My Little Ponies Throw Down in Fan-Made Fighter


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Jimbo1212 said:
I have to say I am disappointed that I get called a jerk for simply asking people to reason why they like a show at their age.
Just a counterpoint I'd like to raise. The judges who vote on what pictures should win in the Oscars are some of the oldest, most respected movie watchers and industry professionals in Hollywood. Only a few years ago they set up a "best animated movie" category and have nominated films that target both older and younger audiences. In almost every year the Oscar for best animated movie has went to a production made by Pixar which we all know makes movies intended for young audiences. These academy judges were clearly NOT the intended demographic but have found enogh enjoyment in these movies to grant them best animated movie SIX times.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
G-Force said:
Jimbo1212 said:
I have to say I am disappointed that I get called a jerk for simply asking people to reason why they like a show at their age.
Just a counterpoint I'd like to raise. The judges who vote on what pictures should win in the Oscars are some of the oldest, most respected movie watchers and industry professionals in Hollywood. Only a few years ago they set up a "best animated movie" category and have nominated films that target both older and younger audiences. In almost every year the Oscar for best animated movie has went to a production made by Pixar which we all know makes movies intended for young audiences. These academy judges were clearly NOT the intended demographic but have found enogh enjoyment in these movies to grant them best animated movie SIX times.
But Pixar films are not just for children. How many kids do you think understood the storyline behind Up, Toy Story 3, or The Incredibles?


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Jimbo1212 said:
G-Force said:
Jimbo1212 said:
I have to say I am disappointed that I get called a jerk for simply asking people to reason why they like a show at their age.
Just a counterpoint I'd like to raise. The judges who vote on what pictures should win in the Oscars are some of the oldest, most respected movie watchers and industry professionals in Hollywood. Only a few years ago they set up a "best animated movie" category and have nominated films that target both older and younger audiences. In almost every year the Oscar for best animated movie has went to a production made by Pixar which we all know makes movies intended for young audiences. These academy judges were clearly NOT the intended demographic but have found enogh enjoyment in these movies to grant them best animated movie SIX times.
But Pixar films are not just for children. How many kids do you think understood the storyline behind Up, Toy Story 3, or The Incredibles?
How many kids do you think would get all of the adult jokes that get put into the show? The show really is an all ages show.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
vxicepickxv said:
How many kids do you think would get all of the adult jokes that get put into the show? The show really is an all ages show.
How adult though? And seeing that the stories and characters are still basic, it is still predominately for kids.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
I've played fighting games perhaps a total of 20 minutes total in my entire life. I suck hard. But I would so buy this game. It's just too awesome to NOT play!

If there'll be "Finish Him!"-like sequenses, then Pinkie Pie's should be transporting her victim into a Cellar, and well, you know.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Jimbo1212 said:
Do not confuse intolerance with concern.
Concern about what? That they are watching MLP when they could be watching something that you consider better? Why do you care so much? Are you an HBO producer worried that MLP will steal your ratings? You've got bigger fish to fry if that's the case, my friend.

Jimbo1212 said:
Also, other peoples opinions are wrong unless they can reason them
Now that's just not true at all. The idea of an opinion is that it can be debated, and therefore can never conclusively be proved true or false. If they were saying that MLP is a good show and saying that it's a fact, then you'd have some grounds, but it IS a fact that they consider MLP good. Just like it's a fact that you consider it bad. But whether a show is good or bad is totally a matter of opinion, with a few facts supporting it.

Let me expand here.

Most people would agree that Ghost Rider was a bad movie. Why? The dialogue didn't sound like something real people would say, the actors didn't portray their characters as real human beings, and the special effects looked fake. Those are all verifyable facts. But some people look past that and still enjoy it, in which case, good for them. In my opinion, it's a terrible movie, but if someone likes it, I can't prove to them that it's bad, because it's all a matter of opinion. Maybe they like it for all the reasons I listed as reasons to dislike it.

Most people would also agree that The Dark Knight was a good movie. The camerawork was excellent for many reasons, the acting was top-notch, portraying multi-tiered characters that were backed up by impeccable writing, and the CGI was indistinguishable from the rest of the movie. However, if someone says "this movie sucks because it's about batman", then I can't say they're wrong. Liking Batman is an opinion.

Just like hating ponies is an opinion. If you desire a grey-brown, gritty, morally-grey show like Game of Thrones, watch Game of Thrones. I'm not saying it's bad. According to people I know who watch it, it's EXCELLENT (I'm not going into why). But MLP has excellent animation, and according to the bronies, this is backed up with intelligent humor and overall good writing and acting. So, most people would say that that is a good television show. If you can't get over the fact that it has ponies, I'm not going to try to get you there. But don't ridicule people who do like the show if you have no reason to besides "lol ponies r teh suXX0r". That's just childish, and you won't be taken seriously.

Jimbo1212 said:
which they have failed to do so on this thread.
I beg to differ. I've heard the arguements for MLP MANY times, good writing, good animation (confirmed), good acting, a good fanbase, and just generally good stuff. If that's not enough to qualify a show as "good", then obviously, you and the bronies have different ideas of what is good or not, and those are OPINIONS, and NEITHER OF YOU ARE RIGHT!!!

Remember, facts can be proven wrong or right, but opinions can be debated endlessly. This is something I learned in high school English, so it's not like it's a hard thing to learn. Just get your definitions straight next time.

EDIT: Crap, I'm continuing a flame war, aren't I. Alright, this is going to be my last post on the topic, although I'd like to add that Haters be Hatin'. Not that Jimbo1212 won't try to continue trolling the bronies...

double crap, i fed the troll...... ::::(((((((((((((((((((((((((((


New member
Sep 17, 2010
McMarbles said:
Jimbo1212 said:
John Funk said:
- You can not appreciate both media examples I presented unless the person like to have conflicting views as the shows are opposite. It is the same as saying you like cars for being big, but you like small cars.
Yes. You. CAN. I'm a fan of the series, and I just started reading A Feast of Crows. Therefore, your point is invalid, and you wouldn't know a strawman if one walked right up to you and begged you to take him to Emerald City.
Guys, guys we established this already Jimbo1212 is a Troll, don't feed him attention it is his primary food source. Laugh at him and ignore him.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I've got a few more questions for your FAQ

1. Has the network/creator commented on this project? (Good/bad or indifferent?) I don't want to see all your hard work and polish to get flushed down the toilet from a Cease and Desist letter. I know the show is much more friendly to fans than many, as evidenced by their not pulling shows down from You Tube, but one never knows.

2. The music for AJ is awesome. Is each character going to get their own stage and/or music?


New member
Sep 6, 2010
There's only one "real" game in the next year that I'm looking forward to as much as I am for Fighting is Magic. I think that says a lot about both. I can't wait to be kicking my roommates' asses with Rainbow Dash.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
I hope they have pseudo fatalities. AS I think true fatalities would break the whole core theme of the game and show a tad to much. Something like the following would be reasonable.

Apple Jack: Whistles, then a tune of apples falls from the sky on top of the enemy. Then the enemy ponies head pops out of the pile of apples with the classic cartoon animation of coco birds circling their head showing being knocked for a loop.


New member
Jan 18, 2012
I have a vidio that beets that game for thowes who liked the old FF or any JRPG.