NBC'S "Revolution": A Rant by Roy


Bearer of Pointed Commentary
Jul 13, 2008
Today's Captcha: "fire + brim stone"

NBC's new show Revolution is already being hailed as J.J. Abrams' new Lost. It is a fresh spin on post-apoc settings, essentially a "Life After People" --- but with people. The basic premise is that electricity, in all of our technology, has just, um... stopped. Doesn't work anymore, not even batteries. What would happen?

Over 10,000,000 people watched the pilot, a record for any NBC show premiere to date.

But why?



Still here? Okay, welcome to the Crazy Train.

Because between the show's trailers and its pilot, there's enough stupid here to choke the premise into a stillborn pile of unstructured mush. Abrams' work often has this problem: really high-concept material, executed with good cinematography and direction, but riddled with plot holes you could drive the U.S.S. Enterprise through (starship, space shuttle or aircraft carrier, take your pick).

However, it usually takes a while for an Abrams vehicle to break down, and when it does it's usually due to an over-complex web of unresolved and/or nonsensical plot threads.

Not this time. This time, it's right out of the gate.

In the first few minutes of the pilot, we're presented with the show's Maguffin: a USB storage drive which has been used to download incriminating files just before "The Blackout" kicks in. This data supposedly presents some sort of threat to whoever is behind it all... the instigators of this post-technological Revolution.

Then we get to see and hear about everything which uses electricity --- everything --- just plain shutting down. Power grid goes dark, aircraft drop from the skies, cars shut down. We see the entire night side of Planet Earth go dark, including the western edge of Europe, so we know it's not just happening in the Americas.

Fast-forward fifteen years -



How the hell is this even supposed to happen? At this point, Abrams' core point to the entire show comes under fire. It's not that "well, it's not explained", it's that it's literally unexplainable.

Electricity just stops working, period, for no understandable reason? Congratulations, you just flopped over dead. No electricity, at all, means no functioning nervous system or brain activity. Since there are still people in this show, we know electricity itself still works.

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP)? Fries existing circuitry by overloading it --- but this wouldn't affect anything without circuitry, or anything sufficiently far underground to be shielded. Not to mention that many systems can be hardened against EMP (and many have been), while others are not complex enough to be burned out in the first place. In any case, we never see any of the hundreds of sub-orbital nukes necessary to shut down the ENTIRE GLOBE at once, despite the long-view shot of the planet's dark side.

A computer virus? Won't cut it. If this were the actual explanation, I would have to demand that Mr. Abrams please stop insulting those of us who understand how computers work. Or how anything that DOESN'T use a computer would STILL work. For God's sake, you can rig a bicycle to act as a human-powered electricity generator, unless copper and magnets have stopped working too.

Reversing the magnetic polarity? Most reversals take 1,000 - 10,000 years, during which we would simply adapt to slowly-changing conditions, hence no crisis. Assuming that this is one of the "spontaneous flips" theorized by many scientists as possible, all that would happen is that magnetic north would become magnetic south and vice versa. TVTropes sums it up excellently:

Of course, you can "reverse the polarity" in real life ? just put the battery in the other way round. Doesn't quite have the same effect, though. Most simple powered toy vehicles, electric toothbrushes and other devices that rely on a spinning electric motor will simply run backwards while more complex electronics with a DC power supply may even break or fry the device in question. This is why most "complex" devices nowadays are equipped with diodes, which keep the current from flowing backwards if the polarity is reversed, preventing damage to the main circuitry.

In event of a global magnetic-pole swap, even the stuff that would be affected can be repaired relatively easily. However, all your data would still be hosed if it were stored magnetically --- LIKE THE USB-DRIVE MAGUFFIN. That thing had better be a solid-state device...

Don't let me EVEN get started on how this official trailer from NBC liberally rips off the epic soundtrack music from Mass Effect 3. My brain is inserting Shepard's lines over the middle of this thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwfCRAtkYEI

But if you hang on until the end of that little vidya, you'll see what really torqued me off.

A computer. A networked computer, being used for long-distance communication.

So, at a minimum, electricity IS being generated, not only to run the two computers but also to power the connections and relays between them. The show itself had not even aired when this trailer came out, effectively blowing out Abrams' vision with a plot hole that I just don't see as repairable.

MUSKETRY AND CROSSBOWS: Fifteen years after the world goes to hell, a warlord's troops are using muskets and crossbows to terrorize the local population. Now, both are just fine for subsistence hunting and such. You can make your own powder, bullets and bolts, and they're very durable because they're relatively simple. Good for an individual survivalist... but NOT for a warlord whose relatively small number of goons need to be able to fire more than one shot before reloading, if the objective is to keep the local population in line by threat of force.

