Movies you aren't ashamed of liking

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
Mulan. Most people see it as a one-dimensional, unfunny movie that is basically what uneducated Americans think of China, and that not only is it the same as Japan, but its people also behave the same way as they did in the 1300s.

God do I fucking love this movie.


New member
May 28, 2008
Well I mean there are loads of movies I'm not ashamed of liking. I never had a problem telling people that I liked No Country for Old Men or One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. But if we're talking about ones that a lot of other people disliked

Horrible Bosses
Killing Them Softly
Blood Diamond
Shutter Island

All come to mind.


New member
Jul 19, 2013
C14N said:

Shutter Island
Why would anybody be ashamed of liking this movie anyways? It's beautifully shot and the actors did a great job. It's also one of the best book to movie adaption out there.
This movie needs more love.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Zhukov said:
Uhh... the Hellboy movies?

I don't actually know what their reputation is, or even if they have one, but I think they're the best comic-to-movie adaptions I've ever seen me. (Yeah, you read that right Marvel fans.)

They look fantastic, they get the balance of straight-facedness and lightheartedness almost perfectly right, and Ron Perlman is reliably awesome as always. Bit corny at times, but oh well
It's not a guilty pleasure; it's a genuine love.
This. However it's a extremely close tie between Hellboy 2 and The Avengers for me. Ron Perlman is great in that movie and it's a shame he's getting on in years because he should totally do another couple of those before he's in his 70's...


New member
May 28, 2008
schrodinger said:
C14N said:

Shutter Island
Why would anybody be ashamed of liking this movie anyways? It's beautifully shot and the actors did a great job. It's also one of the best book to movie adaption out there.
This movie needs more love.
A lot of people thought it was just a pretty crummy cheap thrill ride. Not me personally by the way, as I said, I very much enjoyed it and I'd actually like to see it again.

Oh also American Beauty. Everyone loved it when it came out but it seemed to have become a sort of "what were we thinking?" kind of movie by the time I saw it in 2012. One of my all-time favourites though.

I liked Star Wars Episode 3 when I saw it too even though the prequels are apparently the worst thing to ever happen to any franchise ever. I was too young to remember Episodes 1 and 2 but 3 I do remember.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
JagermanXcell said:
I enjoyed the hell out of the first Transformers. It definitely felt like a fun action movie that would spawn sequels going deeper into characterizing the Autobots, with some more genuine species to species dialogue that would follow in sequels between Transformers and humans much like you would see in the cartoons.

Buuuut that didn't happen... still best of the 3 for its potential.

Spiderman 3, yes there were some crap decisions in this movie, but its soooo much fun to watch sometimes (especially the Sandman Subway fight). There was a genuine revenge plot to be had, and although the script was bad I could tell the actors still put a lot of heart into what was on the script. And another thing... the reason I harp on Amazing Spiderman so much is not just because it lacks the charm of the original Raimi films, but nothing memorable came from it. Spiderman 3 though...

Stupid? Yes.
Iconic? To this day!

Also people disliked The A-Team? That's a shocker, that movie had a ton of soul in my eyes.
Better to have your movie remembered than be forgotten. Hell my biggest issue with The Amazing Spider-man movies is that I in no way buy that Andrew Garfield is an outcast nerd. Like the guy. I think he's a good actor under the right circumstances but I'm sorry when you look like Andrew Garfield I'm going to have a real tough time believing people are mean to you. I like his actual Spider-man better. The cocky persona is a step up from McGuire's.

Also "Bayformers" get way too much hate. Personally not sure what people were expecting really when its based off of a 30 minute toy commercial from the 80s. Besides Peter Cullen redeems the whole dang thing. Him and Gary Chalk are the only two people who can pull off Optimus Prime. Gary did the voice in Armada, Energon, and Cybertron as well as Beast Wars.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Akiraking said:
Yu-Gi-Oh The movie, I know the movie was a cash in on the Yu-Gi-Oh popularity and it adds nothing to the series but despite that it looked cleaner and the actual time spent on the card game was decent compared to episodes where they play about four turns and someone wins. I just love the show so much that anything Yu-Gi-Oh related is good. Except Zexal, they need to move onto the next series already.

Also I like Pirates of the Caribbean 3, I think it ties everything together, tells a pirate story with lots of betrayal and back stabbing and I to this day don't understand why people hate it so much.

