movies full of win that noone has seen


New member
May 5, 2012
I don't know anyone that's seen Pan's Labyrinth. I only saw it a few months ago myself, and thought it was beautiful.

Iron Sky is great, really funny how in a movie about space Nazis, the US comes off looking as the bad one.

Also I don't think many people have seen Kung Pow: Enter The Fist.
It's like Scary Movie, but for martial arts movies, and the humor is much better.

Product Placement

New member
Jul 16, 2009
Cpu46 said:
Sovereign _909 said:
If you like Weird Al and references to 80's pop culture, do I have a movie for you!

But seriously, I at least, find this movie hilarious and extremely quotable. I am amazed that that I have never run into someone who has seen it as well, it has a good plot, characters are likable and the references never fall flat. If you like Weird Al, this is a must watch.
Seconded. That movie is honestly one of the most hilarious films I have ever seen. Shame it seems only a few dozen people have actually seen it.
Why, that's a bona fide travesty.

To think that some people don't know about such timeless classics as...


New member
Dec 25, 2008
lechat said:
got to thinking the other day that there may be the odd movie or two that i may have missed and if there is one thing i hate in this life it's missing out on cool shit.
so escapists, are there any movies out there that the average joe might have missed but which are so awesome sauce they deserve a mention?

my personal recommendations of mild obscurity and splosiontastic eyegasms are:

time crimes []
i would link a trailer but they all contain major spoilers. movie is spanish with an excellent english dub and a must for any time travel fans
Time Crimes is one of the greatest time traveling movies ever made.

Here's a list of Magnet movies. Magnet is the genre arm of Magnolia. They put out nothing but awesome movies. There are a few duds in the mix, but it's hard for me to name a Magnet movie I didn't love.

-John Dies At The End
-Let The Right One In
-13 Assassins
-Black Death
-God Bless AMerica
-Hobo WIth A Shotgun
-The ABC's of Death
-Ong Bak
-Red Cliff
-Tim And Eric
-Time Crimes
-Troll Hunter
-Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil
-The Perfect Sleep

There are all amazing movies. I suggest everyone go watch them. Most of them can be found on Netflix.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
Ah... ok.

Well let me go about this in this way: I am going to list some movies i have rated at 8 or 9 on IMDb (Never gave a 10 up to now), where i think it isn't a well-known or mainstream-movie.

Let's see what we have here:

Kung Pow: Enter the Fist - I stand by my opinion: Maybe the funniest movie i have ever seen (Except the digital Baby-Part... that was crap.)

The Last Unicorn: Well, ok Maybe everyone of MY generation knows it. But the younger? Great villain...

Oldboy: Hm, maybe scraping it - many people know of it. I can only recommend it.

Welt am Draht: German sci-fi movie from 1973. (I only found it after digging around for weeks) It was remade/reinvisioned as "13th Floor". But this is better. Surreal and depressing. Full of questions. a bit weak ending though *g*

Jigureul jikyeora! (Or "Save the Green Earth"): Umm.... this has to be experienced. One of the weird Korean things... which are just ... weird...

When the Wind Blows: If you are not crying at the end and shouting: WHY? HOW DARE THEY DO IT? You are doing it wrong. Very harsh and sad and beautiful...

Spoorloos: Netherland production. So your Wife vanished a few years back... you have never found her. Now a man approaches you and promises to tell you what happened to her... but you are going to need to make a roadtrip with him... TENSE

Vidocq: French movie. One of the first which were filmed in full-HD digital camera. Looks great, cool plot. Great Twist... LOADS of style.

Bunraku: I LOVE this movie... everybody else seems to not care or say: "Meh" Watch this first minutes of it. Awesome stylish, and very "Meta" about the whole "Heroes come to Town"-Thing. Storytelling at it's (mostly) finest

First scenes:


I have to back up a few of the already mentioned ones. Great selection so far.

Username Redacted

New member
Dec 29, 2010
Run Lola Run:
The Guard:

Those are the first few that come to mind that haven't already been mentioned and are respectively an awesome animated movie, a weird German movie and a very clever British movie.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Sadly I don't watch too many movies, and the one I was ready to post was already posted.

Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil is great, even if it is a bit slow at times.
I haven't gotten around to seeing In Bruges yet, but I hear it is phenomenal.
UHF is another one I haven't gotten around to yet.

If you are a fan of stupidly dry comedies and the like, look up Rubber on Netflix. It is a movie about a killer tire with telekinetic abilities. Yes. As stupidly awesome as it sounds.
Sep 24, 2008
Summerstorm said:
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist - I stand by my opinion: Maybe the funniest movie i have ever seen (Except the digital Baby-Part... that was crap.)
You have a brother in me. For eternity. Know this.

I'll throw in "Blood and Bone". It stars Michael Jai White. Imagine all the 'loner martial artist rolls into town and does everything his own way' movies of the 90's. Now imagine that they are Fucking Fantastic. That is Blood and Bone.

