Most Preferred Champion in League of Legends


New member
Apr 17, 2010
SecretNegative said:
infinity_turtles said:
SecretNegative said:
Why would anyone do that? They still don't reduce any more armor. That's like stacking IE:s.
It's got decent AD and health while having stacking armor pen and cool down. The stats it has are great. Also, while the passive won't take off any more armor, it builds stacks quicker with multiple BCs. It's ridiculous on pretty much every Bruiser.
Yes, but let me tell you what you're lacking if you rush two BC:s.

Armor entirely, which means you'll be losing basically all the trades. You lack decent Health, again, the cleavers add some, but it's 500 on over 5000 gold. You lack MR, which mean the midlaner will shit on yuor face. You lack lifesteal, which means unless you're playing someone like Garen or Yorick, you won't win poke-trades.

You lack also other things other items give. The slow from FM is very much needed on champions without gapclosers, the shiled from Hexdrinker is a nice Magic Damage bait and completly shuts down Garen's ult. You lack the MS from a T-Force, you lack the free ward from Wriggle's which means you'll be having to buy a ward every single time, and if you forget, you're fucked.

I'd really like to know which is the full build of people that stack BC:s.
Black Cleaver is only 3000, not over 5000. The recent rework has made resistances generally less valuable then health so even that small amount is pretty decent, especially as most bruisers start with a decent bit of tankiness. Building from brutalizer gives you something to grab early, and Vamp Scepter has been improved making it nice early life steal. The real steal here though is good stacking Cooldown Reduction which most Bruisers lack a good source of while giving you all stats you want for a good price. Aside from that, wards are pretty cheap, base MS has gotten a boost and MS from elsewhere a downgrade making it less necessary, and you win trades with better damage/pots. You'll out damage most champs sustain pretty easy. Something you might not have noticed in Season 3 is that the Shred and %Armor Pen are applied at the same time meaning their %stacks, so you gain 65% Armor Pen at full BC stacks with LW and then you apply your flat Ar Pen to whatevers left. It's disgusting.

As for the build, in general, start whatver, and build Brutalizer, Scepter, finish BC, Second BC or LW to gain true damage or close to it, then finish out the build with the rest of your tank/sustain items. Works on most AD bruisers.

*edit* Figured I'd put this in, since assuming others expect this from a LOL player discussing an item build is pretty silly. If you absolutely need health or armor or something, obviously grab that where you can, and if your kit lacks a good initiate/slow ghost/exhaust works wonders or you can take an early phage.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Currently Nocturne jungle... Eternum Nocturne of course. It makes me love him even more :3

Seriously, his jump has so much more impact with the skin, his usual one is where he sort of stiffly flies onto a person with a tiny thump. Ehh...

With Eternum he corkscrews through the air with a loud metallic screech then smashes claws first into someone. So fucking sweet.

Oh and he is practically a Reaper. Those robotic screams are awesome. Paranoia is even scarier now.

On a gameplay level, he has damage, has a good mix of autoattack damage and ability damage and his fear is really cool. I like the concept of this super nightmareish chasing machine. I would like to see how much damage his fear would do if you built him AP though.

Well, the real chasing master is Vayne... Fucking hell she never stops.

I think Nami could potentially be one of my main supports but I am terrible with her stun and she has lacklustre damage. I'll have to stick with Leona for the time being. She's either underpowered or people haven't figured her out yet. Her ult sounds good on paper but it is the easiest thing to dodge in the world. Her stun has terrible range as well.

Leona has three stuns plus Exhaust. Cool!

I like the new support items, now there's never an excuse to not ward. Sightstone lets you ward effectively for free and you can actually *gasp* get a full build going! Holy fuck! That's new!

Of course retardation can stop warding but that's neither here nor there.

"Nami, you have a Sightstone use your FREE WARDS!"

"Teemo, shut up use your free shrooms!"

Jun 11, 2008
SecretNegative said:
the shiled from Hexdrinker is a nice Magic Damage bait and completly shuts down Garen's ult
Don't tell people that! How else am I supposed to spin to win top if people actually listen to what you have to say.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
SecretNegative said:
Two BC = 2 * 3000 = over 5000
And please, you do know that ArPen and ArReduction doesn't stack addictevly (or whatever, I'll explain). With the BC your target is left with 70 % armor. The Lw will leave the target with 65 % effective armor of that armor. 0.7 * 0.65 = 0,455

So, your target is left with 45,5 % of his armor, out of 200, that's 91 armor left, then there's the armor penetration, with two you got 30 flat ArPen, so 61 armor left. Impressive, but not even close to true damage. And your build with double BC + LW cost over 8000 gold, and with that you got tiny amounts of HP, no sustain, no resistances and no extra things that are important to bruisers.

