Naughty Dog Claims The Last of Us 2 Has 50/50 Chance of Happening


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Not everything needs a sequel.

Especially not The Last of Us. It really is capable of standing on its own.

Please don't make a follow-up.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
While it seems they have the right mindset for a possible sequel, I'm still dubious to the idea in general.
I don't know, I love the game, it's one of my favorites ever. It's really hard to explain...
It was it's own thing and I kind of want it to stay like that.
It's one of those rare things that just perfectly resonated with me, and I selfishly want to keep it an unique experience.
The DLC was fine, it didn't hurt anything I think, being a prequel(/midquel?) and thinking back on it now I do it with almost the same fondness I get when thinking back on the main game, it's not as strong but it's there.
So I guess they could capture that magic once more but I'd rather it stays like this.
Then again if the sequel sucks (or worse, is mediocre) I can just ignore it ever happening.
I'm very good at denial.

captcha: "end of story"

See? Captcha agrees with me.

Reaper195 said:
You're not, really. It's mostly fluff filling in some pieces of the story.
Pretty damn good fluff I thought and worth the time in my opinion but it's definitely not something you absolutely have to play.


New member
May 28, 2008
I hope they don't. I want to see a new Jak or something similar damn it, wish they'd jump off the "we need to do realistic games only now" bandwagon everyone else is on and revitalize the 3D platformer genre.


New member
Mar 1, 2013
I don't see a creative justification for doing a sequel. "The Last of Us"'s story was very character-driven and ended with both protagonists being a little older (~1yr), a little wiser, and more fulfilled. What other meaningful character arc is there left to do that can *outdo* that which has already been done? Long open wounds for both characters have been closed in a very spectacular (and wonderfully controversial) manner at the end of the first game.

The only type of story I can see for these characters going forward is "This happens," then "THIS happens," then "THIS HAPPENS AFTER THAT!!!". Just meaningless spectacle. Let Ellie and Joel walk off into the misty sunset, Naughty Dog. Offering more is the same as filling in the ho-hum blanks to a movie like "Prisoners" after the wonderfully uncertain, philosophical ending (**spoilers** logic suggests if Dover is rescued he "spends the rest of his [unrepentant] life in prison, getting fat", which would be boring, but leave it to overzealous sequel scribes to do another "Escape Plan", which is just stupid spectacle).


New member
Mar 1, 2013
Alek_the_Great said:
I just don't get where they can go from the ending of the Last of Us. The Fireflies, the only really unique aspect of the Last of Us, are pretty much dead and so is any hope for some sort of cure. What would the sequel entail? Ellie and Joel fighting off more clickers and bandits? Pull off a "TWD" by killing off Joel and having Ellie take the reigns? I simply don't see where else they can go with this world other than "survive".
Exactly, from a purely pragmatic perspective, there's not even much left in this world to make a story out of except rehashing the relationship angle between new characters, and how lame is that? OR WORSE! The same characters learning the same lesson twice (as so many sequels tend to do).

Shadow-Phoenix said:
I don't get it, did I phase into a world where it's somehow acceptable for the few to deny those unheard who might want a sequel to this?, really I must be because either the studio are called money grubbers or have super artistic talent when they follow exactly as they are told to by certain fans.

Or I'm starting to live in a world where we only see 1's to everything, never a 2 or god forbid a 3 to something, but I know out there someone's going to tell me that's wrong based upon personal fact.

With that put out there for now I honestly don't mind if ND made another TLOU since I'm not one to crush what is technically their call and choice.
Exactly, and they should make a sequel to Hamlet next! I mean, it was just such a good play, right?

Alex Co

New member
Dec 11, 2013
tippy2k2 said:
Personally, I think going "Mass Effect" on the bit would be the best route (Shepard's story is done. We will not be seeing him/her again but there will be other Mass Effect games set in that universe).

"Last of Us" could do that. The atmosphere is really cool and the enemies are unique enough to franchise this thing. However, they really should stay the hell away from Ellie, Joel, and company. Let's see how the world is doing in...Europe or Australia or Russia or even somewhere else in 'Merica. Just leave their story out of it. It was beautiful and perfect; we don't need to mess with it.
That's a good vantage point. Show the same scenario but in another part of the world. I'm hopeful that one day, we'll get a proper story-driven game where it's not always the US that's at the forefront. Imagine, China, Hong Kong, Australia, etc. I don't think gamers are too close-minded that they won't buy it if America isn't the protagonists, no?

Brian Tams said:
If this were Ubisoft, we'd already have a pair of spin-offs and a sequel in the works.

Its nice to see a publisher not forcing devs to spend every minute of their time on a single IP (glares at microsoft & Activision).
Don't forget a Season Pass, The Last of Us: Sisterhood, The Last of Us 2: Apocalypse Now and The Last of Us: Revelations. ;)Yep, needless to say, if this was another publisher, they'd force the developer to create a new one ASAP. Can you just imagine if The Last of Us was released on multiple platforms? It lorded sales charts easily with only the PS3...

