Mythopoeia: RP of gods and nations (game thread, closed)


New member
Jul 30, 2011

Khalorean could see the tide of world events changing. He knew the deep memories of those mortals already passed, and could see the events unfolding as the end of Ages had before. But there was still so much to do! There wasn't time left.

But his Temple would stand and be taken care of properly, Butterfly priestesses, Drider inquisitors, Galan judges, half-termite architects, and half-bee gardeners. Plus all of the non-sentient species being raised there. It would be fine. Right? But Khalorean had to take a final precaution. Something that could stand for sure until the next Age dawned.

Summoning forth and concentrating the remainder of his power, over the period of a few months, he brought forth four other races.

One was a large insectoid race (called Arachnomorphs), highly intelligent but not sentient. Strong, and externally resilient. Not invincible, not at all. Its soft interior proved even more dangerous than the species could potentially pose already- its blood was acidic enough to melt through metal as if it was warm butter on a hot day. But the species wouldn't be aggressive. That was not what Khalorean's theme was, nor his intention. It would be highly defensive though, and swarm as a bee would when its hive might be attacked. Intruded on was one thing, that was fine, but injury to the hive or any individual would invoke the wrath of the entire local swarm.
The larval form of the species looked mostly like a spider with an extra-long tail. Though it was able to build a meat-like cocoon around itself, which would give the ability for the larval's inner parasite to gestate and grow into its adult stage, the larvae could also embed itself within a living host and gestate its parasite into the adult version within the host's belly.
This severe attack was not meant to be its primary reproductive process; but to possibly save its species and repopulate to its full splendor if only one remained. These species were given as charges to be taken care of by another race- the Zerg.

The second race Khalorean created was the Zerg. Designed and brought forth alongside the Arachnomorphs, the Zerg were able to assimilate traits of species, even through decayed remains, or use their specialized microbiological colonies to turn other species into a combination of whatever they were, and themselves. The level of conversion was meant to vary between individuals. They did have a weakness that was designed though; as any powerful sentient species required to keep them humble- they could not mate. To make more of themselves, nonsentient castes could convert themselves into a type of non-local species-based organ the size of a building (with enough time and food store). But the drone sacrificing itself into growing the colony would not directly need the food- any of the species could consume it. Even more important- if the entire colony was lacking in hunting ability for some reason, the organ-buildings generated a combination of skin/organ/bone that could absorb any foodstuffs it happened to touch as it grew and acted as a ground cover/wall climber. But it would only grow a certain distance or it would damage the ecology a colony might be founded in.
One or two of the organ types were used as birthing places, since individuals couldn't create offspring. Obviously, the Zerg would usually stay close to their hives.
Except for a small number of sentient castes, which would venture forth for political and expansion reasons. Those infested by the Zerg might or might not remain or become sentient; though the biggest strength of the Zerg would be that any infested or natural Zerg could be restored to life; as their psionic and biological network was telepathic in nature. As long as there was a drone or birthing chamber, all Zerg could be restored easily, indefinitely.
But they still bore another weakness. The few sentient castes of the species would represent an entire colony- the death of her would mean the colony under her command would become feral and nothing more than monsters to be killed; unless another Mother got within range fast enough- but each Mother only had the ability to hold a single colony.

A third species, called the Saimyosho, was something relatively small- only around 10 inches long. These were meant to supplement the Temple as guardians, though not only physically. If they were attacked by magical holding or ejection magics, the caster would become poisoned just as though they were stung. Otherwise, they were just large vegetarian wasps- they wouldn't attack things unless attacked. They couldn't be trained to enter battle; they were purely defensive. Though, just as beekeepers keep stationary or mobile hives for pollination, these could do the same (but be much larger and affect a larger area).

The final species would be called Rachni. Another large insect species; though only about a quarter percent larger than humans. But not in height; but length. They would be music makers, but not auditory. Psionic bards. But their music would not only be for enjoyment, but communication- thoughts would appear to them as color, flavor, and pitch. They would not be capable of growing up in any worthwhile way- not even sentient- without the psychic presence of their family. Hive mothers, just as with Zerg, would be able to found new cities on their own, but lower castes and ages would be heavily dependent on the correct species raising them.

Four new "children". There were still other things to do; preliminary work was completed only. But the Next Age was coming fast, and Khalorean would sit out the transition... in miracles, at least. No avatar states, only divine guidance where needed to keep the Faithful faithful. He already felt himself becoming confused as the Age came, and he only hoped he put in as much detail into his Plan and Children as he had intended.

