Movie Theathers to Allow TXTING?!

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
VonKlaw said:
As if cinemas aren't off-putting enough already, knowing that pretty much any film you go and see that isn't a PG will be full of squeeling teenagers who won't shut the hell up and staff won't do anything about it because theres only four of them in a teen screen cinema...

They want to let these annoying shitbags flash lights around the place (because that's exactly what'll happen, the room will be too dark to see the phone screen without a backlight)? I'll pass - I'd rather wait for it to come out on blu-ray and not have it ruined.
I saw a post similar to this one last week, and it reminded me about why I hate movie theaters and stopped going to them a while ago. I was almost considering going to see The Cabin in the Woods last weekend until that point, but I'd rather wait a few months and try to avoid spoilers instead of paying a higher price for a much worse experience.

Guardian of Nekops

New member
May 25, 2011
You know, if I took a dull flashlight into a movie theater and shone it over my shoulder at the folks behind me, I bet somebody would talk to me about it. It doesn't matter that it's not blinding, it's still distracting in an enviroment where you're paying for perfectly conditioned light and sound. To say nothing of the clicking noises.

If it's important enough to text about right now, it's important enough to step out for. Frankly, I doubt it's usually that important.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
TestECull said:
I don't get the big deal to be honest. It's not like it's difficult to send a quick text without annoying your neighbors. Besides, the theaters are on their way out anyway, with people's TVs being absolutely enormous and higher-def than many theaters the incentive to go to one has dropped like a rock.

Chairman Miaow said:
Should I not care about somebody getting beaten up because it doesn't affect me?
No, you shouldn't. You have no logical reason to. You don't know them, you don't have any business with them, you're not beating them up, so logically you have no reason to care about it.
Then why does law exist at all? Lets all be anarchists and misanthropes because it is edgy and cool! Look at me, I hate everybody!


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Just so long as movie theaters allow handguns and open season on texters, I'm okay with this.


New member
Sep 19, 2011
I'd like to pose a question....who the fuck actually cares if someone texts in a movie? It's a tiny source of light and if it doesn't make any noise, why the hell does it matter?


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Honestly, I couldn't care less. It only shows how people are ignorant. Phone keys aren't actually silent.

Anyway, love how it's 2012 and "adults" are still convinced teenagers are some kind of alien species.

DarkishFriend said:
I'd like to pose a question....who the fuck actually cares if someone texts in a movie? It's a tiny source of light and if it doesn't make any noise, why the hell does it matter?
Tiny source of light? Well, I said I didn't care much for texting but what you see in a projection is also a "tiny source of light" because it's only a reflection on a white canvas.

Wikipedia said:
The difference between the units lumen and lux is that the lux takes into account the area over which the luminous flux is spread. A flux of 1000 lumens, concentrated into an area of one square metre, lights up that square metre with an illuminance of 1000 lux. The same 1000 lumens, spread out over ten square metres, produces a dimmer illuminance of only 100 lux. Mathematically, 1 lx = 1 lm/m2.
Therefore, a screen a few meters away from you is going to be appear "brighter" than the movie because the projection is further away and it's emission has to spread over a bigger area.

The same reason you don't point mirrors at a driver. He would get distracted by the reflection of traffic lights and become unable to instinctively know when to go or stop. A light will break the immersion of the film.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
TestECull said:
Chairman Miaow said:
Then why does law exist at all? Lets all be anarchists and misanthropes because it is edgy and cool! Look at me, I hate everybody!

Edgy? How the fuck is simple logic edgy? Also, I never mentioned the law or emotions, just pure logic. Stop being a prick and assuming everyone who thinks against the grain thinks that way because they want to be edgy or hate everybody.[footnote]Although I do genuinely dislike the public and probably wouldn't do anything if I was in a public place and saw someone I didn't know in trouble. But that's just because I don't care about people I don't know.[/footnote]
It's not logic actually. Human's are biologically programmed to help each other. And I'm asking why law exists because if people shouldn't care about what happens to others, why would they make laws to protect people.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
TestECull said:
Chairman Miaow said:
It's not logic actually.

Does it help me? If no, does it harm me? If no, none of my business.

Simple logic.

Human's are biologically programmed to help each other.
They're biologically programmed to fuck and shit wherever they want, too. Doesn't mean they do. Society does a lot of reprogramming.

And I'm asking why law exists because if people shouldn't care about what happens to others, why would they make laws to protect people.
Emotions, to put it simply. Using logic there's no reason to help that random joe getting mugged. Emotions, specifically the one of empathy, are why people do, and are why laws are passed to make that mugging illegal.
Humans aren't "biologically programmed" to "fuck and shit wherever they want", but actually go out of their way to not take a dump near where they spend their time. Hell, we would even go out of our way to bury our business.

As for the fucking part, most of us don't do so near other people. Ever heard of the doorknob-sock? We'd find a "safe" place.

And on the issue of law, using your Mugger example, it makes LOADS of sense to stop him, 'cus if you're walking down the street chances are you're gonna be in the neighbourhood again, and it might be you getting mugged next time.
Humans normally thrive in society, and even though you, just like myself, seem to have a dislike for other people, you should also understand that such is not the norm.

Honestly, for all your talk of logic and reasoning, you don't seem to be thinking this through.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
I turn off my phone. For better or for worse I'm there to watch a movie. Unless it is so exceptionally bad I just have to get up and leave.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Texting in a cinema to become alright? Over everyone elses dead bodies. Its bad enough people text now and stink the place up with them rancid hotdogs, but allowing this shit is a bad step.

Montezuma's Lawyer

New member
Nov 5, 2011

I dont give a fuck if they're checking on their mother who is dying of cancer, I dont want to see or hear any god damn cell phones in a movie theater.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Most local theaters here already run screenings that allow texting with no penalty no matter how often you do it. Of course, said screenings are also the ones where parents are suggested to bring their children and changing and bottle warming services are provided.