Most impossible fan base to please?


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Not what I thought this topic was going to be about from the title, I was going to say that CoD fans are the worst, because if you don't quick scope, you will get hate mail. Shit tons of it. (I do knife-only, jesus fuck do people hate me)

OT: Pretty much every fan boy in every fan base, they complain about everything. The worst part is, everyone is a fan boy about something.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
Almost all of the ones for major games are near impossible to satisfy, but I have to vote for the WoW community, mostly because Ive had the misfortune of reading the games forums for a good two years while I played.

It truly is a chilling experience. So. Much. Bitching.


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Dec 31, 2008
how do i embed videos onto my post? I think i know 2 vids that are relevant to the topic


New member
Aug 4, 2010
DigitalAtlas said:
icame said:
Also, while I disagree on both points of Half life and mass effect, fine, lets assume for a second that you do indeed have to try to get into them. There's a difference between 2 hours or so, and TWENTYFIVE TO THIRTY.
I would like to point out that even fans of the game say it takes about four to six hours. Heck, some people like it from the beginning, hate it, then end up loving it again which isn't exactly a bad thing. I mean, I can think of parts in most Zelda games that I don't care too much for and their loved by almost everyone.

My point is, a slow start isn't reason for dismissal. If it was really twenty to thirty hours, I'd concur. Completely. That's too much. But it takes about six hours for each disc when you're taking it slow, and the game starts to gain interest right before disc two. It's during disc two where I can honestly say it wowed me. And I expected to despise this game being a die-hard fan of JRPGS such as FFIX, Xenogears, Lost Odyssey and the Tales franchise.

People in reviews aren't exaggerating when they say it gets really great twenty hours in. Twenty hours in is about the time you put in disc three and the world become wide open where the player gets access to complete free-roam, missions, and even goals to work towards. Once there, you realize that the whole game had been prepping the player for that part in general, so that they wouldn't have to master the battle system whilst trying to get lost, nor would they have to worry about setting up the story in a free-roam environment. It was actually a smart development choice that tried to satisfy both fans of the linear FFX and the nonlinear FFXII. It's just that the game requires commitment.

Also, I agree with you about HL2 and ME. However, I let friends borrow those games and it took a lot of effort for them because, unlike us, they don't play a lot of games. Thus, I was speaking purely from past experience.
Now I will quote yahtzee. You realize that a game getting good 20 hours in is not a point in its favor right? And unless all of horrible characters (Which includes every single one except the guy with the chocobo in his hair.) get jettisoned from the game, and the game actually starts to explain anything without handing you multiple fucking pages to read so it doesn't have to have well written exposition to explain things.

Also, please tell where exactly all these fans of half life 2 that say that it takes nearly 6 hours to get good. I don't think a 96 on metacritic, and a 9.3 user score really signifies a game being mediocre for half of it. It sounds like your just speaking of your own experience with the game, and speaking it as though it is the opinion of a majority.

I agree with you that a slow start does not mean a game should be dismissed. I thought kotor had a slow start and it turned into one of my favorite games. The point is that that was only an hour or two. That is a 'start' to the game. That is not half the game being slow, repetitive, and overall abysmal like FF13 is.

Finally, a game shouldn't require commitment. It should pull you in and make you want to keep playing it, without you having to consciously force yourself to. This is something that FF13 cannot do, because at the end of the day, it did nothing right. The only thing it did well was look good.


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Apr 23, 2010
Djehuty said:
how do i embed videos onto my post? I think i know 2 vids that are relevant to the topic
do [.youtube=(part of url after =)]
(Without .)


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Sonic. The. Hedgehog. This fan base will never take anything. Sonic Unleashed comes out, everyone loves the running, but cries bloody murder on werehog. Sonic and the Black Knight, love the running, but WHY DOES HE HAVE A SWORD! Sega All Stars Racing, they complain about him being in a car. And finally Sonic Four, in which people made it the devil, not because it was looking to be a meh rehash sold in parts, but because he was skinny with green eyes. Oh, and then there's teh civil wars between Sonic's voice actor, literally, go on a Sonic board and say you like Ryan Drummand.

Now, alot of this can be blamed on Sonic Team, and some of these complaints have some validity, but I still put this as the hardest fan base to please, except MAYBE tranformers.


Aug 27, 2010
All of them.
But SSB probably has to be the worst one. Since it's nothing but fanservice for one of the biggest fanbases in gaming, it's no surprise either.
Also, while FF has a really bad fanbase, I still say they're somewhat justified.


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Jun 14, 2008
MMO gamers. (I am one, before anyone eats me)

Seriously, go look at any major MMO forum.

Maybe focus on the class forums?


"We're underpowered, we can't 2 shot XX class"

"This guy killed me, I has better gearz, nerf his class!"


It's so insane...


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
drbarno said:
the sonic fanbase, they complain about everything that happens in the games,
In fairness to the fans, it'd help if the SEGA and Sonic Team even knew what they were doing...

Although saying this, I don't dispute that Sonic fans are nothing if not a bunch of whiny sacks.

[spoiler+a comic strip to illustrate my point:]

OT:personally I'm of the belief that every fan base is impossible to please...

Mostly because if a games company or any form of entertainment for that matter started listening to everything every fan wanted, you'd end up with an overcomplicated mess.

Or worse, a game contained in the story of thousands of people's fan-fiction...

no one wants that.

It's probably why it's a better world for the games industry that some people just stay angry that no one is listening to them.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I know! The minecraft fanbase!

Allow me to explain: The minecraft fanbase seem to think that minecraft is like the best thing ever and they will all be sooo dissapointed the next time mojang releases anything. Good or bad, that Scrolls thing is going to be the most hated thing since Hitler!


New member
Nov 13, 2009
DigitalAtlas said:
icame said:
DigitalAtlas said:
They give us FFXIII, albeit a bit slow at start, the game is actually pretty impressive and fast-paced once you force yourself to get to disc two. But of course, twas hated. In fact, you could argue the entire JRPG fanbase is being far too picky this gen.

*phew* Needed a breath after that.

a bit slow? at the start? You do realize its over 30 hours (Half the game) that is 'slow.' Also, no game should make you 'force' yourself to get through it. If this is true, then the game has failed.

I could argue why this is, imo, the worst major release is video game history, but I have written it out to many times already on these forums.
Oh God. Another Yahtzee quoter.

Here's the beauty of this: Half-Life 2 is a game you need to force yourself to get to a certain point. Mass Effect bores people until after the Citadel. WoW is a game you need to force yourself to play until you beat for it to be entertaining. Mine Craft? People need to play for at least an hour or two before they figure it out. Ya know what's beautiful? Our good fellow Yahtzee adores all of these games. So, before you quote people like this, why don't you sit down and play the game passed the horrid beginning, which I agree is absolutely horrible.

Worst game release in history? You're right. FFXIII is just so much worse than Barbie Horse Adventure and Sonic Unleashed. "OMGZ IT HAZ NO TOWNS! DIE SQUARE DIE" You're ridiculous, troll.
While I agree with you on how annoying people who quote Yahtzee can be, and that it is true how you have to force yourself through half life 2 and mass effect, (WOW is nothing but forcing yourself, and I haven't really played mine craft yet) NONE of those sections (WOW excluded) were 30 hours long. That's not simply a beginning, it's the breaking point for anyone with the patience to sit through complete crap.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
The Halo Community, there's the half that strives for change and the other half that wants to stay true to halo ce