I'm going to sound old, but Mount and Blade's mod community was best when the game was at version .808. It was probably the first really stable version of the beta that had most of the games elements in it and it wasn't updated for a very long time, months, possibly a year. The originality of those early was amazing and has yet to be matched.
Stuff like Pirates with it's actually ship to ship combat with cannons and swinging on ropes (shame it was so buggy). Paelolithic mod with it's new map, textures and weapons that made slaughtering neanderthals so darn fun. For guns there was Liberty or Death (American revolution), Brother versus Brother (American Civil War) or Age of Descent (Crude guns and ZOMBIES!). Battle for scilily that was so innovative they hired the guy who did it, it's what first introduced fiefdoms. Then there was The Last Days, that was probably the best mod ever made, it completely changed the setting to Middle earths and implemented incredibly faithful soldiers and equipment from all the sides invovled. Fighting an actuall troll (well Olog Hai) when the scream of Nazgul is heard overhead was amazing. These are just a few of the mods that were out there, sure they were buggy and incomplete, but it felt like every week there was a fresh new idea to try out.
OniaPL said:
I paid 20 for the original, and then they wanted 40 for Warband. They cut off all support and patching for the original. Warband added multiplayer and 1 new faction+1/8 more map. Nothing the mods couldn't do.
And a diplomacy system that allows you to make yourself a king. Also overalled textures for a lot of thing that's make the game plain, not ugly.
The Warband versus original thing is a conundrum, I certainly feel Warband is obviously deserving of it's price, it's a far superior game (from someone who started playing the original around .6 up to it's current version). But it is pretty much just an updated version of the original.
But I will say that Taleworlds is prety generous with the keys you get (when go from the site directly not steam), I've installed both games on so many different computers over the years.