movies full of win that noone has seen


New member
Dec 5, 2012
got to thinking the other day that there may be the odd movie or two that i may have missed and if there is one thing i hate in this life it's missing out on cool shit.
so escapists, are there any movies out there that the average joe might have missed but which are so awesome sauce they deserve a mention?

my personal recommendations of mild obscurity and splosiontastic eyegasms are:

time crimes []
i would link a trailer but they all contain major spoilers. movie is spanish with an excellent english dub and a must for any time travel fans

gantz []
an absolute must see for any anime fan as this is about as close as you get to a live action fantasy scifi anime movie as you will likely see. not much to say. if dudes with lazer guns fighting over the top aliens are your thing you have to check it out. if you enjoy it there is a part 2 with less story and more splosions

Defeated Detective

New member
Sep 30, 2012
Gantz, was actually really bad, what makes it redeeming is that it's in the "So bad it's good" territory but it's just that.

For a Japanese action movie that looks badass, I'd rather recommend this one, from the director of Azumi and Clive Barker's Midnight Meat Train:


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Stoker, a recent film by Park Chan-wook and Wentworth Miller. It's a mind fuck, but it's pretty awesome and suitably creepy from the very first scene to the very last. I highly recommend it to all :).

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Defeated Detective said:
Gantz, was actually really bad, what makes it redeeming is that it's in the "So bad it's good" territory but it's just that.

For a Japanese action movie that looks badass, I'd rather recommend this one, from the director of Azumi and Clive Barker's Midnight Meat Train:
Yeah it's look badass only! The rest of it was god awful (wow zombies with guns is suppose to be cool or having a character that literally drop in out of nowhere!).

I suppose if I had to follow suit it would be the live movie Casshern.

Granted that film is pretty much aesthetic over substance (nice visual but the plot was iffy). I need to think more about this as any other films with wins are the films most people have already seen!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Casshern was really good! Honestly though, my favorite live-action fiml adaptation of an anime was Devilman (2003 I think).

Anyway stepping away from Anime for a minute, I LOVED Punisher: War Zone. It failed at the box office in a pretty big way and various scores show that nobody really liked it (of the people who reviewed it anyway). I thought it was leagues better than the Travolta one but that's just me I guess. I thought War Zone perfectly encapsulated who The Punisher is and what he does. He isn't making friends with his neighbors: He's brutally murdering criminals.


New member
Mar 9, 2009

Just fair warning, the trailer for it gives away a lot of the twists in the film.

In 1847, many Americans made the journey across our continent in search of gold. Many failed to complete the journey or see their dreams come to light. Capt. John Boyd (Guy Pearce) found his way here thanks to an act of cowardice during the Mexican-American War; he has been banished to a desolate military outpost in California's Sierra Nevada mountains. Upon his arrival, he is greeted by a rag-tag group of soldiers manning the fort: Hart (Jeffrey Jones), the despondent commanding officer; Toffler (Jeremy Davies), the company chaplain; Knox (Stephen Spinella), the drunken doctor; Reich (Neal McDonough), the only real soldier of the group; and Cleaves (David Arquette), the heavily medicated camp cook. One day, Colqhoun (Robert Carlyle) stumbles into their camp. The half-starved Scotsman had been traveling with a group of settlers until they were snowbound. Unable to move forward, they took refuge in a cave, where once they ran out of food, they were forced to resort to cannibalism. Colqhoun barely escaped the madness. Boyd and the soldiers hear of the old Indian legend of the Wendigo, which states a man who tastes the flesh of another steals that man's strength, spirit and essence. His hunger, however, will become an unstoppable craving. Like a vampire, the more he eats, the more he wants, and the stronger he will become, with death the only escape from the madness. The soldiers are soon drawn into the frenzy and Boyd is soon left with the choice of eating or being eaten.

One of my favourite movies out there, it's a bit rough around the edges but great nonetheless.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Iron Sky. And for added entertainment, all the morons on IMDB who found retarded reasons to dislike it. "'s anti-american!"



Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
I believe the Warrior's Way is an underappreciated gem. One of the most entertaining and stylish action movies I've seen.


Rellik San

New member
Feb 3, 2011
Ohhhh where to begin;

James Gun's Super - Rain Wilson would almost steal the show if it a psychotically twisted tight lycra clad nympho Elle Page wasn't it. If that doesn't make you want to see it, it's also hilarious and features Nathan Fillion as the super hero; HOLY AVENGER!


Tucker and Dale vs Evil - it gets a little preachy but Alan Tudyk and Taylor Lavine make a brilliant comic pairing.

Also I second for Iron Sky.


