Isn't this just a repeat of the "underrated movies" thread?
Oh well. I'll nominate some:
-Avatar: Honestly, at this point, I think this film is underrated.
-Man of Steel: This sort of fits in. It's less underrated and more extremely divisive. Certainly not perfect, but it's my #3 DCEU film, and honestly, I thought it was pretty solid.
-Ender's Game: Is it as good as the book? No. But this film was released without any hype, and what hype it did get was more tied up with the Card controversy. But I really like this film. It certainly captures the spirit of the book, and by God, the OST. Beautiful.
-The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 2: I can't call this underrated per se, but I consider it the best Hunger Games movie that I've seen. Which is pretty much the opposite for most people in my experience.
-James Bond: SPECTRE: I really don't get the hate for this film. It's my #6 Bond film.
-The Lost World: Jurassic Park: Does this count as being underrated anymore? I dunno. Everyone is hating on Fallen Kingdom, and as far as I'm concerned, they're right to do so. Still, I've always thought that JP2 was pretty good. As good as the original? No. But still good, and better than all of the films that came after it.
-The Hobbit Trilogy: Seriously guys, calm down. No, it's not as good as Lord of the Rings. No, it's not trying to be a 1:1 adaptation of the book, but rather a combination of adaptations (the book and the appendicies), plus tying into Jackson's own trilogy. So as that, as its own thing, I think it's pretty good. It's a good action-adventure film trilogy.
-Spider-Man 3: Okay, this film isn't good by any means, but I've always felt it was unfairly maligned. There's a lot of good stuff in here.
-Iron Man 3: One of the top tier MCU films...and I'm one of the few people who believes that.
-Doctor Strange: Ditto.
-Ant-Man and the Wasp: And ditto again.
-The Matrix Reloaded: Is it as good as the first? No. Is it as bad as the third? No (not that the third is "bad" per se, but certainly the weakest of the bunch). Honestly think this film is underrated.
-Mission: Impossible II: One of my favourite M: I films. I'd take it over drek like Fallout, thank you very much.
-Mortal Engines: WHY? I loved it.
-Oblivion: "Tom Cruise in the future fighting aliens." Did you think of Edge of Tomorrow? Well screw you, I'm thinking of Oblivion. Which is a film that deserves far more love.
-Pan: One of the worst films I saw in its year...and yet, I think it also deserves far more love. There's a lot more going on in this film than people give it credit for.
-Prince of Persia: The #2 VG adaptation ever made, least in live action. Needs more love.
-Starship Troopers 3: Marauder: It's not controversial to say that the Starship Troopers sequels never lived up to the original. But while ST2 is rightly maligned, I feel ST3 gets unfairly lumped in. It certainly got what worked about the original, and tried to imitate it. Not as well, mind you, but it's far truer to the original than ST2.
-2010: Odyssey Two: Okay, I can admit that 2001 is one of the most influential movies of all time, even if I really don't like it. But 2010 is all but forgotten, which is a shame, because it's actually quite good. Not nearly as influential mind you, but still, good. Like it far more than 2001.
-Star Trek: The Final Frontier, Into Darkness, and arguably 09 are all underrated.
Yes, I said it.
-Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Or, maybe not more love, but less hate. I dunno. This is one of those "love it or hate it" films. I'm more in the camp of "really like, even though it's got noticable flaws."
-Solo: It's such a shame this film bombed. It isn't the best Disney Star Wars film, but it's certainly the most enjoyable. I really enjoyed it. Shame not enough people saw it.
-Terminator: Salvation & Terminator: Genisys: Good as T1/T2? No. Better than T3? Fuck yes. Good films in their own right? Well, yes, actually.
-Titan A.E.: Most people acknowledge this is underrated already, still, shame it didn't make more of a splash.
-Tron: Legacy: Tron 2 is better than the original, even if both of them are still average at best. Deal with it.
-War of the Worlds: Seriously, why the hate for this film? Does the third act fall apart a bit? Yes. Does that mean acts 1/2 are bad? Fuck no.
-Alien 3/Alien: Covenant/Predators/The Predator: Yeah, there's a lot of films in this franchise that I think are much better than their detractors say. Least we can all agree Requiem is bollocks though, so there's that I guess.
CrazyGirl17 said:
The Princess and the Frog, Treasure Planet, Atlantis: the Lost Empire, and The Emperor's New Groove are all underrated Disney movies and I will not back down on that.
I thought PatF and ENG were pretty well regarded.