Creation of the last four races I intended. There are other insect/arthropod races I wanted to put in, but these 4 will have to do:

Zerg (From the Starcraft franchise. True, not all of them are really bug-like, but they are for the most part, and it's how they're referred to by the Terrans.)

Rachni (From the Mass Effect franchise.)

Saimyosho (From the Inu Yasha franchise.)

Arachnomorph (Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise. They were originally intended to be bugs, but they didn't have the money. So they're bugs.)


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Badger, the sea north of Albur

Badger sunk dejectedly along with the anchor, the boat above him quickly disappearing out of view. It was over, he had lost, Octavius had the boy. He watched a fish dart past his head, he wished he could be as blissfully ignorant as the creature.

"Badger," a voice came clear through the murky water, the vampire blinked to see the form of Jashiki before him, "What are you doing?"

"What can I do?" Badger exclaimed bitterly, "I failed to save Prince Aurelius and young Kaius, I failed Maximus and now I've failed Daigoro too. It'd be best if I just died down here, no?"

"No!" Jashiki boomed, sending angry waves out in every direction, "Badger, I gave you your powers for a reason. He needs you now more than ever. It is time you use them!"

With that he disappeared and left Badger still plunging downwards, blinking back tears of frustration. He remembered the first day him and Daigoro set off together, how the young Emperor danced in delight at the towers of water he connoted with his powers, how he kept asking for lifts even when he'd been carried for hours already... with a grunt of newfound strength, Badger pulled one wrist out of his chains and then the other, shouting with rage. He reached down and snapped the steel binding his feet to the anchor with a single motion and then swam upwards, paddling as fast as his arms could move. A moment later he broke at the surface, staring around desperately at the empty sea surrounding him in every direction.

"Daigoro, I'm coming for you!" he yelled into the distance.


Meneloath, Eagleview, Saranda

Meneloath raised an arachnid eyebrow as he read the letter from the Collective, he wasn't surprised that there would still be tensions after the brief war between them, still he drafted a conciliatory letter after consultation with the Matriarchs of Saranda.

Dear Rederick of the Collective,

On behalf of the Matriachs of Saranda, we are disappointed to hear of the withdrawal of your trade and diplomats. Understand that our actions were not a personal slight against the Collective but simply us fulfilling our side of our long-standing mutual defence treaty with the Commonwealth of Aurora, after Indraj-Andha drove out the Octavian occupiers. As you will note, we returned the occupied land as soon as peace was attained and are keen for the resumption of our previous bonds.

We hope that in good time trade can be restored for the mutual benefit of our nations. As it stands no further military action will be necessary, the Republicans were forced out of Saranda months ago and we are again in full control of our meritocracy.

Yours in the Gods,

Once it was penned, he sent it with a small drider delegation who would attempt to rekindle links with the Collective, if possible at this stage.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Supreme Leader Octavius, Turin Estate, Isle of Pesh

Octavius smirked to himself as he strode down the halls of his ancestral estate, the People's Republic might be under siege at present but everything would change when the revival began. Faustus' death at the hands of Gangari's men was regrettable, but the leader had carried out his main function in reviving his lord. Perhaps he'd name the smouldering crater where the Collective presently stood after Caeso when all was said and done.

He entered the chamber where Aurelius Daigoro was being held, well-furnished but absolutely secure, it's windows barred despite being over three stories in height, two Octavian guards posted at the entrance. After young Maximus' escape from imprisonment in his last life, one couldn't be too careful.

"Do you like the room?" he asked Daigoro, who sat on the bed cross-legged, sulkily toying with some wooden shapes, "It belonged to my son Avius, many years ago. The Toro flu took him far too early, it was that tragic loss which initially lead me to doubt the divinity of the Father and consequently that of the Emperor,"

"Why are you telling me this?" the Emperor muttered under his breath, continuing to look down.

"Because you are to become my new son," Octavius reached out to hold up the boy's chin and look him straight in the eyes, "Soon when the time is ready, you will travel with me to Nova Verde. There you will announce the abolition of the Commonwealth and the position of Auroran Emperor, forever, and your fealty to the People's Republic. You will then be adopted as my son and live happily with me forever," he grinned malevolently, "Great, isn't it?"

"Never," Daigoro squeaked with a shake of his head. Octavius sighed, taking the resistant child by the hand and dragging him out of the chamber.

