My Biggest Problem with New Vegas Isn't the Bugs


New member
Oct 13, 2010
The songs were very bland in Fallout New Veas and definately lacked the appeal that came with Fallout 3. Granted, hearing the voice of 3 dog yelling "OWWWWWWW" got quite frustrating after a time, but it was nice to hear the jubilant songs of the 20's. With Fallout New Vegas I could hardly distinguish the songs, and it felt like they were a bit washed out.

By the way, is it possible to play additional songs if you are playing on a PS3?

Dr. Whiggs

New member
Jan 12, 2008
-Samurai- said:
Dr. Whiggs said:
-Samurai- said:
I can't stand Mr. New Vegas.
I will fight you to the death from the back of one of Wayne Newton's majestic Arabian horses.
No problems with Wayne Newton, but Mr. New Vegas is a boring character. I feel like I'm listening to Casey Kasem.
Too late, me and Joe Bob Briggs are coming over there to give you a swirly and then we're going to go home and put more rhinestones on our huge belt buckles.

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
TestECull said:
Mr Companion said:
Can you do that in fallout 3 too?
No. Fallout 3's radio is done differently. You need a mod and a sound converter to swap the music for GnR.
Well that almost makes New Vegas sound quite cool. I still wont get it, but cool nevertheless.