Movies that were BETTER then the Books


New member
Nov 26, 2008
zala-taichou said:
PhiMed said:
If Equilibrium's script is based on a book, I need to read it, but I can't imagine the book being much better. I guess that's more of a plug for Equilibrium. SEE IT.
The greater part of Equilibrium's plot is pretty much a ripoff of 1984 by George Orwell. Equilibrium is a great movie (actionwise) and I love watching it, but reading 1984 is better IMO, even if it doesn't have gun kata's. It's such a dark and many-layered book.
I've read it, and you're right. It's fantastic (but depressing as hell).

1984 is primarily about perpetual war enabled by control of the populace through media-based propaganda and surveillance technology.

Equilibrium is more about avoidance of war through suppression of emotional extremes via pharmaceuticals and censorship.

There are certainly some common themes, but there are also some stark differences.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
LoTR movies better than the books? Really guys? This makes me sad. While I don't hate the movies, Peter Jackson made at least one big thematic change that I don't care for at all. I felt he pandered to the audience in a few places instead of rendering how things actually were. But my dislike could be rooted in that I read just about everything written by J.R.R. (and Christopher) long before the movies came out. Anyways.....

The Last of the Mohicans. The book is not fun at all, the movie is good (albiet a trifle sappy).


New member
Nov 26, 2008
ginty2 said:
Proteus214 said:
I've been told that The Shining as envisioned by Stanley Kubrick was much better than the book by Stephen King since he tends to be a bit too verbose in his exposition, while Kubrick just concentrated on scaring the shit out of everyone. Unfortunately I haven't actually read The Shining yet. Can anyone confirm?
personally i thought that the kubrick version of The Shining sucked terribly. the book was more supernatural story. where the movie was a dude going crazy from being isolated. also the book went more into the sorted history of the overlook hotel. the book also explained why people like danny, the kid in the story, were needed by the overlook to fuel its power. the book was actually scarier than the movie on several different levels such as isolation, each family member's individual fear ( such as wendy's fear of having to resort to cannibalism, danny's actual fear of the spriits in the hotel, and the father's fear of failing his family.
Agreed. I LOOOOVE me some Kubrick, but I've always been confused about why people think this movie is so good. It's easily his weakest work (unless you count Eyes Wide Shut, which I don't. He didn't live to finish it). Compared to the book, the movie is a piece of shit that completely missed the point and fails to even maintain a coherent narrative. I understand that Jack Nicholson is in it, and he chews up the scenery whenever possible, but the main character of The Shining is the Overlook Hotel, not Jack.


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Mar 31, 2010
MelasZepheos said:
Kick Ass.

The book was just a little too on the nihilistic side for me to really enjoy it when it ended, whereas the movie actually made me feel like I'd had a good experience.
Comic... Yes I did just Google it, but none the less, you meant comic xD


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Jun 12, 2008
Already said many times, Lord of the Rings. I hate Tolkien's style of writing, and the movies strip that away and leave behind only the awesome story. It's kind of reversing the picture is worth a thousand words equation.


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Aug 15, 2008
I'll have to go with Planet of the Apes. I picked up the book at the library once and glanced it over, thinking it a novelization. Then I realized it was the original, so I checked it out. Then I wished I hadn't.

It did come in handy, though, when I was enduring a rant about the stupidity of sci-fi and how real authors write stuff like A Bridge Over the River Kwai.

Dok Zombie

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Apr 24, 2008
ExileNZ said:
Of Mice and Men. The book wasn't all that long and very action-based (not "guns and explosions" action but "and then he went there and did this" action) so it was easy enough to convert to film without losing out on subtleties or background information.
That and decent performances by Malkovich and Sinise, but the Lenny/Shorty clash is far better in the film and the ending doesn't drag on the way it does in the book.
The ending is far more sudden and shocking in the film as well.


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May 30, 2009
Battlefield earth, honestly enjoyed the film more than the book, though thats not to say i actually enjoyed the movie, just thought the book would come across better it didn't.

Also lotr not just for being generally all round awesome but for absolutely nailing the music, king of the golden hall is my favourite song from a movie.


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Jan 17, 2009
mrdotcom1 said:
I think Jurassic Park was a way better movie than the book was. I remember trying to read it when I was a kid and thought it was not fun to read it.
i am standing outside your house with a knife, care to explain why its better than the book? have you read the book recently?

Dok Zombie

New member
Apr 24, 2008
Edward123454321 said:
Trenspotting, the bock was ah toh-tal ed-fork ter read....

Maybe I need to work on my Welsh pronounciation, I dunno?
Welsh? It's set in Edinburgh... i.e. Scotland.

Although the author is Irvine Welsh, maybe that's where you got that from.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
mrdotcom1 said:
I think Jurassic Park was a way better movie than the book was. I remember trying to read it when I was a kid and thought it was not fun to read it.
yeah, its a good book but I found it a little slow. its a shame the authors died =(


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Angerwing said:
razormint21 said:
I am Legend (Will Smith)

I really liked how they just used the book as a inspiration rather than completely ripping it off...
I disagree, completely and utterly. I won't bore you with why, or my feelings on your opinion. I just wanted you to know that I do not agree with your opinion, not one bit.
They missed the whole point of the book. It was just an action flick that stole the name of a good book. My opinion is, they can change what happens in the book to make it fit into a movie, if they catch the spirit of the book.

They didn't even try.


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Mar 29, 2009
The first Lord of the Rings movie is definitely better than the book. I think I read half though the book before I closed it permanently for my own safety.

I'm a bit down that the "Let the right one in" movie didn't surpass the book. Still enjoyed the movie throughly though.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
What no mention of The Man in the Iron Mask? Granted thats more on the book being "Would rather shove needles under my finger nails." boring then the movie being all that great, but still.