"I had a feeling you might say that," he said, "And so I'll show you this before you make your mind up," he led the young Emperor to another room down the hall, entering carefully. Daigoro's eyes widened when he saw his mother Bo, older sister Erica and also Damia sitting together nervously, their hands and feet bound with rope. Tariq Devan stood behind them, twirling his knife threateningly over each of the three women's heads in turn.

"Mama!" Daigoro cried aloud but Octavius' iron grip on his shoulders prevented him from running to her. The Supreme Leader bent down to whisper gleefully in his ear.

"For each day you refuse to help me, Tariq here will slit another of their throats. That twenty four hour count starts now. Understand?"


Badger, east coast of the Kingdom of Ray-Das

Badger swam almost without thinking, letting the tides carry him in the direction the ship had been heading. He didn't know how long he'd been underwater for, nor how long he'd been moving, but he didn't stop. He spotted a vessel in the distance and raced towards it, tapping into a final burst of strength as he slammed against it's hull. Feathery claws reached down to pull him aboard, the bodyguard found himself looking right into the predatory eyes of the Krakari.

"You look lost, human," one squawked, "I did not know some of your species had become aquatic?"

"Through the power of Jashiki, anything is possible," Badger grunted, sizing up his surroundings, "Where are you heading? The Auroran Emperor was captured by Octavius and taken somewhere north of here, I've lost their ship," he pause for breath, "Could I invoke the old alliance between our two nations for your assistance?" The Krakari seemed surprised at his announcement and moved away to talk among themselves. After a time they nodded in consensus and returned to where the bodyguard sat.

"We have decided to be straight with you, we have already been hired by Gangari to track down Octavius and his right hand man Tariq Devan," one informed him, "Our most reliable sources indicate he is based somewhere on the Isle of Pesh, which would tally up with the direction you said the ship was travelling in,"

"Then I can come with you?" Badger asked, "I have a feeling I may know where he is hiding,"

"Yes, we can work together," the Krakari replied shortly, "You say he has the Emperor, is that the little Raindrop Emperor we have heard about?"

"Aurelius Daigoro is his name," Badger clenched his fists tightly, "We have to get him back, before it's too late,"

Commonwealth of Aurora

(Major) - Settle south of Ajivha
(Major) - Settle south of Suda Aurora
(Major) - Create a citadel in southern Saranda

People's Republic of Aurora

(Major) - Implement dense fuels, rocketry, air tight seals and astronomy into experimental space travel


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010


In a final burst of settlement, Aurora expanded it's borders to the south of Ajivha and Suda Aurora, whilst the southern Sarandan territory of Nova Arachnia was upgraded to citadel status. At that same time a group of researchers in Medegarde combined a number of technologies researched by the Commonwealth and People's Republic to create a new technology: the first experimental spacecraft this world had ever seen.



Kharolean created the last four races he intended for the age: the Zerg, the Rachni, the Saimyosho and the Arachnomorphs, thus ending the great bout of creation he had run. It would await to be seen how these brand new races would affect the lands within Aurora they had chosen as their homes.

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011

Gangari sat silently on the mountain top of Ekaki as he watched the world and contemplated his existence. The chains he had felt since his ascendance had either been removed or they had been made slack compared to what they had been. The need for Mortal Faith felt slackened as well and he was unsure of what that meant. His power felt comparable to what he assumed his master had in his previous life and the temptation to use it as bluntly and as he had was growing.

Decades of watching them had begun to make him see reason in the way his lord acted those uncountable years ago. Memories fragmented as they were, as they gained coherency over the decades, as he grew tired and his plans became maddening in their scale.

He realized now why his lord seemingly lost his mind as the years went by, the simple desire to see a people flourish required sin after sin both by himself and those under his protection. Ash filled skies, ground blackened with blood, and rivers running with death were simple requirements of life that were needed if his mortals were to survive the seemingly endless war the other divinities had began over souls. And when it had ended he didn't know how to stop them from continuing the bloodshed they had become accustomed to and with how his mind went perhaps he didn't know how to stop himself.

As Gangari sat, that was what he saw of the past and what he quite possibly saw as his future depending on how the next century went. Of course it wouldn't be a millenia of war, but he had lived through the last one and with his mind as it was he found it difficult to turn away once he truly began.

