive, but ensuring I'd have enough mana to keep it up for the entire fights length. Meanwhile one big enough mistake from any of the people there and everything falls apart.

It was pretty intense but oh so satisfying when he finally died.

wombat_of_war said:
baldurs gate 2. the red dragon who scams you. that prick took me 6 real time weeks of playing before my party was strong enough to survive the battle and turn his scaley ass into a suit of red dragon armour.. SHOULD OF PAID ME WHAT YOU OWED ME !
Ah, good ol' Firkraag. The fact that he's such an asshole just makes defeating him all the more satisfying, plus he's got some pretty nice loot as well. One of my favourite side-quests in BG2.

Adam Locking

New member
Aug 10, 2012
I'm going to be "that guy" and bring up Benoit, the final boss from Silent Bomber on the PS1.

No really, check any boss thread on any forum and you'll see Benoit show up by page 3. It's not just that it was insanely hard, but it was 10 times harder than the already hard game it sat at the end of. It was just a big middle finger to whoever had gotten this far.

Chaos Isaac

New member
Jun 27, 2013
Frustrating..? Oh man, I can't think of a clear contender off the top of my head so here's a few.

Any boss in Tales of Graces.
Bane in Batman Arkham Origins. Mainly 'cause he cheats the darn rules. Why can I jump over Killer Croc but not Bane? Not to mention the infinite number of goons.
Bed of Chaos, Dark Souls.
Elizabeth from Persona 3. This is another cheater. Also a terribly designed boss fight. Let's have a character whose the strongest in the game, remove your party so you only have one guy, have her be immune to everything but one attack type at a time, have her completely heal when she's almost dead, let her attack you more then once per turn, and, my favorite, have her insta-kill you if you work out a party that completely counters her moveset.

Hardest in terms of a legit boss that doesn't cheat you... Uh, Vergil in the original Devil May Cry 3, back before they changed it to reduce the difficulty, was a son of a *****. Fun though.

There's probably betters ones, but that's what I got right now.


New member
Sep 30, 2013
Barrett in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Mostly because being the first boss in the game you don't realise that the bosses are taking place in what feels like a completely different game.


New member
Feb 19, 2011
Fireaxe said:
Barrett in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Mostly because being the first boss in the game you don't realise that the bosses are taking place in what feels like a completely different game.
Ah, the memories. Grenade spam ahoy!

Now that you've mentioned Barret I remembered Yelena. DAMN THAT ELECTRIC FIELD TO HELL I SAY! Didn't know about THAT special augmentation the first time I've played. >.>

And oh, before I forget... The Core of Valmar (Grandia II) - one frustrating boss he was. :)


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Its hard to pick between any of the final bosses of Etrian Odyssey games, but I'll go with good old Primeval from EO1. There may be other booses I've beaten that were harder, or more frustrating, on their own.

But considering all that you need to go through to even get to that asshole, it makes how much of a ***** he is to kill with anything other than the right party AND the list of his turn orders on hand even more difficult.

That being said, the final boss of EO 2 is the ONLY boss in the series I have never been able to kill. Fucking Ur-Child Q_Q


New member
Sep 30, 2013
Thandran said:
Fireaxe said:
Barrett in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Mostly because being the first boss in the game you don't realise that the bosses are taking place in what feels like a completely different game.
Ah, the memories. Grenade spam ahoy!

Now that you've mentioned Barret I remembered Yelena. DAMN THAT ELECTRIC FIELD TO HELL I SAY! Didn't know about THAT special augmentation the first time I've played. >.>
Maybe it was just me, but it felt like the game was really pushing me to pick up that electric immunity thing from a fairly early stage.


New member
Feb 19, 2011
Fireaxe said:
Thandran said:
Fireaxe said:
Barrett in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Mostly because being the first boss in the game you don't realise that the bosses are taking place in what feels like a completely different game.
Ah, the memories. Grenade spam ahoy!

Now that you've mentioned Barret I remembered Yelena. DAMN THAT ELECTRIC FIELD TO HELL I SAY! Didn't know about THAT special augmentation the first time I've played. >.>
Maybe it was just me, but it felt like the game was really pushing me to pick up that electric immunity thing from a fairly early stage.
Too bad I didn't feel the same way. :D

Aigars Mahinovs

New member
Apr 17, 2012
The Madman said:
Kael'Thas in World of Warcraft.

This was when the Burning Crusade first came out and the only time I was ever in a proper raiding guild, and of all the bosses that was the one that proved the most exhausting. Not because it was the hardest really, but because it lasted forever with something like... jeez... 7 or 8 stages? The fight last at least half an hour and as a healer I'd be spending the entire time concentrating not just on keeping everyone alive, but ensuring I'd have enough mana to keep it up for the entire fights length. Meanwhile one big enough mistake from any of the people there and everything falls apart.
That and his friend in the paired dungeon - Lady Vashj. Before the Black Temple related nerf to both of them. It took more than a month of focused attempts for 4 hours, 3 times a week for our 25 man raid group to finally take down both of them. I was lucky to be there for the first kills as a junior raider in the guild. The release was a fantastic euphoria.