Movie, TV, Web Series, and Music Hot Take(s).


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
That's pretty much all of teenager/young adult stuff. I think it's because they usually have self insert protagonist and a lot of people like the idea of being inherently special and being able to do anything a situation demand with very little effort/sacrifice on their part.

It works too, almost every work that end up really popular do that, lord of the ring is almost the only really popular story for that demography I can think of that didn't go down that route.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
That's pretty much all of teenager/young adult stuff. I think it's because they usually have self insert protagonist and a lot of people like the idea of being inherently special and being able to do anything a situation demand with very little effort/sacrifice on their part.

It works too, almost every work that end up really popular do that, lord of the ring is almost the only really popular story for that demography I can think of that didn't go down that route.
It's specified that hobbits are special compared to humans, though, being sneaky and magic resistant (and not needing shoes, which is also sorta special, I guess)

I'd mention the Narnia stories, the kids are normal (though being in Narnia makes them stronger or something) there. Also some of Edgar Rice Burroughs stories feature a normal person who levels up due to being thrown into a weird adventure (John Carter was an exceptional swordsman before leaving Earth so doesn't count, one of the other Barsoom stories features an Earthman who is a soldier, but not an exceptional one, IIRC, except for ending up on Mars). Lieut. Gullivar Jones from Gullivar of Mars is a fairly ordinary military officer, and IIRC, Otis Adelbert Kline's stories mostly featured fairly ordinary people.
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Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
People need to get over efficiency when it comes to weapon usage. What I mean is, there are people that will analyze how good or bad a weapon is, one example is how a scythe or sickle are not the best weapons you could use, now that's fair from a military standpoint, having it so there's like a platoon of scythe users in your army would be stupid. But things like using throwing knives or nunchucks as a weapon, people need to also realize that context is important for this kind of thing. The most important aspect of a weapon throughout most of history has been "Can it kill", scissors can be used as a weapon and they can kill if used to hit a vital part of the body. Characters using something as a weapon because that's all they have access to or because they have familiarity with its weight and use are acceptable because it's about being "good enough" not being the "best".


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
With throwing knives/kunai and scythes in particular, they were weapons that were used in real life because...well, farmers tend to know how to handle scythes and knives pretty damn well, so when war came a-knocking, it was time to grab what was on hand.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
With throwing knives/kunai and scythes in particular, they were weapons that were used in real life because...well, farmers tend to know how to handle scythes and knives pretty damn well, so when war came a-knocking, it was time to grab what was on hand.
Not so much scythes as scythes, though. Take off the scythe blade and stick it on another handle and it works, and billhooks are fine.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Before I quit watching Rick and Morty, of the latter's parents, I consider Beth the worst before character development set in. Jerry had his problems, but I always found Beth the worst, because she was either the more toxic of the two (yet we're supposed to sympathize/see her in the complete right with her most of the time), or went way out there to please daddy and act like him. To the detriment of her own children. Yes, it is shown as unhealthy, but it really does not get properly called out on it, until midway and late in to Season 3. I will give the show credit for developing these two along with other characters in Season 4 & 5, but I had lost interests. I briefly returned to watch Season 5 of certain episodes for some loose ends, but that was it.

Also, I noticed that animated shows from 2010s sometimes had this weird habit of making mother characters were supposed to like or see as sympathetic are unlikeable and garbage characters.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I don’t think Kenneth Branagh is going to make many more Poirot films. Not because the last two were bad but well, frankly now being about two thirds through Suchet’s decade plus worth of adaptations it’s because most of them are very boilerplate. They aren’t bad of course, Christie’s novels are popular for a reason, but of all the ones I’ve seen only two - one about the British Prime Minister being kidnapped and one about plans for a fighter aircraft - seem like they have the kind of intrigue you can properly balloon up for the silver screen.

Also if you liked Branagh’s versions, check out the Suchet series. It’s good fun.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
Before I quit watching Rick and Morty, of the latter's parents, I consider Beth the worst before character development set in. Jerry had his problems, but I always found Beth the worst, because she was either the more toxic of the two (yet we're supposed to sympathize/see her in the complete right with her most of the time), or went way out there to please daddy and act like him. To the detriment of her own children. Yes, it is shown as unhealthy, but it really does not get properly called out on it until midway and late in to Season 3. I will give the show credit for developing these two along with other characters in Season 4 & 5, but I had lost interests. I briefly returned to watch Season 5 of certain episodes for some loose ends, but that was it.

Also, I noticed that animated shows from 2010s sometimes had this weird habit of making mother characters were supposed to like or see as sympathetic are unlikeable and garbage characters.
We're supposed to sympathize with Beth? I don't remember feeling that way about her. She always kind of struck me as being bitchy and mad at Jerry for not being "better".