So he wondered, now that he had the power to enact his plans, now that he saw reason in cleansing the world as he saw fit, would he be able to turn away once it was over? It was something he had began to worry about the day he felt the past lingering in his mind, and on occasion he had allowed himself to fall into his old ways... But if he chose the path that would ultimately lead to peace, he wasn't sure if he'd walk away from it again if he dedicated himself. He had been arming mortals for decades with tools that were in his time purposed to fight deities so perhaps they'd be able to stop him if the time came. He hoped it wouldn't come to that. Perhaps in a century when he came, savagery would be unneeded and they would accept his plan but he doubted that.

The paths ahead, were only an assumption based upon the past. He always saw something needing to burn. Aurora, everyone else, or everyone. Aurora was always the choice he would make. They by their nature were invaders who thought they had divine right to the world. They by their actions were responsible in their time for destroying all but a few of what remained of his people, and since his ascension they had continued their path of destruction against those he made clear were under his protection. They would be responsible if the time came.

Gangari felt something happen in the distance and he noticed works of Khalorean. New things. Worrying things. It seemed Khalorean was acting without thought to consequence. The creatures were too apart from nature to survive, but due to their creation he sensed that nature would be unable to balance against them.

He looked to the marsh, and the other places he had begun to alter and began altering them to resist infection by the he wasn't sure of their name, but their reproduction troubled him with its similarity to a contagion. To give the others a chance he imbued one of the cult workers working on the spore he had taught them to utilize so long ago, with knowledge. Knowledge of how to cultivate better diseases and he placed within the mans lab contagions that could be bonded to the inactive spores. The contagions were stable, deadly, rapidly decaying, and wouldn't be able to survive outside of Khalorean's recent creations. A measure he decided was necessary when he realized they would likely be worse than the inherent nature of the Driders once they reached a count in the world.

The things of the outside world began to grab his attention as he looked. His servants were doing their duties and things were falling into place as they were meant to. That was the intent after all. They were armed with his magics so that he wouldn't need to act as frequently.

Something needed to be done though and he had ideas.

Katalia is made Immortal and Invulnerable again. Her body is repaired to conform with how she appeared before she was altered by Lysei.

The Silveroot Nodes that have been spread across the continent previously are placed under each hex of the continent as well as those of the surrounding ocean.

Plants that have previously been altered or created by Gangari are granted immunity to Zerg infestation. This includes organisms that have been infested with the spore of Andha and plants that have crossbred with plants created by Gangari.

The next generation as well as those that come after of the species of bird created previously by Gangari with the shared senses, are to be sentient as individuals.

Three more gates to the Aetherial Sea come into being, each warded against use by mortals without Gangari's favour. One appears in Qartog's Manor, one appears the University of Silveroot, and one appears in the whispering forests of the Grat. They appear as part of a doorway that leads to nothing and are previously non existent (in the case of the one within the forest, it has become part of a now hollow tree which is now unable to be cut into/down). They will only form their portals upon a recognizable command word and will reject those without Gangari's favour.

The obelisks created by Cyth'raul begin to crack on the surface rendering the instructions left illegible.

The Krakari in Gangari's employ find themselves blessed with the ability to heal their comrades through touch. Gangari's Justiciars gain similar abilities.


Jubal Kaya - Gokvahar

Jubal sat quietly in his office, clicking as he contemplated his new position within the Collective. The death of Rederick had led to the power structure being shuffled quite a bit with the positions he held in life.

In the shuffle an election was held and he had managed to succeed Rederick's public office. Control of the military as he had been told was placed in the hands of a man named Yildirim, a name picked from the old tongue that he had chosen upon his death apparently. It was the same man that succeeded Rederick as head of the order of Justiciars and one of the few men acting directly for Gangari in the world.

Those that they had taken during the fighting were finally awake and the inquisitors had finished their examinations of them. Most of them were scared and confused, others responded with their resurrection with aggression, some had some joy in their eyes at simply being alive.

As per Gangari's instructions, those who desired to return would be allowed to return. It wasn't something he enjoyed to think about. Their minds were still warped by Aurora. Given time perhaps they could have been healed of their sickness of the mind but that wasn't something for these times.

There was some hope though. A few of the tribes that had lived in the deserts since the fall had been killed in the crossfire by the Auroran's. Having their lives stripped of them, and having little fondness for what had become of their home as it was made them willing to join.