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The Last of Us was very much lightning in a bottle. And Left Behind already showed what happens when they tried to capture more lightning in the same bottle.

This game was Joel and Ellie. So either you continue on with the same characters and retread the same ground, or you focus on new characters and run a tremendous risk of losing the heart of the story.

So please Naughty Dog, just leave it alone.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
"Come on children! If you clap your hands long and loud enough, miracles can happen!"

Personally I think the game as it stands is fine as a single title and we should move on to something new.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
I don't see a reason to continue with this. I'm not even a big fan of the idea of them continuing Uncharted into the new generation, it should be a new IP each generation, just like they did the last three.

The major thing that I have against it is that Joel and Ellie's story just feels done. It could continue, but it feels unnecessary to do so. As for the setting, I really don't know. Besides the zombies themselves, the entire setting feels like any zombie apocalypse. There are raiders, small groups of civilization, oppressive governments, resistance groups, research into cures, the whole nine yards. It just doesn't in anyway feel unique enough to warrant a continuation into the setting. It's good, but it's not "we need twenty games in this world" good.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
As much as I loved The Last of Us, I think it should stand on its own. Sequels will have to have some other reason to exist, Joel and Ellie's part in this has come to close, and placing two other characters in what would be a similar situation will diminish the charm of the original and just have people screaming "cash grab!!!". Nice to see Sony not forcing the issue on this one too.

If they do make another game in the series.....the only way I can see it being possible is to set it in the years between the actual outbreak and where we pick up Ellie. Or later on where the main story left off, but thats something I don't want to see. As much as it pains me to say.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
The characters of Joel and Ellie was easily the best thing about TLoU but their story seems in every way finished. Continuing it just feels like the studio would be selling out to milk it for all it's worth. They could do a sequel that focuses on a whole new cast, keeping the same setting - but the setting is basically just "zombies"; not exactly super original. If they can come up with new characters and a new plot that captures me the same way the original does then I'm all for it - otherwise I'd rather they move on to something else entirely.


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Goliath100 said:
Two questions:
1) Does anyone actually want a direct sequel with focus on Joel and/or Ellie?
2) Does anyone actually want a sequel in the same setting(Note: Setting =/= world)?
1.) No.
2.) No.

Stories should end and begin naturally and adding to TLoU in any regard will only water down what we already have.

Make a new inspired IP instead.


New member
Jan 16, 2014
I thoroughly enjoyed the setting and the game itself. In my opinion atleast story wise it kept me enthralled the entire time, up to the ending where I had mixed feelings asking myself if I wouldve reacted the same/done the same in that situation. So lets all just leave it to our imagination and let the ending of TLoU be the ending.
Now with that being said, what I wouldnt sincerely mind, would be a prequel to the story as someone above mentioned. You dont know what happened in the 20 some odd years between the intro to the game and the 'proper' game starting up in its time and setting. Now, there are various things in the game that are 'hinted' upon but not fully explained.

So I dont spoil anything, Ill just add the terms 'hunters' and then of course 'Tommy'. You dont get any proper explanation, or discussion of it when they are mentioned because Joel sort of 'shuts off' and doesnt wish to speak about it properly. So to see how Joel went from that situation in the intro, until the beginning of TLoU with Tess etc, that to be honest, is something I would like to see.

Those are my 2 cents, take it or leave it.


New member
Feb 19, 2014
Casual Shinji said:
The Last of Us was very much lightning in a bottle. And Left Behind already showed what happens when they tried to capture more lightning in the same bottle.

This game was Joel and Ellie. So either you continue on with the same characters and retread the same ground, or you focus on new characters and run a tremendous risk of losing the heart of the story.

So please Naughty Dog, just leave it alone.
I think you're letting your personal bias speak for you, Left Behind is pleasing a lot of reviewers just like the main game did.

It's weird how people who praise a studio so much can also have so little faith in them. The Last of Us wasn't a fluke, a hypothetical sequel will be a risk, but Naughty Dog is more than capable of making a great game and a great sequel, so it's ridiculous to say that they'll fuck it up when their pedigree is outstanding.

Mik Sunrider

New member
Dec 21, 2013
I love TLOU and Left Behind, I was worried about Left Behind but ND did a great job with it. I would hate to leave this world, so many stories that could be told but! However! no TLOU 2 with Joel and Ellie, no more freaking going in the past twenty years or ten years ... no more what happened when ... their stories are done. TLOU 2 as a live action or animated movie produced by Sony would be excellent! Still, one of the best selling points of this game was it being a new IP and not part 15 the 35th chapter of the Finial Stand. Let this end on a high note and move on, please.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Can we do something a lot less realistic again? A cartoonish platformer? Heck, even an off the wall, silly FPS. I just feel like ND is wasting it's talent.