I mean come on people need to stop hating on the dang Pirates sequels. Legends and adventures on the high seas is what the series promised and what it delivers. Maybe they think the whole Davy Jones and monsters thing was over the top. I just have to ask. What the hell were they expecting? If a pirates movie, done by Disney mind you, wasn't over the top fun and excitement with cheesy humor I'd be sorely disappointed. Heck the 4th I just kind of look at is as its own thing and its not that bad.

Also the Yu-Gi-Oh Movie will never be bad to me. I remember going into the theatre and getting the promotional card. I GOT THE BLUE EYES SHINING DRAGON THE FIRST TIME I SAW IT! I still have that card and I just bought the movie a few months ago for like $7 on DVD. I mean in all honesty it was a toy commercial for a card game like pretty much every show from the 80s so we get to have that. Plus Dan freaking Green. He needs to do a broadcast or host a huge TV event just so more people than nerds can know the greatness of his voice.


New member
Nov 4, 2013
Disney! Pretty much any and all animated Disney movies. Well, and non-Disney animated films. I love all animated films, whether they're for children or adults. I watched Kiki's Delivery Service and Perfect Blue in the same day. Good shit.

Cheesy movies I love and am unashamed to love:
-Biodome. I swear i watched this movie a thousand times when I was a kid...then a thousand times thereafter.
-The Saint. A cheesy action movie with Val Kilmer. LOVE IT!
-Labyrinth. Like the sun, you can't stare directly at David Bowie's package or you might go blind - but it might be worth it.
-Elf. One of my favorite movies of all time. I can recite every single line.
-Ever After. Another of my favorite movies ever. I never ever get tired of fairy tales.

I know there's a huge amount of movies that I am unashamed to love, but Biodome has to be at the top of the list. I fucking love that movie.

Captcha: i like turtles.

We all do, Escapist. We all do.


New member
Sep 21, 2013
Movies that I'm not "ashamed of liking"?

Isn't that just... most movies that I like? I mean, I'm not ashamed of liking Home Alone and Baby's Day Out. But I'm also not ashamed of liking the Godfather. Or the Dark Knight. Or the Matrix. Or Up.

The only reason that we bother calling things "guilty pleasures" is because we [i/]don't[/i] feel guilt about most of the things we like.

I feel like a more appropriate title here might be "Movies You Like That Most People Don't" (or similar).


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
The Time Machine, with Guy Pierce. Whenever it's on the tube I can't not watch it.

Dracula - Coppola's version with Keanu Reeves. I read the book, yes, and accepted the differences between it and the movie. The whole lost love sidestory and Lucy's promiscuousness have even been included in the NBC series.

Mirrormask - The movie is like a waking dream. It's up there with creature flicks like Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy, just that same flavor of weirdness that can be so hard to describe.

Perfect Creature - It's steampunk with vampires. Again, STEAMPUNK, with VAMPIRES, with Dougray Scott and Saffron Burrows.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Ratty said:
A lot of good stuff being mentioned in this thread. Forgot in my first post to throw a thumbs up to all the people who beat me to Army of Darkness by the way.

The Wykydtron said:
The two Bill and Ted films were on permanent repeat through my mid teen years. I fuckin' loved those films even though looking back they were cheesy as fuck.

Kyrian007 said:
And Split Second... how can you go wrong with a Kim Catrall shower scene in a movie with a sugar and caffeine-ed up Rutger Hauer vs a Xenomorph/Predator/astrologist?

Plus, try finding a region 1 copy of Split Second on DVD. Those things go for over 100 bucks on eBay some times.
Wow, I had no idea Split/Second was that rare on DVD. (My VHS copy cost me 99 cents lol.) Rule of thumb: Any 80s or 90s movie set "In the futuristic year of 2004" is probably worth a look, and I agree it's a very fun flick for the reasons mentioned.
3 Things...

First, is there some reason why liking Army of Darkness is a BAD thing? I don't know anybody who either didn't LOVE that movie, or never has heard of it.

Station indeed.

And, I also have the VHS copy. I ...borrowed?... it. The mom and pop rental store I worked at was driven out of business by the 3rd chain rental place that moved into my small college town. After selling all the copies he could, the owner told all of us employees and ex-employees to go nuts, take everything. We even stripped the copper out of the walls. A buddy of mine still has the toilet tank lid. But I have Split Second.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
Amazing Spiderman - Andrew Garfield is the perfect Spider-man to me. I felt like this movie did what the Tobey Maguire movies did, but better.

Man of Steel - This movie presented Supes WAY better than the 2007 Superman Returns. And the theme is glorious -- gives off the "Paragon of humanity" vibe.

The Expendables - I don't care if its mindless action with little plot - I love it.