It was the first good news in his mind that had come since the invasion. While there was some questions as to where to place them, it was good to welcome some of his family back into society.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Badger, Turin Estate, Isle of Pesh

Under the cover of darkness, Badger and the Krakari slunk over the walls of the Turin Estate, the birds surprisingly adept at blending in with the shadows whenever they had to creep past the occasional guard. The group was almost one hundred percent sure that Octavius and the Emperor would be somewhere inside the great manor house, every scrap of evidence suggested that was the case and it made sense that the so-called Supreme Leader would feel most comfortable in his ancestral home.

Suddenly, there was a cry from somewhere behind Badger. He glanced around to see several guards pointing steam pistols at a cornered Krakari, a moment later shots rang out on both sides.

"Go!" the Krakari behind Badger told him, "We'll secure the courtyard, you find the Emperor!"

The bodyguard nodded and launched himself into the night, running behind walls and leaping short hedges as man and Krakari clashed in the background. He reached a back entrance, mercifully unguarded, and dived through, slamming the door behind him. He found himself in the back end of an unlit kitchen, eerily quiet compared to the garden he had just left.

"What are you doing here?" he heard a hiss from behind him and almost jumped out of his skin before looking down at seeing Opal, crouched up the kitchen table. The young vampire motioned for him to join her.

"I could ask the same of you," Badger grunted, "Where have you been?"

"Finding Octavius," she sniffed, "I assume you're here because he has the Emperor?"

"Of course!" the bodyguard whispered urgently, "You know where he is?"

"In the guest bedroom upstairs from here, guarded by two men," Opal said quickly, "You're going to rescue him?" Badger nodded, "Good, I assume that's your Krakari outside. While the Octavians are distracted out there, I'll take out the man himself. I have just the plan," she hurriedly explained to the bodyguard what she intended, and then once they were agreed, she darted out from under the table and away, whilst Badger left to creep up the stairs, checking in each room in turn, almost walking straight into a pair of guards standing by a particularly fancy door.

"Who the hell are you?" one grunted. Badger didn't even bother to reply, punching the first in the jaw and elbowing the second in the stomach so that he fell onto his knees, stomping on the man's head to ensure he wouldn't raise the alarm. He quickly dragged the two unconscious men to the nearest chamber and shoved them in, before returning to the previously guarded chamber. He slowly pushed open the door and saw a sight he had thought he would never see again.

"Badger?!" Daigoro squeaked in amazement as he turned around to see the bodyguard, who quickly put his hand over the young Emperor's mouth to silence him.

"Are you alright? Has he hurt you?" Badger asked urgently. Daigoro shook his head.

"They have Mama and Erica and Damia though! And they say they're going to kill one unless I go with Octavius to Nova Verde to help him!"

"Damn..." Badger muttered but before he could get any further, the sound of footsteps came from outside the Emperor's quarters. The bodyguard launched himself off the bed and into the nearest closet, slamming it's wooden doors after him just as the chamber door opened.

"What are do you doing?" Badger heard Octavius' harsh voice speaking to Daigoro, who still sat on his bed.

"Eh, nothing!" the young Emperor replied quickly. Octavius grunted and then a second set of steps entered the room, Daigoro letting out a cry a moment later.

"Shut up kid," the unmistakable drawl of Tariq Devan floated to where Badger was hiding as he heard the Emperor being dragged out of the chamber and into the corridor. The bodyguard waited for ten seconds before tumbling out of the closet and creeping as well as his great size would allow him up to the ajar door. He could hear Daigoro's cries from down the corridor, he followed as best he could. He reached a larger chamber with stairs leading down to it, he stayed at the top looking downwards.

"Have you made up your mind yet?" Octavius growled at the young Emperor, who sat opposite him.

"I... I..." Daigoro glanced upwards, catching Badger's eyes briefly, "I'm not going to help you!" he said defiantly.

"Fine," Octavius signalled for Tariq, who brought out his knife, and stepped towards three bound figures who Badger noticed for the first time. With a start he realised it was the two princesses they'd had to leave behind in Nova Verde, and Damia. "Who do you want to die first?" the Supreme Leader smiled viciously at the little boy, "Mama? Big sister? Or the ladyboy?" Daigoro's lips trembled but he remained silent, "Well," Octavius shrugged, "I know the obvious choice," he signalled for Tariq to grab ahold of Damia. The spy brought her forwards, bending her over with a knife to her neck. "Last chance?" Octavius raised an eyebrow.