And in fact, it's shown how bad an idea this is when one of the aforementioned goons opens fire, and the villagers counter-attack, seeming to give about as well as they get. THEN the goon captain ends it --- with a modern semi-auto handgun. So it's not like those don't work for some weird unexplained reason...

COLD STORAGE: "Oh, we can't preserve anything because refrigerators don't work." Dig a hole, stupid. In the pre-industrial era, ice production and delivery were a major industry --- and they did NOT just travel up to some glacier and drag back chunks before they melted. Even George Washington enjoyed ice cream, and so do the Amish today, so no, it doesn't take a fridge.

ASTHMA ATTACK: I have asthma. You know what you DON'T do during an asthma attack? Run for help. No, you get to clear air and you work on regulating your breathing, while someone else runs to get help. If you run for it, you are most likely going to lock up your lungs entirely, and you'll be dead from asphyxiation in a matter of minutes after that. And if you have asthma to begin with, why are you one of your community's hunters?

"TURN IT BACK ON": This is the point of the Maguffin. It supposedly has info on how to get electricity running again. Well, as noted above, there's no reason it can't be running now. Not for, at minimum, small communities like the one the show opens on. Can you make bricks? Then you can make a smokestack, start shoveling wood from all those trees nearby into it, heat a boiler full of water and drive a turbine with the steam. There is no good reason why small-scale electrical production should be impossible here.

Seriously, we haven't even gotten past the opening credits yet. Everything above this line is in the trailer, or the pilot's first few minutes.

Now, don't get me wrong. I like Abrams' style. I plan to give this show a few more episodes' worth of consideration. But it's going to take one helluva ass-pull to recover from an opening that manages to shoot itself in the gonads from Day Zero (because Jesus Christ, that trailer).

EDIT: As it turns out, this is Thread #9001 for User Reviews. You may commence screaming in your best Vegeta impression now.


Bearer of Pointed Commentary
Jul 13, 2008
Ronack said:
This is like saying LOST was a shite show for not immediately saying how the island worked.
If you watched Lost, then you know that they never actually explained "how the island worked".

Taken as a whole, for that matter, the show is ultimately nonsensical. Even its "purgatory ending" falls apart, if you think about much of anything else involved in the show's final season. Like, for example, how Jacob actively lures passers-by to the island (thus making "purgatory" a matter of murdering people to start with).

Such plot holes being, incidentally, why a lot of people think Lost was shite.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
I just watched the trailer for this show, and now im going to have to watch the whole season to see if the fucking stupidity is really not going to twist into an explainable phenomenon.

They should have just explained it by saying "it's magic"

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
I saw the trailer for the show and looked up some of the details.....and it seems like that little device somehow just stopped LAWS OF PHYSICS from working.

Like, how for example, almost all modern firearms just stopped working. Particularly since this is America - you couldn't through a rock without hitting a firearm. But nope, apparently M16s and AKs don't work anymore.

It has to magic...because the EMP excuse doesn't cut it. Even if an EMP went off, you could scrap together enough parts to make a computer or a car work again if you wanted to.

The trailer shows that apparently the little device can turn back on the power/Laws of Physics for things around it and everything required for them to work (it even has the little symbol for "Power" on it like a computer or Xbox etc.)......HOW?!

Its just.....ugh.

EDIT: Though, we can now have EMPs without nukes.....but the effective radius is too limited and the power consumption to high to be any use right now, and certainly not on the scale that you see on the show.


New member
Jan 18, 2008
Well I have not seen the show so cannot say whether I thought the whole idea is stupid or what not based on first episode, but J.J. Abrams' thing is that he comes up with whacky as all hell plots and then spends a while trying to explain why these things exist or why these things have happened.

Now based on the trailer of the show I can agree with you on some of the stupid things. Mostly the fact that the airliner falls from the sky in a flat spin. First of all we can all agree simple combustion is still working right? I mean their guns still work, those are combustion, so if that's still working a jet engine will still produce power as long as they have fuel, they would lose all electronics, but the plane would still fly. Not to mention basic aerodynamic forces constructed into any airliner makes it going into a flat spin near impossible. Also even if for some weird ass reason it did lose its engines the plane can still glide, they don't literally fall out of the sky when they lose engines. On top of all that a small airplane falls out of the sky just before the airliner in that clip you linked, their engines are an even more simple form of combustion, and can glide even better without an engine, so unless this thing that made all the electronics die also made every pilot an idiot that would not happen.