Green Lantern - Hoo boy, the reactions I've gotten for admitting this. It's what got me into Green Lantern for cripes sake!

Nadia Castle

New member
May 21, 2012
Another one whilst I'm here, 'Ghosts of Mars'. John Carpenter knows how to direct an action flick and it was glorious! I can offer it the same defense Jim Sterling gave to 'The Chronicles of Riddick' It got a mauling because it didn't try to be ironic and self aware, just fun. For gods sake it was Ice Cube fighting possessed miners on Mars with true early naughties nu-metal in the background. I don't think you have to be 'self-aware' to find joy in that.

Poppy JR.

New member
Jun 25, 2013
tippy2k2 said:
-The Waterboy
I like that foosball too! Even though that be the devil's game.

I second the Disney movie thing. They're fun to watch for a bit of levity after some super-serious movies, plus they're just plain entertaining.

It's fun being older and watching Disney movies, because you catch some of the secret intricacies of the movies. For example, the Greek Chorus in Hercules is literally the musical's Greek chorus[footnote] [/footnote]. HA!

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Starship Troopers is a cheesy-dialogue sandwich with cardboard-character chips and a side of gore dip. It is so stupid you can actually feel your IQ dropping. I love it.

The Fifth Element. What tone were they going for here? I think it's action comedy, but it's so hard to tell. That's part of why I like it. And Zorg is one of the best characters ever.

Transformers, the first Michael Bay one. The characters are flat, annoying caricatures. The mecha design is messy, ugly, and absurdly overcomplicated. I still think it's the best live-action translation we're ever likely to see. So what if Megatron only has six lines, they're all memorable. "No, it's just me, Prime!" had me actually rooting for him.

Nazis at the Center of the Earth achieves a level of what-the-fuck stupidity I can only describe as brilliant. My brother and I do this thing (not nearly often enough) where we park on the sofa, try to find the worst movie currently on Netflix, and roast it MST3K style. A third of the way through this one, my comment was, "All this needs is Mecha-Hitler and it will be perfect." Half an hour later, it delivered Mecha-Hitler, and we laughed ourselves silly.

Hancock. I agree with every bad thing the critics say about this one. It *is* trying to be three movies and failing at all of them. The protagonist *is* unlikeable, at least for the first hour. And so forth. Thing is, I genuinely enjoyed the movie. I like movies that don't know what they want to be. They're not predictable (or at least less so).


New member
Mar 28, 2011
List incoming

-Battle: Los Angeles
-All three Transformers movies
-All the Paranormal Activity movies
-Cars and Cars 2
-Disney animated movies, including the princess films
-The first few Pokemon movies
-Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie
-John Carter
-Jingle All the Way
-The Star Wars prequel trilogy
-Man of Steel
-Green Lantern

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
Dude where's my car. I don't care how terrible you think that movie is. It will always have a special place in my heart. Actually I might watch it when I get home. Have not seen it in 2014 yet.


New member
Aug 9, 2012
Transformers. Which one? Any!
From the original animated boom-fiesta from the 80's to the recent Michael Bay explosion porn. And even the feature length animated tv specials. It's dumb, yes, but I just love the hell out of them.

And it's not out of nostalgia either, because I didn't even really know about Transformers until I met my fanboy boyfriend back in 2006. xD


New member
Jan 21, 2014
Kyrian007 said:
3 Things...

First, is there some reason why liking Army of Darkness is a BAD thing? I don't know anybody who either didn't LOVE that movie, or never has heard of it.

Station indeed.

And, I also have the VHS copy. I ...borrowed?... it. The mom and pop rental store I worked at was driven out of business by the 3rd chain rental place that moved into my small college town. After selling all the copies he could, the owner told all of us employees and ex-employees to go nuts, take everything. We even stripped the copper out of the walls. A buddy of mine still has the toilet tank lid. But I have Split Second.
1. Not to my mind. Though a lot of people seem to think it's a kind of "so bad it's good" thing when actually it's very good at what it is. It's not a goofy horror movie it's an adventure comedy with horror elements. I've seen that movie at least 20 times in my life. (Starting in grade school.) Probably more.

2. Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is (along with Batman 1966 and Disney's The Rescuers Down Under) one of the handful of movies I watched repeatedly as a very young kid. I actually have the soundtrack and novelization for B&TBJ, though I've never gotten around to reading the latter.

3. Rental stores were neat. You went out and rolled the dice on a movie based just on the box. Sometimes you'd find a great film you never knew about and sometimes it'd be crap. Either way you were stuck with it for that night's entertainment. An experience later generations won't get, but they ultimately get the better end of the deal.