At that moment, Opal suddenly dropped from the ceiling, kicking Tariq in the back of the head, sending him crashing to the floor face first. With a single swipe of her blade she released Damia from her bonds, then turned to the other two hostages to help them. Seeing his chance, Daigoro tried to escape from Octavius, a rotting hand holding him back at the last moment. Badger took a split second decision and leapt over the banisters to land with a crash in front of the Supreme Leader.

"Run!" he shouted to the three captives and Opal, who promptly disappeared out of the back door as Badger threw himself onto Octavius. He punched the leader in his rotting gut, sending him flying back into a nearby table. Daigoro tried again to escape from his arms, but this time found a knife against his neck yet again.

"It's over, bodyguard," Octavius spat as he put a vice-like grip on Daigoro's shoulder and struggled back onto his feet, his knife held in his other hand, "You shouldn't have come back,"

"No," Badger shook his head, looking the Supreme Leader straight in the eye for the first time with a sly smile, "You shouldn't,"

Octavius stepped back as he instinctively felt something was wrong, putting his hand in his pocket he found that the god-hiding amulet was gone. Daigoro held the trinket up triumphantly, darting out of the monstrous man's reach before he could snatch it back.

"Give that back!" Octavius cried desperately as he tried to catch the young Emperor. Opal swung back in from the side, punching the Supreme Leader squarely in the jaw and then bouncing off before he could regain his composure.

"Looking for something?" she held up Tariq's own god-hiding amulet as she skipped away, the one she had grabbed earlier as she had thrown the spy to the floor.

Gangari materialized silently in the chamber and looked impassively at what was happening, after a moment he looked at Octavius and asked.

"After having dealt with Lysei, what made you think that you would survive this path?" He stepped closer, "How long were you going to cling to that stone? Did you think I wouldn't see your sins?" He stopped, "With what you've done, is there anything that you think could defend you?"

"I would have held it forever, if it wasn't for that damn child!" Octavius spat, taking a step towards Gangari, "But, it was merely a precaution. I rose from the grave under my own sheer power to wreak my revenge, Aurora is mine by blood right, before the wretched House of Verde stepped in," he paused, tilting his rotting head, "Join me and the temples of Aurora will hold you in higher honour than Lysei ever was,"

"You're not the first to offer me that," Gangari replied, "and as it was with the last, what interest would I have in a cult that shares none of my values? I'm fully aware of your plans and I've seen everything you've done since you were raised. Even in your life you had been responsible for things I would have executed you over, in the last year you've broken laws I'd kill my own kind over. Why would I side with you?"

"Or else," Octavius' lips curled into a grin bordering on insanity, "I will destroy you like I did Emperor Maximus,"

Gangari nodded and stared into his eyes, "One of my sons asked to do this, but-" he snapped his fingers and Octavius burst into flames.

Octavius let out one final yell as the fire consumed his rotting flesh, his body collapsing into a flaming mass on the floor. The Emperor ran into the safety of Badger's arms, whilst the bodyguard and Opal watched Octavius die for a second time with satisfaction.

"Please," Tariq stuttered as he stared at the fate of his master, the colour drained from his face, "Have mercy, I did not know of these crimes!"

Gangari looked at Tariq with a look of confusion, "You hid yourself from me and put a knife to the throat of not only a child but one carrying a mark of my protection." Gangari stepped towards him, "Seeing what he was, did it once occur to you to ask me before you followed him?" he gestured to the fire.

"I hid myself from all gods, I heard it said the Raindrop Emperor was protected by Jashiki!" Tariq tried to explain, "Everything I did was for the People's Republic, based on your values and that of the Collective!"

Gangari shook his head and went silent, after a few moments he spoke "I was fond of your mother, and I was fond of the man that granted you your position. I'll grant mercy, but not forgiveness or absolution."

"Do what you will," Tariq hung his head, staring down at the floor. Badger picked up Daigoro, looking to Opal. "I think it might be time for us to leave," he glanced up at Gangari, "Thank you," he said simply.

Gangari nodded to Badger, "The stones are more trouble than they're worth. Two men are waiting outside, I ask that you hand them to them." He, Tariq, and the corpse then vanished. The trio made their way out of the manor to the garden outside, where the surviving guards had surrendered to the Krakari and were promptly being escorted away.

"Thank you for coming back for me," Daigoro said happily to Badger with a wide smile, throwing his arms around the giant man. Opal tapped the boy on the shoulder and he turned to give her a quick hug too.

