I do hope you aren't saying anyone who likes the shows more than the sequel trilogy is wrong/racist...
That said, I'm not as crazed as some people are about either thing. I think the shows so far have been mostly enjoyable, but flawed (some more than others, hello Boba Fett), and the sequel trilogy was overall more mediocre, but with a peak right in the middle (yes, I really liked The Last Jedi. I guess that makes any of my other opinions on everything ever invalid now).
The stuff I posted? Truly how I feel. The stuff inside the parentheses? How both fans and fan-bashers make me feel about my opinions.
I remember you saying you love and enjoy Last Jedi. I did the same as well. Rise of Skywalker pretty much killed nearly all my interest in Star wars. Once it was found out that they had no actual plan, and we're just flying by the seat of their pants, it totally vexed me. Double Toasted called this out all the way back, since the trailer for the second movie. I heard the shows vary in quality, but I just don't care. Aside from Visions, nothing holds my interest. If Disney does not care, then why should i?
Speaking of bad characterizations: I highly doubt this is much of a hot take nowadays, but Star vs. The Forces of Evil had writing on the wall of seasonal rot since the end of the second season. When the original writer left to work on other shows for a different network, it was already tumbling down. The forced and predictable romance, most of the main cast becoming unlikable or unsympathetic and out of character jerks, bringing characters that didn't need to be in the third or fourth season, and should have just been left alone, and a really bad ending.
Hekapoo sucks as a character, and there's nothing redeeming up about her. Not even arguably. It's kind of hard to feel anything for her, and little respect when she's part of an ancient conspiracy that's been using and abusing systemic racism on people. The only reason why she still has fans, is because most people simp for her. Yeah, semi chubby hot looking demon chick, but I like my animated ladies and guys to have some class.
It's been argued she's not supposed to be seen as that sympathetic (Star hates her, yet Marco & Hekapoo out mutual respect, but I don't buy it for a second), but it still doesn't change the fact Hekapoo does not do much to help way afterward. The best she does, is at the end where she opens a portal for the cast members to take on the final big bad, while she waste away at a bar knowing all the magical disappear when the villain is defeated. Screw you. You and your little cabal of conspirators caused all this mess to happen in the first place! Own up to your mistakes and actually fix them! Even if it costs you your existence.