New member
May 14, 2013
Res Plus said:
Ghostdog is very good and no one I know seems to have heard of it but it may be the Escapist's favourite movie, I dunno!
Ghostdog: Way of the Samurai is a pretty cool film. I was lucky to catch it late one night and now I've seen it three or fur times. It's the perfect balance of tongue and cheek humor with some drama. The action scenes aren't the greatest, but it's also kind of hard to buy Forest Witaker as badass assassin. However, the movie's atmosphere, great soundtrack (and I'm not even a real fan of rap), and simple but well executed story make up for the movie's weak action. There are some nice little philosophical segments that again strike a good balance of actually saying something without getting lodged up their own butthole with pretension. So yeah, cool flick and something interesting to watch.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Yellowbeard said:
Iron Sky. And for added entertainment, all the morons on IMDB who found retarded reasons to dislike it. "'s anti-american!"

It's also quite anti-nazi, but apparently it's one rule for everyone and a different rule for nazis.

I did very much like Iron Sky, even if it was a little bit silly. Especially because it was a little bit silly.

OT: I'd say Dog Soldiers, although I'm never sure which side of popular it's on. On the one hand if it's come up in conversation there's usually only about 1 other person that's seen it out of a group, on the other I quoted it in a topic about killing dogs in video games and got about 3 quotes telling me how much they appreciated it.



New member
Apr 2, 2009
Full of win, you say?
Zantos said:
OT: I'd say Dog Soldiers, although I'm never sure which side of popular it's on. On the one hand if it's come up in conversation there's usually only about 1 other person that's seen it out of a group, on the other I quoted it in a topic about killing dogs in video games and got about 3 quotes telling me how much they appreciated it.
Well, you get one for this topic too: Dog Soldiers is great. Well, it's not perfect, but it is definitely full of win. A horror-comedy where the comedy doesn't get in the way of the horror.

On a werewolf related note: Ginger Snaps. I've never met anyone who's seen it (though I gather it's something of a cult hit?), and it's also wonderfully twisted. EDIT: full of win, mainly because it's memorable, for various reasons :D

Also: Churchill: the Hollywood Years. It got panned by the critics, but seeing Christian Slater playing Winston Churchill - an American Marine who single-handedly saved the British in WW2 - didn't get old for me over 90 minutes. Even if the Hollywood parody angle did go a bit off track by the end.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Zantos said:
OT: I'd say Dog Soldiers, although I'm never sure which side of popular it's on. On the one hand if it's come up in conversation there's usually only about 1 other person that's seen it out of a group,


Breaker Morant, about Australian soldiers charged with war crimes during the Boer War.



New member
Sep 8, 2008
In Bruges.

Probably not as obscure as some films I suspect people will come up with, but it is a great film, starring Colin Farrell (Seriously, he's really good in this film, enough for me to forgive him being in Total Recall), Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fines. If you've seen Seven Psychopaths, a more recent and publicized film, it's the same director.

You go in expecting your typical "British" style gangster movie, but what you get is a really touching story, with some great themes, visual flair and great laughs with some excellent characters. If it matters to anyone, Roger Ebert gave it a four out of four star review, and that dude is hard to please.

Go, go watch it. The trailer really doesn't do it justice.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
MindFragged said:
Full of win, you say?
Zantos said:
OT: I'd say Dog Soldiers, although I'm never sure which side of popular it's on. On the one hand if it's come up in conversation there's usually only about 1 other person that's seen it out of a group, on the other I quoted it in a topic about killing dogs in video games and got about 3 quotes telling me how much they appreciated it.
Well, you get one for this topic too: Dog Soldiers is great. Well, it's not perfect, but it is definitely full of win. A horror-comedy where the comedy doesn't get in the way of the horror.

On a werewolf related note: Ginger Snaps. I've never met anyone who's seen it (though I gather it's something of a cult hit?), and it's also wonderfully twisted.
Both Dog Soldiers and Ginger Snaps were fabulous movies! I actually liked Dog Soldiers better than the director's later work, the Descent, but I think I'm in a minority on that one.

As for me, I'd recommend TrollHunter. A giant advertisement for travelling to scenic Northern Europe. With Trolls.


New member
May 14, 2013
MindFragged said:
Full of win, you say?
Zantos said:
OT: I'd say Dog Soldiers, although I'm never sure which side of popular it's on. On the one hand if it's come up in conversation there's usually only about 1 other person that's seen it out of a group, on the other I quoted it in a topic about killing dogs in video games and got about 3 quotes telling me how much they appreciated it.
Well, you get one for this topic too: Dog Soldiers is great. Well, it's not perfect, but it is definitely full of win. A horror-comedy where the comedy doesn't get in the way of the horror.

On a werewolf related note: Ginger Snaps. I've never met anyone who's seen it (though I gather it's something of a cult hit?), and it's also wonderfully twisted.
Ginger Snaps is one of the better werewolf films out there. It doesn't have the flashy transformation sequence that some of the other more famous werewolf movies have, but it's a solid story and a pretty good metaphor for puberty...which is really what werewolf movies are about anyway, your body is changing in ways you don't understand.

To add a movie to this thread Session 9 is one of the best atmospheric, psychological movies I've ever seen and no one has seen it. It's a real shame. It depends on a cast of good actors, there no real special effects. Just a spooky story told in a scary way with good actors to convey the horror of it all. If you like horror movies, especially ones with psychological elements then you should check this one out.