"I'll be taking these if you don't mind," the young vampire said as she took Octavius' god-hiding amulet from the Emperor's hands, sliding it along with Tariq's into her pockets. "There's a group of vampire children up north who need me, we'll take good care of these, as insurance," she winked playfully, "If you ever need us, both of you welcome to visit,"

"We will," Badger nodded as she skipped into the distance, he looked down at Daigoro with a shrug, "Well, looks like we have a country to run now, kid,"

"I know," the young Emperor smiled back up at him, "Don't worry, Jashiki's sense tell me it's going to be good," There was much to be done, but with the final collapse of the People's Republic, Daigoro knew that Aurora would finally have a chance to heal again.


New member
Jul 30, 2011

The age drew ever closer. Khalorean would perform a final barrage of miracles, but wouldn't call them as such.
The skeletal remains of the Dryan priest remained in its alcove in the temple of the Swarm of Justice, and could be used. Khalorean had always planned this.

He enchanted it, blessed it, whatever the viewer decided didn't matter. Small scarabs would periodically still appear from between the bones and scurry about and disappear again. This was part of the magic- if corrupt or victimizing behavior occurred within what would have been sight or hearing range of the skeleton, a large swarm of ravenous scarabs would spawn and chase down the Unjust, devouring them as the once-priest was.

A burlap sack was the next artifact chosen. It was in the form of a semi-shape-lacking human, composed of a few bags and sacks sewn haphazardly together. But it wasn't the truth of it. Over time, the bag could replace its burlap with human flesh turned to leather with thick and ragged seams appearing as the connections; though doing so would shore up the bagginess for the most part. The bag was designed to be empty; though upon being within 500 yards of someone performing or wholeheartedly dedicated to acting as victimizer, the bag would summon forth whatever non-divine insects which would fill the bag. Upon filling, the bag would become mobile on its own accord. It didn't need to be detailed of how the bag would convert itself to leather.

Appearing within the dreams of some of his Blessed, Khalorean granted them immortality; but immortals get bored and frustrated easily by having to be awake daily for centuries. So, they could choose, just like a cicada, to spend a vast majority of their time as magical weapons:

To his twice Blessed drider, Khalorean gave the ability to hibernate as his own scythe.
To his most elderly faithful who brought so much to his attention, he was given the ability to hibernate as a longbow with the ability to summon a swarm of mosquitoes to drain the life of as many targets as can be aimed at.

I got too much going on right now, which is super bad timing. But a few of my faithful and blessed I want to give the ability to to hibernate as magical artifacts that represent their hunting skills.
I can't look up the names right now as stated, but I figure it'll just be able to be done to wake them up or something.

But the enchantment further makes burying them forever impossible, because at least 250 sq feet of air has to be around them at any time- so a building can be buried and they stay down there, but if less than that much air is around, they teleport to the surface.

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011

Gangari watched the world as it moved forward, always moving but always falling into pattern.

Aurora and its inhabitants slowly regained stability but for how long was questionable, it always began upon its path to turn upon itself or annex one of its few remaining neighbours every few decades. His Corvans resumed their planning against the other peoples of the land, simply desiring their homes back, their homes by ancestral right back, or revenge against the Aurorans. The Krakari continued their path of rampant industry and curiosity towards the world. The Grat... he didn't have much to think of the Grat lately, their shrugging of duty frustrated him and so he in turn had decided to ignore them.

The paths ahead were clear to him and his path chosen, he returned to preparation and maintenance of his works.

When he felt himself slip his chains, Gangari was happy. Happy as he could be as he was forced to stare into the face of every sin that was or would be. Happy as he could be as he looked at a world that rarely listened... But there were always plans.

He stood before a point he wasn't going to be able to walk away from. With the power he had thought he always had finally at his fingertips, decades of planning put the capacity to become the next overgod in his hands. Though he was unsure of the existence of one, he believed in one as it was the most reasonable way to explain why divinities came in and out of being and why he was shackled for so long.

Gangari's first choice to kindle the divine spark of was simple, though it was out of ease rather than desire. His daughter since her creation had grown in power and influence over the world as the years went on. He didn't always trust her to do as he asked as her mind had never became properly coherent, but that was his fault, she had been built from the souls of the dead and as they were had been allowed to wander. She was merely their face in reality, something to interact with the world through, something that fell into melancholy often and was confused by its own existence mostly unaware of its nature... He loved her and he felt disappointed every time he thought of his failure to normalize her.