This show seems interesting, but I doubt it will hold my interest. Like Falling Skies, seems cool after 2 or 3 episodes it becomes boring and unwatchable (in my opinion).

Also, why are there plants covering everything in that city in only 15 years? That much plant matter would take quite a while to grow over everything like in that trailer, also why are all the people that live in those cities not fighting back the plant life? I would assume knives, machetes, trowels, shovels, axes, etc. still work.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Hold on, how would the blackout stop cars that are already running? Electricity is only needed to spark the engine and run the lights. The engine wouldn't shut off just because all the lights died.

And muskets and crossbows? Last I checked, 99.99% of firearms didn't use electrical parts.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
I dunno, i liked it. It's a bit weird how batteries and pretty much anything mechanical doesn't work. Letting go of what makes sense and doesn't is what i find fun in shows and movies. It doesn't make sense that gamma rays makes Bruce Banner hulk out, but who cares, it's cool. I feel the same about this show - it's weird, yes, and doesn't make much (any) sense, but it's an interesting scenario and i'm curious how far they'll go with the setting and if they really will explain why everything stopped working.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
as someone who watched both episodes (and not just watched a trailer and based my opinion of the show off that, as some of you seem to have done), i loved it. of course i dont know exactly whats going on. its obviously supposed to be a mystery so id be let down if i knew exactly what was going on. i dont get why everything needs to be over analyzed. cant we just watch a show and enjoy it because its entertaining. after the series is over, then its fair to look back and analyze what happened but until then, just let the story play out before jumping all over it and declaring it bullshit


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Calbeck said:
Don't let me EVEN get started on how this official trailer from NBC liberally rips off the epic soundtrack music from Mass Effect 3.
I feel compelled to say that this song ("Heart of Courage" by Two Steps From Hell) is a rather standard piece of trailer music, it's been bouncing around before ME3. It's just one of those tracks you get in a lot of trailers.

Kontar said:
Also, why are there plants covering everything in that city in only 15 years? That much plant matter would take quite a while to grow over everything like in that trailer, also why are all the people that live in those cities not fighting back the plant life? I would assume knives, machetes, trowels, shovels, axes, etc. still work.
After the Chernobyl explosion, when the town of Pripyat was abandoned, plant life took over surprisingly quickly. I wouldn't put it past plants to advance that much in 15 years, especially if you assume a good climatic run. No comment on the "why aren't people fighting it back" though.

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
a) I don't think you understand how science fiction works. Or regular fiction, for that matter.

b) For the record, I think it's a pretty silly show too, but because of crap dialog, a surprisingly predictable premise, stock characters (only some of which were gifted with legitimate motivation for being there) and...Well, yeah, there's some pretty obvious plot holes. But the only one that bothers me is that even the Militia soldiers were using swords and muskets even though modern weapons CLEARLY still function. It would make sense for random civilians (sort of) since they're being repressed and what not, but why are the people IN CHARGE still using shitty weapons? Hell, where did they even GET all these muskets and swords?

c) You know what I'm gonna do about it? I'll probably stop watching if it doesn't pick up in a week or so. Then I'll ignore it. What I'm NOT gonna do is write a massive, insane rant about how fiction doesn't add up 1-to-1 with reality. Because that would be incredibly pointless, as everybody already knows that.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Okay, I had a lot of the same questions you have, OP. But I can suspend my disbelief on the tech side (for the most part).

What irks me is that the main character constantly makes choices that put her, and everyone around her, at extreme risk. And despite ALL of the things the writers can use to create tension, this is ONLY thing they choose to use.

That shit pisses me off.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Calbeck said:
Today's Captcha: "fire + brim stone"

I'm skipping your whole first bit because in almost all Sci-Fi there is some element of Magical Technology. If you can't accept unexplainable tech then I recommend looking into other genre of fiction.

MUSKETRY AND CROSSBOWS: Fifteen years after the world goes to hell, a warlord's troops are using muskets and crossbows to terrorize the local population. Now, both are just fine for subsistence hunting and such. You can make your own powder, bullets and bolts, and they're very durable because they're relatively simple. Good for an individual survivalist... but NOT for a warlord whose relatively small number of goons need to be able to fire more than one shot before reloading, if the objective is to keep the local population in line by threat of force.

And in fact, it's shown how bad an idea this is when one of the aforementioned goons opens fire, and the villagers counter-attack, seeming to give about as well as they get. THEN the goon captain ends it --- with a modern semi-auto handgun. So it's not like those don't work for some weird unexplained reason...
That's a good point, because as we know from history until the invention of the revolver there has never been a small group that has managed to subjugate a larger group. So this point will go to you.

