Movie franchises that need to curl up and die.

Simeon Ivanov

New member
Jun 2, 2011
Star Wars. As much as I love it, Lucas is only killing it. Although I would love to see a movie by the guys who do the The Old Republic trailers.


Knackered Old Shit
Nov 21, 2009
I've always thought there was something deeply ironic about a series of films about people not dying when they should have not dying when it should have.

Super Kami Guru

New member
Aug 10, 2011
I know its a bit late but it needs to be added, Harry Potter, the characters are all so bland and unmoving the one i cared most about in the last film was Snape, let be honest he was the true hero not Harry Potter, the actors were so awful which made the characters lack of depth worse; I actually wanted Harry Potter to stay dead coz I found him that bad he was infuriating. The epic last battle wasn't that epic, it took place behind the uncompelling main characters so wasnt that enthrolling. The Battle of Minas Tirith and the charge of the Rohirrim in LOTR, now thats an epic last battle! (Even though it was techinacally the last)

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
The films version of Resident Evil. Please stop ruining the game frachise, people give a danm more about Chris, Jill, Leon etc than they ever do with Alice.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Shoggoth2588 said:
Tyler Perry should retire. I think that's all that needs to be said there.
I read somewhere that he might get his own channel.

OT: Most horror movie franchises, Indiana Jones, Star Wars(I don't have any faith that any new ones would be good), Starship Troopers, The Crow, and the Fast and the Furious movies.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Twilight, obviously.

Also, movie franchises like Final Destination and Saw- mainly because of my seething disdain for gory death movies.

And The Fast and the Furious. It's a movie about racing for crying out loud!

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
Magicmad5511 said:
Another I can think of though is definitely the Twilight series. I know they are made from books so they won't stop and I have never actually watched any of them BUT I just saw an advert for the first film being shown on TV and the acting was wooden in the bits they showed. Keeping in mind that adverts normally show some very good moments to advertise it, imagine how bad the rest of the movie actually is. I also have the opinion of the entire internet to support my view.
Yeah, I saw a trailer for the latest movie, it was unintentionally hilarious. They played heaps epic music and all it was was just trashy romance stuff. I laughed a lot in that trailer.

OT: The aforementioned twilight and harry potter needs to stay dead, which I'm fairly certain it will but you never know with Hollywood. Star wars in the movie department, Saw, paranormal activity. There is quite a few.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
the movie and games industries have stagnated into a period of repetition on formats they know. All we get are sequels. new content is very hard to come by in the mainstream.

oh yeah, all of the above.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
My first thought on this question always seems to start with Saw. The first one was interesting and thoght provoking despite the fucking dumb ending with the guy taking off his own foot despite him not needing to, (the cellphone was just out of reach and you use your shirt as a tourniquet instead of using it to get the phone? No! Bad stupid! No biscuit!)

And I could understand the sequel to milk a bit more from a successful idea. And Hell, even the third since they wanted a trilogy. But more? Come on, now what was a clever idea is a ridiculous joke and what was at least a bit shocking is now boring and crass.

Shrek needs to go too. Far far away. It's done; they did the alternate reality one and now they're doing spin-offs? Enough already!

Lastly, this goes without saying, the "Movie" movies. The Seltzer and Friedberg monstrosities. I don't need to be reminded that no matter how bad something is there are people out there who'll pay to see it. On the other hand their movies are a good argument as to why libertarianism would never work.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Resident Evil. I wouldn't mind losing the shitheads that thoguht the source material wasn't good enough, but I don't see that happening.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
tehweave said:
Search bar approved. Last thread on this was over a year ago.

I just saw moviebob's review of Final Destination 5. Really? Is this what 'horror' films have turned into? Bloody and gross deaths? That's just... Dumb.
Unfortunately, yes. 'Horror' movies have generally devolved into torture porn/gorn slasher flicks. It's a trend that probably started back with the popularity of Halloween, Friday the Thirteenth and Nightmare on Elm Street (or at least the sequels to those movies).

As for movie franchises that need to die, most of the ones I'd say have already been mentioned. Saw, Paranormal Activity and Final Destination just need to stop. I haven't personally watched either Paranormal Activity or Saw (neither one appealed to me) so I can't comment on the quality, or lack thereof, of the sequels.

I did see Final Destination and the first sequel and can say that I don't like what the did with Death between the first and the second. In the first it seemed to me like Death was an actual entity, like a god or spirit, that was pissed off that a handful of people escaped him. Watching the first movie you could see subtle, and not so subtle, hints that Death was actively hunting those people (the water leaking from the toilet base, then retreating for example). Then in the second, death just seemed like a bunch of random, Goldbergian coincidences and accidents.

Land of the Lost should also be put to s stop, since there have been at least twelve sequels (all direct to video) over the years.
Finally, all Disney animated movies (theatrical or home release) need to be stopped by the second or third movie.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
James Bond

At 22 movies stretched over several decades, it's gone on long enough. They're so dry on ideas that they're just remaking old ones now.


Pub Club Am Broken
May 30, 2009
Transformers, fast and destination. There that's pretty much all the movie franchises that have gone on far longer than they needed to that I can think of.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
A lot of the franchises mentioned ARE done. Last I checked, Saw 3D was planned to be the last movie, at least for a little while. Harry Potter, as a film franchise at least is done because they've reached the end of the book series. Same for Twilight once the next movie comes out.

As for some of the other things mentioned, I actually like The Fast And The Furious. Granted, it's in large part because they hit the so bad its good threshold for me. As for Final Destination...the franchise really does need to die in its current iteration, but I still think that in the right hands the idea of the series has a lot of potential. Death as the main villain? The whole idea of not being able to escape fate? Awesome. Just need to shave off all those layers of cheese and over-produced death sequences.

And finally, as for the original topic, I'm actually not too fed up with a lot of the series currently. Maybe I'm just a huge optimist and see all the potential for good, Hollywood Producers be damned.

Really, the only thing I'd like to see go isn't a series, so much as a trend. I really want the 'Hey, remember this?' movies to go away. Quit trying to remake all the shit I thought was great when I was in grade school.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Saw, I mean how many times can you see a guy being ripped apart? Ok...maybe not Saw since I picture my ex's in the machines.

I don't know, I know Harry Potter is almost done but since Dumbledores actor died (Rest in peace) and they changed directors the movies are crap. WAY to dark, even for Harry Potter.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Shrek. First one - great. Second one - not as good, but still enjoyable. Third one - ugh! Boring! The fourth one was not good either, but still better than its predecessor. Now a fifth? Why!?