The second choice was one of his sons, a creature he referred to as a tabula rasa or blank slate in the language the term came from. Its duty to enforce his whims upon the dead and its inherent loyalty to him made it a good choice for the long run. It as it was would continue its duties after its ascension.

The third he placed chains upon, invisible chains that would keep her from realizing she had been made a divinity simply by keeping her power from manifesting until they were decided to be needed. This third was Katalia, a creature which Gangari had little to no trust of and would take decades if not centuries to reform and refine into something he could use. She was to be used as an enforcer, something to compliment the rasa in its duties, something that would kill on his word but understand the difference between right and wrong enough to still follow his laws.

The fourth was something Gangari had been contemplating for a long time. Something he wanted time to accomplish. Cawles Strix was a mortal he saw something special in since he had layed his eyes on her. He immortalized her knowing that he wouldn't find another like her for a long time and knowing that she wouldn't make it to when she would be needed if she followed her natural path. Whether or not she realised it he had been grooming her to take his place one day and as time went on he found that she was one of the few people he could truly trust with his thoughts. She was the only one he found that he could trust in the world with his troubles, she could be trusted with his plans, his thoughts, and his vision for the world.

He looked at her fondly, and his offer to her was simple. He wanted a partner in this world. Someone to share his burdens and create beside him. He of course would always be above her in the state of the world, that was something he couldn't change on his path. After some thought she accepted, confused and unsure and over time he would empower her slowly, giving her the chance to survive the change intact.

During these times there were many works he contributed to, or were responsible for. Slow methodical things needed for the coming times. And so, prepared, agents in their places and his works maintained by others he chose to sleep. A luxury in these days. He chose to sleep for a long century, so that his works upon nature and man could flourish, and that when he woke he could render judgement and shape the world to his whims in full.

His creations stood tall and proud, his children understanding of his goals, and his servants in this matter ready to carry out his goals, he began to wait. Gangari's only hope was that he would do better than those who came before.

Create a +1 Magic Minor Divinity, Ashlif
Create a +1 Death Minor Divinity, The Tabula Rasa
Create a +1 Fire Minor Divinity, Katalia
Create a +5 Knowledge Minor Divinity, Cawles Strix

Begin seeding the world with nature spirits.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Emperor Aurelius Daigoro, Nova Verde, Isle of Maia

A month after the showdown at the Turin Estate, life in Aurora was returning to normal. The last remnants of the People's Republic, stretching from Padonia to parts of Medegarde, had promptly collapsed with no remaining central authority. A special arrangement had been reached with the Free State of the Deep Tribes, ensuring peace with the rest of Aurora. The Imperial Parliament had met again in Nova Verde for the first time in almost a year, inaugurated by the new Emperor, along with his father as Prince Regent and Lord Aldren as Lord Deputy. With the death of Lysei, Aurora was now secure in the worship of it's primary three gods under the Father: Kharolean, Jashiki and Gangari. Now on a hill near the capital, a new technology was being demonstrated for the first time.

"What is it?" Daigoro asked Aldren as he was lead to a specially prepared spot to watch the shining metal cylinder launch, along with High Prince Aurelius, young Kaius and Badger, now the Emperor's official bodyguard.

"It's a rocket, your Majesty," the Lord Deputy replied, "If it works as expected, it will take our brave pilots beyond this planet and maybe eventually to other worlds, given time,"

"And will it work?" Badger grunted sceptically, looking at the fragile craft that seemed at a distance to be covered in foil.

"I have a feeling it will," Aldren replied with a mysterious smile, revealing the future sight orb in his gnarled hands, "I shouldn't say much more, but I foresee a bright future out there in the stars for Aurora, mark my words,"

"Goodbye, Father," Prince Aurelius muttered to himself, glancing down at his sons as the rocket began to launch off it's pad, "We've put some of Maximus' ashes onboard, a few we held back from scattering on the sacred hill. We thought it would be fitting to send him up there," The late Emperor's body had vanished shortly after his death, only to reappear after the liberation of Nova Verde from Octavius. Supposedly it had been kept safe by loyalists in a private crypt until a time where the Imperial Family would be able to return and lay him to rest themselves.

"Goodbye, Grandpa!" Daigoro waved with a small smile as the spacecraft flew up into the sky with a terrible roar. Somehow, he had the feeling that Maximus and all the other good men and women who had died over the ages would be watching over him from somewhere, and that made him feel a lot better about everything.