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, or if it's a hot take at all, but I think Firefly is vastly over-rated. Yeah, it was an entertaining show with an interesting premise and some decent world building, but it was far from the perfect, near-divine masterpiece fans make it out to be.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, or if it's a hot take at all, but I think Firefly is vastly over-rated. Yeah, it was an entertaining show with an interesting premise and some decent world building, but it was far from the perfect, near-divine masterpiece fans make it out to be.
Well, if was the first ever western in space, for people unfamiliar with all the other westerns in space that came before it. But yeah, if it wasn't mucked about and cancelled (and it didn't have Whedon's name on it to appeal to Whedon fans) it'd be long forgotten. And Summer Glau would have had to wait until the Sarah Connor Chronicles to be in a show to get cancelled like that.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Well, if was the first ever western in space, for people unfamiliar with all the other westerns in space that came before it. But yeah, if it wasn't mucked about and cancelled (and it didn't have Whedon's name on it to appeal to Whedon fans) it'd be long forgotten. And Summer Glau would have had to wait until the Sarah Connor Chronicles to be in a show to get cancelled like that.
I have a recollection that the cancellation was basically an act of mutually assured destruction. Like Fox were fucking around with the airing order but Whedon also allegedly got super drunk and phoned up the Fox exec in charge of Firefly and abused the shit out of him a few times.

I love Firefly but it’s a property that came to fruition with everything perfect except the timing. Had it and it’s stars all magically been at the right ages during the streaming age we’d probably have had six or seven seasons.
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Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, or if it's a hot take at all, but I think Firefly is vastly over-rated. Yeah, it was an entertaining show with an interesting premise and some decent world building, but it was far from the perfect, near-divine masterpiece fans make it out to be.
Reject Firefly, embrace Farscape.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
We're supposed to sympathize with Beth? I don't remember feeling that way about her. She always kind of struck me as being bitchy and mad at Jerry for not being "better".
The writing was really inconsistent with those in the first two seasons. Sometimes, yes, she was supoosed tobe seen just flawed and despicable as Jerry. Other times, you clearly suppose to take her side, or see her the more reasonable of the two, because of the stereotypical "women are wiser" trope rearing its ugly head. And even when you're clearly not suppose to like her, I still hate the biatch and find her the 2nd most annoying character next to Rick. Before that, I did consider her the worst character in the show.

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, or if it's a hot take at all, but I think Firefly is vastly over-rated. Yeah, it was an entertaining show with an interesting premise and some decent world building, but it was far from the perfect, near-divine masterpiece fans make it out to be.
Firefly is nothing more than live-action rip off of Outlaw Star. When I found about Firefly through the movie Serenity, I did not see what the hype was about. Teenage me is saying "I've already been through this and seen done better age 12". Joss Whedon is not as good a director nor writer certain fanatics and film critics over glorify and make him out to be. He is a creepy douche on top of that should stay away from film making forever.

Reject Firefly, embrace Farscape.
I never got in to the show, but a much much better option.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
The writing was really inconsistent with those in the first two seasons. Sometimes, yes, she was supoosed tobe seen just flawed and despicable as Jerry. Other times, you clearly suppose to take her side, or see her the more reasonable of the two, because of the stereotypical "women are wiser" trope rearing its ugly head. And even when you're clearly not suppose to like her, I still hate the biatch and find her the 2nd most annoying character next to Rick. Before that, I did consider her the worst character in the show.

Firefly is nothing more than live-action rip off of Outlaw Star. When I found about Firefly through the movie Serenity, I did not see what the hype was about. Teenage me is saying "I've already been through this and seen done better age 12". Joss Whedon is not as good a director nor writer certain fanatics and film critics over glorify and make him out to be. He is a creepy douche on top of that should stay away from film making forever.

I never got in to the show, but a much much better option.
I have fond feelings for the times when me and my father would watch it at the end of the day. It was nice having something we could enjoy together.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Man, Avon would just word-shiv everyone on Serenity. Paul Darrow you magnificent bastard.
Oddly, though, he was so much better as Avon than in any other role I've seen him in, where he was mediocre at best.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, or if it's a hot take at all, but I think Firefly is vastly over-rated. Yeah, it was an entertaining show with an interesting premise and some decent world building, but it was far from the perfect, near-divine masterpiece fans make it out to be.
Browncoat 4 LIFE!!!

Oh wow, Mikey even gives a shoutout to Terriers in there, that's an amazing show that is basically forgotten.

Firefly is nothing more than live-action rip off of Outlaw Star. When I found about Firefly through the movie Serenity, I did not see what the hype was about. Teenage me is saying "I've already been through this and seen done better age 12". Joss Whedon is not as good a director nor writer certain fanatics and film critics over glorify and make him out to be. He is a creepy douche on top of that should stay away from film making forever.
Firefly only uses some elements of Outlaw Star. And Outlaw Star is fun anime and not much more, it never even comes close to rising to Firefly's ceiling like Out of Gas or Objects in Space
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