Muslim Complaints Get Modern Warfare 2 Map Pulled


New member
Mar 7, 2012
doggie015 said:
blackrave said:
...P.P.S. Now I know how Illusive Man felt.
But this is just ONE "religion"...
Trust someone who have read Bible and Torah, before getting on Koran- the structure of language is much more different in Koran. I suspect NLP elements involved (but I am not qualified to make such statement).
Only thing that keeps my mind a fighting chance is that I'm dealing with translated version (and I'm going really slow).


New member
Apr 15, 2009
This sort of rubbish always annoys me. Muslims getting "offended" over the smallest things, then burning and killing random strangers. In the interests of not getting forum banned FOREVER, I'll just stop there. On being offended, all I have to say is this:


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Hang on a second, what about sacrilegious Christian imagery in games? Doom, Quake, Silent Hill? Images potentially offensive to Christians (Inverted crosses, satanic symbols desecration of churches etc.) has been happening for ages.

If you want to live in a society of free speech and free expression then you have to take the rough with the smooth. You're not going to like everything that gets made/said - I don't think it is appropriate to go crying to the game company just because something offends you and expect them to change it for you; the easier solution is to make good on the threat of just not playing the game.

... luckily we do live in a society where free speech is allowed so although I don't agree with it, I accept that the maker of the video has the right to make this complaint - Unfortunately I don't believe that this kind of incident portrays the Muslim community in a good light.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Am I the only one in this thread that finds the main annoyance of the article that the developer has the capability of pulling maps that have already been released? That would be like Bethesda putting out a patch that removes Whiterun from Skyrim.


New member
Apr 29, 2012
I really don't understand why the Muslim's are upset over a painting saying "Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty". Did they misspell Allah, is this insulting? I just don't fucking get it!


New member
Feb 8, 2012
charge52 said:
I really don't understand why the Muslim's are upset over a painting saying "Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty". Did they misspell Allah, is this insulting? I just don't fucking get it!
It's religion! There is nothing to understand. You just have to believe it....


New member
Jun 15, 2011
If I played favella and they had a 100ft statue of their prophet then I could understand - kind of. This is a picture frame with a nice quote about your "lord". I could make a real point about this but don't like the idea of being banned.

This is ridiculous, how is this more offensive than massacaring an entire airport full of unarmed civilians?

If you don't like it, don't play it.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
They are patching it? I would have thought Activsion would be selling it again in the next map pack

Rellik San

New member
Feb 3, 2011
Well then, let me ask you guys, can you imagine a game (that isn't a horror one) using Christian imagery in a way offensive to Christians? Middle America would be up in arms and the game would be changed despite a vast portion of the world not being Christians, or at least not massively conservative ones. The game would get changed.

I agree pulling the map instead of issuing a texture fix within a short time is a little extreme, but the guy in the video seemed amiable enough about it, simply saying "this is offensive to a lot of people, please fix it." I fail to see the issue and support the guys consumer rights to an apology and his choice if not fixed to boycott the products in the future series.

Infact; How is this different than say:
"Dear Platinum Games,
As PS3/Xbox owners, we find your choice to release Bayonetta 2 on one of the projects primary founders console exclusively, offensive. We hope you recognise this and fix it as soon as possible or we will boycott your games"
Not much difference at all wouldn't you say? :)

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
Scars Unseen said:
Am I the only one in this thread that finds the main annoyance of the article that the developer has the capability of pulling maps that have already been released? That would be like Bethesda putting out a patch that removes Whiterun from Skyrim.
The Activision rep said: "we have removed the Favela multiplayer map from online rotation". That could mean it is still in your game, you just won't encounter it in matchmaking until the issue is resolved. I'm not sure.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Eh, you know, it really pains me to agree with the ultra-conservative, gun-toting, AMURKA LUV IT ER LEEV IT nutjobs... but I kind of have to agree with them on this one. I certainly don't condone deliberately trying to offend people, but you also can't live your whole life trying to avoid offending anyone. Somewhere in the world, someone will be offended by virtually anything.

