Most powerful video game character EVER


New member
May 21, 2009
God, in plenty of RPGs. "The" God, that is, the one that is eternal and unkillable and generates the universe by thinking about it.

Well it's either him or Azathoth, the Chaos at the Center of the Universe, but I don't think he ever actually appeared in a game...


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Kuchinawa212 said:
he's the most realistically possible powerful character. Sure I could say the guy that shoots laser beams from his eyes or chews on glass instead of tobacco. But not Freeman. Freeman uses his mind to combat puzzles while others go and blow them up. That's not real power that's just the ability do blow something up. I think real power is to combat your foes efficiently as possible. Which Gordon does.
I want to see what happens if we make Gordon fight, say, Nomad? And he's not even particualrly powerful.

I'm going to say the kids from Fallout 3. You can fire 20 mini nukes at them and they'll be just fine.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
ZakZak59 said:
This man

Cookies for whoever understands what I mean ^.^
Hell yes I was gonna say something else but It would pale in comparison to his power. The man effortlessly summons pianos and is probably a time lord. To top it off he's scary as fuck.

Also though it wouldn't be as awesome Judecca from Wild Arms 2 the guy takes several hits from the summoned lord of fire and goes right on shooting you.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Zombie Hordes and the like, all the games in which there's a limitless number of enemies, especially the ones that breed.


New member
May 16, 2009
couldnt be bothered checkin if any one had already said these, but mine would be dante and the prince of persia.


New member
Nov 22, 2008
TheFacelessOne said:
OneBig Man said:
I think Halo is a pretty cool guy,
I'm sorry, I have to respond to that, with a:


Halo is the title of the game, and also the name of the ringworlds constructed by the forerunners. "Halo", as you refer to him, is actually named John, A.K.A. Spartan 117, A.K.A. Master Chief.

Sorry, just, thought you'd know his real name. It's a fairly common mistake.


I'm going with "OneBig Man" said. Anyone in an exoskeleton suit who flies a bomb through space and single-handedly destroys a freakin' huge starship is pretty B.A. if you ask me.
Its a meme - "I think that HALO (with a picture of master chief) is a pretty cool guy, eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.
(can also be interchanged with other things, but halo was apparently the original.)


New member
Feb 13, 2009
OneBig Man said:
TheFacelessOne said:
OneBig Man said:
I think Halo is a pretty cool guy,
I'm sorry, I have to respond to that, with a:


Halo is the title of the game, and also the name of the ringworlds constructed by the forerunners. "Halo", as you refer to him, is actually named John, A.K.A. Spartan 117, A.K.A. Master Chief.

Sorry, just, thought you'd know his real name. It's a fairly common mistake.

It was a joke. I was making a reference to an old internet meme. I don't want to explain it so if you want to know about it just look it up.
Oh. Uh...well...


This is embarrassing.

I apologize.

Capn Disco

New member
Oct 17, 2009
Sageras from WoW. He doesn't exist yet but he is in the books and so he will be eventually. He is the main god of the demos and could probably destroy the world at a whim, plus he has a giant horde of demons at his command.


New member
Mar 25, 2009

His name is Tim. He is a psociopathic, obsessive dellusional who can, you know, rewind and manipulate the flow of time Kratos? No prob, give him a ring and beat the s.o.b down. Alex Mercer? So what... rewind time and stop him from releasing the virus, 'nuff said. Maybe him and that Prince of Persa guy could get together and tag team the shit out of all yo asses


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Captain Ninja said:
emh204 said:
Ild say the Master Chief or mercer. Mercer for pre stated resons but the chief cause hes super fast and strond with a suit that makes him faster and stronger and with bones of steel. nuf sayed.
i think kratos for all the reasons mentioned, but i do not think fast when i think of master chief.....maybe if he could sprint.
Im going off the books in them the spartian were very fast infact the armor they where makes them move so fast (in the books) that when a normal solder wore it and just moved his arm up it shatered every bone in his arm. So ya that's what i was talking about so read the books then you will know.