COLD STORAGE: "Oh, we can't preserve anything because refrigerators don't work." Dig a hole, stupid. In the pre-industrial era, ice production and delivery were a major industry --- and they did NOT just travel up to some glacier and drag back chunks before they melted. Even George Washington enjoyed ice cream, and so do the Amish today, so no, it doesn't take a fridge.
Having a cold drink or ice cream was a rare luxury before the invention of refrigeration. Simply burying something in Chicago in the summer isn't going to make it cold, just dirty. Also remember that those people who had access to cold goods in the US away from areas of permafrost also had generations of infestructure to bring it to supply it. It's likely that a mere 15 years after the apocalypse no one has bothered to begin an efficient ice trade to small towns.
ASTHMA ATTACK: I have asthma. You know what you DON'T do during an asthma attack? Run for help. No, you get to clear air and you work on regulating your breathing, while someone else runs to get help. If you run for it, you are most likely going to lock up your lungs entirely, and you'll be dead from asphyxiation in a matter of minutes after that. And if you have asthma to begin with, why are you one of your community's hunters?
Well, he was alone when he got the attack so letting someone else run for help wasn't really an option at the time. So far as why he's a hunter, maybe he's got good aim, maybe he likes hanging with his sister, maybe he just enjoys hunting.

"TURN IT BACK ON": This is the point of the Maguffin. It supposedly has info on how to get electricity running again. Well, as noted above, there's no reason it can't be running now. Not for, at minimum, small communities like the one the show opens on. Can you make bricks? Then you can make a smokestack, start shoveling wood from all those trees nearby into it, heat a boiler full of water and drive a turbine with the steam. There is no good reason why small-scale electrical production should be impossible here.
They do state in the show that even batteries don't work, and the fact is when you get down to the nitty gritty almost all electricity production in the US comes down to water run turbines so if that would work then the show couldn't. I will refer you again to the genre of show you're watching.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Paragon Fury said:
I saw the trailer for the show and looked up some of the details.....and it seems like that little device somehow just stopped LAWS OF PHYSICS from working.

Like, how for example, almost all modern firearms just stopped working. Particularly since this is America - you couldn't through a rock without hitting a firearm. But nope, apparently M16s and AKs don't work anymore.
Guns still work. We don't see any of the main characters with guns because the militia has probably confiscated most of them, and in 15 years it's unlikely that a small community would still have a stockpile of ammo.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
6th And Silver said:
a) I don't think you understand how science fiction works. Or regular fiction, for that matter.
I was about to say the same thing. Granted there are limits to far suspension of disbelief can go but yeah, it's fiction people!


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2008
Every time I saw a commercial for this I saw it as a blend of Lost, Jericho, and to some extent because the main protagonist seems to be a teenage girl with a crossbow The Hunger Games.

Then one day I saw a guy who looked like an attempt at an Obama stand in and thought to myself well now all the Glenn Beck fans are gonna have a new show to wank themselves to since 24 got cancelled and promptly decided to ignore the show in it's entirety.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Calbeck said:
Ronack said:
This is like saying LOST was a shite show for not immediately saying how the island worked.
If you watched Lost, then you know that they never actually explained "how the island worked".

Taken as a whole, for that matter, the show is ultimately nonsensical. Even its "purgatory ending" falls apart, if you think about much of anything else involved in the show's final season. Like, for example, how Jacob actively lures passers-by to the island (thus making "purgatory" a matter of murdering people to start with).

Such plot holes being, incidentally, why a lot of people think Lost was shite.
Honestly I loved Lost for the fact that the whole mythos behind the Island wasn't explored. Explaining things sounds good in theory but it could have easily backfired and made it sound stupid and contrived.

Damned if they did, damned if they didn't. I liked it because it kept the mystery of the Island up through the very end.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Calbeck said:
Ronack said:
This is like saying LOST was a shite show for not immediately saying how the island worked.
If you watched Lost, then you know that they never actually explained "how the island worked".

Taken as a whole, for that matter, the show is ultimately nonsensical. Even its "purgatory ending" falls apart, if you think about much of anything else involved in the show's final season. Like, for example, how Jacob actively lures passers-by to the island (thus making "purgatory" a matter of murdering people to start with).

Such plot holes being, incidentally, why a lot of people think Lost was shite.
Eh? They're in purgatory after everything on the island happens. Jacob doesn't murder anyone.