"Quarantine 2: Terminal". I liked [REC], I hated the American version 'Quarantine'. I hated the reason for the infected in [REC 2], and if you seen it you know what I mean. I liked Quarantine 2. Again, all the regular tropes but done ok.

One of the most fantastic superhuman martial art action flicks I ever seen was a Korean movie called "Arahan". How can I put this? It's History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi but Korean.

All on Netflix. Enjoy.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
The "Maniac Cop" Trilogy.
Despite having an incredibly goofy sounding name, the movies are very satisfying and enjoyable. They constantly flip flop between genuine suspense, intrigue and drama to cheesy fun, yet it never becomes jarring or shatters the mood. All 3 movies are a blast, and manage to stay engrossing and fresh throughout the whole series, which is a rare feat for a slasher film.
Oh, and both the 2nd and 3rd movies feature gloriously badass finales involving Cordell (the titular 'Maniac Cop) being fully functional while completely enveloped in flames. For extended periods of time.

Then again, this could always be less a "Great Movie (series) That Nobody Has Seen" and more of an "Obscure Guilty Pleasure", but who cares? I personally find them to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Oh, and another shout out to Session 9. Being a jaded, long time horror fan, I'm finding that nothing is really that scary to me anymore. Session 9 displayed a mastery of the genre, and took pride of it's understanding that all you need to do is get the viewer to scare themselves. It was intensely atmospheric, and there was a very heavy uneasiness pervading every scene. It's definitely the type of film you'd want to watch alone in the dark in order to get the full effect, but the full effect is a very satisfying and disturbing experience that you won't forget long after you turn the movie off.


New member
Jan 11, 2010

It's visually beautiful,
The plot is excellent,
The acting is well done considering its tiny budget.

I love it.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
All the way back in 2001, there was a little film by Disney called Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
I honestly do not understand how this film never did well. It's awesome.
Just watch this scene: (contains minor spoilers)
The animation is just gorgeous, and uncharacteristic of Disney films, contains NO singing.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Dead Mans shoes
Sexy Beast (Ben Kingsleys acting is great)
Straight heads (sully from x-files has startling nipples)
hard Candy


New member
Feb 25, 2010
You know, this thread has too many dark, serious movies. Let's add something fun: Piranha 3D.

God, I love that movie. It has everything your could WANT in a movie like that. You like explosions? It's got explosions. You like tits? They're all over the place. You like practical gore effects? There's enough fake blood on display here to fill the ocean, and dead, eaten corpses a-plenty. You like to see douchebag college students get mutilated? OH YEAH do they have that. You like cameo roles from famous actors? Yup, got that too. In the genre of trashy killer fish movies, Piranha 3D is sorta the ALPHA trashy killer fish movie.

It's just one of those movies where, when you think "You know, I really wish THIS would happen", it does. It sort of occupies this weird space where I can't tell how seriously it's taking itself. I mean, the explanation as to HOW the prehistory piranha came to be is so uncompromisingly stupid, I could help but laugh at it.


ObsidianJones said:
Summerstorm said:
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist - I stand by my opinion: Maybe the funniest movie i have ever seen (Except the digital Baby-Part... that was crap.)
You have a brother in me. For eternity. Know this.
Add another brother to the family on this one.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Kentucky Fried Movie, made largely by the same people who did Airplane! Funny as hell.

On a more darker vein, Network, though I've understood that it's a cult classic of sorts, not many people at all seem to know about it at all.


New member
May 20, 2009
Rellik San said:

Tucker and Dale vs Evil - it gets a little preachy but Alan Tudyk and Taylor Lavine make a brilliant comic pairing.

I seen that the other week it is a bit preachy but i love the role reversal

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Res Plus said:
Ghostdog is very good and no one I know seems to have heard of it but it may be the Escapist's favourite movie, I dunno!
I love that movie. The scene with the hunters is awesome every time I see it.


New member
May 14, 2013
I actually watched Dead Man's Shoes because of this thread and have to say that it is indeed a great little gem of a movie. I love the more psychological angle of the movie where it didn't focus as much on the violence as it did the mentality behind the revenge as well as the people that were being hunted. It is indeed a very tragic movie but I think that's important.
It doesn't glorify the revenge or the violence, but instead paints it in a negative light which is very important. Not many revenge movies take into account the effect that it would actually have on the protagonist, instead they get their bloody revenge and waltz off into the sunset without having to deal with the consequences of what they've done.

Anyway great movie and one that I would have completely missed if it wasn't for this thread.


New member
Jan 16, 2012
thaluikhain said:
Breaker Morant, about Australian soldiers charged with war crimes during the Boer War.

Fantastic choice mate.

I'll carry it on with another awesome Australian war film. This one is about an SASR Patrol in Vietnam.