You know, this game isn't about doing the most damage possible, especially if you toplane, if you rush two BC:s and an LW, you'll pretty much lose every trade there is with your opponent.
Black Cleaver has been nerfed now in PBE(Armor Shred and Pen reduced, pen made unique), so this is going to be largely irrelevant, but you're right, it was only Armor Shred that stacks additively now, and I've been playing a lot of bruisers who have Shreds/ArPen in their kit lately. Still, you have to keep in mind that the Shred is a bonus for the entire team. With resistances being lowered, shred stacking better, and BC's passive being applied on AD casts, this worked pretty damn well on any bruiser, and it's still working on Olaf/Renekton/Wukong and others with ArPen and Shred in their kit.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
Top: Volibear or Darius, why? Because Voli stacks nothing but Warmogs and will 1 shot you with a single bite, because he's awesome that's why. Also Darius is such a nice bully in lane. Grab, spin, then DUNK THAT SHIT (or use his W for an extra bleed and more damage, THEN DUNK) Darius=Press R to Win

Mid: I'm normally playing Twisted Fate because he's pretty much Gambit from X-Men, also his Q is amazing and destroys entire creep waves, also Pick A Card for picking either A stun, or regain mana (I don't think I've ever seen someone purposefully use the red card) Also his Ult is nice to have to teleport to help gank a lane and letting your team see the entire map is pretty nice too.

Jungle: Don't normally go Jungle unless I have to, I normally go Lee Sin because Fuck You I don't need eyes to kill you, that's why, I occasionally try out Nocturne and Voli. Voli as mentioned above and Nocturne is also a beast, just slightly squishier.

AD Carry: I normally don't go AD Carry since I'm not very good with them and I like living and having health. Also I don't want the entire team have to rely on my Ez or Varus skills.

Support: JARVAN MOTHERFUCKING 4 because he's the very best, like no one ever was. TO catch them is his real test, to juggle them is his cause. Seriously, I've been getting rather good as him, he's a good tanky bruiser, but his knock up, poke and slow(that gives you health, Fuck Yeah!) Also Because DEMACIAAAAAAA!!!!! I'll put your entire team in a crater while my team kills you one by one (also nice to have with all the ranged ad carries like Ez and Kog.

I don't normally play against people unless i'm on skype or just with friends. Not a fan of no communication especially when I'm ulting as the Jarman, because people tend to walk into it at the very last second, and if I don't use it they all yell at me anyways because nobody likes him

Also I'm looking at Draven and Udyr, which one should I get? also anyone know what the deal is with DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVEN?


It's Leviosahhhhhhh
Feb 23, 2012
Issurru said:
You mean the League of Draven?

Draven's my favorite character just because of that.

crimson sickle2

New member
Sep 30, 2009
Issurru said:
Top: Volibear or Darius, why? Because Voli stacks nothing but Warmogs and will 1 shot you with a single bite, because he's awesome that's why. Also Darius is such a nice bully in lane. Grab, spin, then DUNK THAT SHIT (or use his W for an extra bleed and more damage, THEN DUNK) Darius=Press R to Win
I'm sorry man, but they changed Warmogs, now it doesn't stack its passive. I feel the pain too, my poor Mundo.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
Andrewtheeviscerator said:
Issurru said:
You mean the League of Draven?

Draven's my favorite character just because of that.
I've seen that, but never got why everyone goes DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVEN or something like that. Those pictures made me laugh a lot though
crimson sickle2 said:
Issurru said:
Top: Volibear or Darius, why? Because Voli stacks nothing but Warmogs and will 1 shot you with a single bite, because he's awesome that's why. Also Darius is such a nice bully in lane. Grab, spin, then DUNK THAT SHIT (or use his W for an extra bleed and more damage, THEN DUNK) Darius=Press R to Win
I'm sorry man, but they changed Warmogs, now it doesn't stack its passive. I feel the pain too, my poor Mundo.
What!?! Boo! Now I have to Build more than one item, Oh well There's plenty of good health items still

Mondai Randy

New member
May 15, 2010
Been playing top Vlad for a bit, he is a good pusher, I like him, the items I usually get are the following :

Sorcerer's Shoes
Will of the Ancients
Zhonya's Hourglass
Rylai's Crystal Sceptor

Can anyone else recommend me some other items?