MW3 Dev Manipulates MetaCritic, Gets Flamed to Death

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Only thing I take issue with is his poor spelling and grammar. Sure it was on twitter but c'mon.

As for the content of the tweet. I don't see the issue; he didn't ask for tens, he asked for honesty.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
On one hand, trying to publically pump up a game already pulling in more bucks than God is not the smoothest move.

On the other hand, morons who metabomb a game just because they're fundamentally opposed to its existence (as opposed to people who have actually experienced the game in some way and dislike it) are just as bad as the supposed "sheep" they're opposing. I don't like the series myself, but I don't go around trying to "ruin" it as some sort of delusional campaign to "save" gaming.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
If all he COD fans would vote on Metacritic, the game would probably have a solid 10 but most fans are just casual gamer who don't even know that Metacritic exists. They don't care what reviewers say and what score it has, they just buy because of the name. So, I don't really get why he did that.
Sure the score is unfair but the game isn't exactly loved among many gamers. What did he expect? Doing something like that is just going to give haters more reasons to hate it and many fans lose respect.

Electric Alpaca

What's on the menu?
May 2, 2011
Much ado about nothing.

He's rallying his fans to combat the immaturity and weird need of some individuals to attack something popular in the only way available to them.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Really Escapist? Really? Just...ugh.

On what level would a rational person look at that tweet and say "Yep...totally tryin to manipulate the system by tellin people to give it an honest review." I thought we were over the headlines that had absolutely nothin to do with the actual content of the post?

The guy could have easily gone on to twitter and said somethin retarded like "Hey all! Vote MW3 all 10's in Metacritic because these pricks are tryin to bomb our score" and that would have justified the headline, but this? Blah.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Greg Tito said:
That's like the Yankees asking for more money so they can buy more World Series championships.


I know people other than Americans won't find that the least bit funny, but Jesus, that's funny to me...

OT: Ohhhh well... people will be people. But still, if I were a developer I'd concentrate more on how I can make my video game better rather than tell everyone to rate my game that already came out "because I want to wage war on other people's unjust and misguided opinions."

Like I said, ohhhh well....


New member
Sep 18, 2011
I guess it's not enough to sit on a big pile of cash if people are saying your game sucks. God that's PATHETIC, seriously.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
I don't see anything wrong with him asking people to help out because of all the troll reviews. He did mention for them to be honest so I don't think there was any ill intent in it.

I have to agree with an above poster 0-1 should be reserved for absolutely unplayable garbage.

I haven't played MW3 yet but I'm pretty sure for me it would be around a 6-7 out of 10 because there is a certain polish to the game but not enough has changed and I'm not a multiplayer fan so I wouldn't touch that.

People just need to accept it for what it is, a popcorn action flick type game. There is nothing wrong with it and if someone wants to spend their time and money playing it then who the hell cares? Let them enjoy what they want it.

I personally have too many games to play to worry about MW3 especially since I own the original and WaW and have played through Black Ops. Now, back to either Bastion or Skyrim... maybe Bastion because Skyrim's lighting transitions gives me a killer headache after a while of playing.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Ive actually played MW3 and even id only give it a 4/10. Dont see the point in manipulating/flaming review scores on metacritic, its going to start off pointless chains with every game that gets released now.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
I hate MW3, but this seems fair enough to me. The game isn't 1.9/10 bad, and he didn't exactly tell people to lie about what they thought. Frankly, I'd be ticked off if I'd made a game that good and a load of people had bombed it to a 1.9 score because they can't cope with it being a sequel.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I have a love hate relationship with COD. I am going to buy MW3 (once I have some liquidity in my funds), am I expecting to be just like every other COD game, you bet your ass. Thats why I'm buying it, sure I'd like to see some innovation going into the FPS genre, but I'm going to tell you something you probably - or at least should - know. This series is not going to implement any more innovation into the FPS market. They did that with the release of the first Modern Warfare. To expect more is foolhardy.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
xxBucdieselxx said:
3.2 is respectable out of 10? Really?
Sarcasm goes right over your head I see...

Now I can't see the reason for the hate here to be honest. He told gamers to give the game a good score if they liked it to negate the negativity. That's not so bad.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
So people who bought this and realized it was MW 1/2/Blops all over again with a new coat of paint, and reviewed the game low for it are review bombers and BF fanbois, but all the "respectable" review sites and writers out there who give it a 8-10/10 are correct?

So, the obvious rift between the player bases opinion that it sucks, and the paid for manipulated review that praise it as amazing is really a conspiracy to make it look bad? I don't own either nor am I a die hard fan of either, but most user reviews I've heard pretty much say MW3 is the same old, and people are finally catching on to the shovleware Activision is selling.

Just goes to show how badly broken the review system and metacritic are when people cry foul and put so much emphasis on this crap.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
It comes across as a little sleazy but honestly? Not that sleazy given the whiners giving it a 0. He asked for people to tell the truth, and when people were offended, he took it down. This is a minor mistake trying to counter large scale douchebaggery.

Also I like Metacritic, and though average scores have there odd little quirks (Biggest properties need to have a 10, Indie game automatically lose a few points because they are short and usually not graphical powerhouses) they generally give a pretty good idea of a game overall. But user scores on big games are almost always worthless.