Case and point: after the release of The Lion King, there was actually outcry from a small group of hyena biologists over the "defamation of hyenas." So what, are you going to remove hyenas from The Lion King? Of course this doesn't really compare, as removing this one thing doesn't affect the game in any way, but the principle is the same. You should try to be sensitive of other people, yes, but at some point you have to draw a line and acknowledge that you can't avoid offending everyone.

Besides, if someone really gets offended over a bit of virtual bathroom graffiti, they've got bigger mental issues to sort out.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
People get offended that a quote about Allah is in the bathroom. Ask nicely to remove the quote from the map.
Acitivision decides to remove the map until the fix that part.

The internet goes mad.

And people say Muslims are bad. Just look at this thread and the youtube page. You ask your self why religious people get offended when you write all the shit about their God?
Also, Islam getting a special treatment? And Christianity not? Last time I checked, gay marriage didn't get legalized in a lot of Christian countries because of Christians. Last time I checked, the church didn't have to pay any taxes.

Every religion is getting special treatment. Not just Islam.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Kaymish said:
it makes me sick how religious people can get away with saying "im offended by XYZ" and people will bend over backwards to accommodate them
Not quite. There was a recent court case where a British Airways stewardess was suspended for refusing to remove a crucifix necklace at work, and you may remember the Church getting all wound up over the Manchester Cathedral level in Resistance, to pick just the first two examples of exactly nobody going out of their way not to offend someone else's religious sensibilities.

If, on the other hand, your religion has a collective "go to" reaction of killing people and burning down their shit at the slightest provocation....


New member
Aug 19, 2009
'Religious rights' does not the include the right to not be offended.
People get offended all the time. Deal with it like an adult instead of whining about it, especially if it's trivial bullshit like this, that's not only petty, but also affects other people that just want to play the game.


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
Guess what Islam. You don't have the right not NOT be offended. Get over your silly superstitious beliefs then we'll talk about whether or not something is appropriate.


New member
May 22, 2009
Lemme preface this by saying I don't care about Call of Duty.
But this is just sad.
I'm disappointed not only that religious people are so sensitive and insecure about their religion, but that so many people yield to the demands of these pathetic whinings.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Insomniac55 said:
It's almost like people are getting scared of offending the Muslims.
I think considering all that's going on in the middle east, and especially with all the riots that have occurred lately, people are trying to keep well away from offending Muslims. As you said, you don't see this with any other religion. That Hitman trailer had those sexy, murderous nuns, but the only people who were complained about it were gamers, not Catholics. The Binding of Isaac retold the story of Isaac and Abraham but replaced Abraham with a mad woman, and had Isaac running through his basement to escape which appeared to be a pseudo-representation of hell. And there are upside-down crosses and misused/abused/parodied imagery and symbolism scattered throughout other games like Dante's Inferno.

Christian symbolism, lore, and organizations get misused way more than Islam, and much more maliciously. The only thing I think we do worse with Islam is that for a while now, the only time you ever see a Muslim in games is if they are a terrorist you've got to shoot down. At least with Christianity we've gotten awesome characters like Father Grigori in HL2.

So it seems Christians have gotten to the point where we couldn't care less what people do with our imagery (or we don't care if they do complain), but Muslims do care to the point where they want to intervene. The article said they changed it because they saw the video, and the person who wrote the video had this in the description: "Hello, i never asked IW to take the map down, we only asked them to remove the picture and i think its our right, and any religion's right.."

Well, no. It's not your right, or any religion's right. Your rights stop where the rights of others begin. I may not like how Christian organizations are almost always used in games as a hotbed for corruption and illicit activities, but it's all just words. Sticks and stones may break my bones, and all that. I understand the teachings of Islam are different from Christianity, and that there is much more emphasis and importance placed on using symbolism properly. But something has to happen within Islamic organizations, I think, because we are global now and like it or not you are going to come across people who--either accidentally or maliciously--want to misuse and parody your imagery and stories. And if free speech is going to work, you can't expect them to stop just because you find it offensive.

BiH-Kira said:
Every religion is getting special treatment. Not just Islam.
But, as I just pointed out, not when it comes to pulling punches whenever somebody makes something that is "offensive."