New Book Claims Soviets Orchestrated Roswell UFO Scare

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
New Book Claims Soviets Orchestrated Roswell UFO Scare

It's almost impossible to count all the theories about Area 51, but Cold War animosity is a pretty good one.

Here's some quick background in case you haven't seen any popular science fiction in that last four decades. Something crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and the US military brought whatever wreckage left to the secret research facility called Area 51. That event has spawned endless speculation that an alien spacecraft either crashed by accident or landed in New Mexico to make first contact, depending on the theory. Now, however, a book called Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base written by Annie Jacobsen posits that the whole kerfuffle in New Mexico was actually engineered by Soviet Russia to prove it could terrorize the American people.

Jacobsen bases her book on the testimony of a single informant, an engineer brought in to investigate the remnants of the crash. He affirms that the Soviets launched a disk-shaped aircraft from a mothership located in Alaska to land in the continental United States. Because of the disk's shape, the craft evaded some radar detection, but was not completely invisible to 1947 instruments. The source said he saw Cyrrilic lettering on the ship as well as the bodies of several "child-size" pilots that were either genetically or surgically altered to have large heads and big eyes. These poor souls were apparently the result of experiments by the Nazi scientist Josef Mengele.

The big question is "Why?" According to the source, the Soviets were afraid of the atomic bomb used to end World War 2, and Josef Stalin ordered the hoax in order to prove that he had the power to scare Americans just as much. U.S. officials covered up the hoax, because they were embarrassed that they were doing similar things with experiments on radiation poisoning.

The guy's story is all very fishy, but Jacobsen believes that he is telling the truth. "He had nothing to gain and everything to lose by telling me, "but it was a matter of conscience for him," she said.

I want to believe, as any fan of the X-Files will say, but I don't think I believe anything this guy is telling Jacobsen. There have been some far-fetched things that have occurred throughout human history, sure, but to assert that Russia orchestrated the whole Roswell fiasco just to strike fear into our hearts like some perverted version of the War of the Worlds broadcast just seems silly.

Thankfully, both UFO supporters and military experts are coming out to denounce Jacobsen's book. "People have been studying the Roswell case for decades now," said Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center. "They've got deathbed testimony. They've got testimony from military officers who were involved, eyewitnesses. I think I'll go with the latter, rather than this young lady who penned this new book."

Source: Cosmic Log []


Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
This proves nothing I have heard of several so called, 'eye witnesses' who were there who later came out and claimed that all of the scientific advances that happened afterward, lasers, night vision goggles, etc. All came about because there was an alien space craft that crashed that had those items on board. That there was some metal in the ship that was extremely strong yet flexible- Although I have to admit this is one I hadn't thought of yet. I'm still gonna go with little green men. Far more fun.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Sober Thal said:
*runs into the room

"This changes EVERYTHING!"

*runs away like a mad man.

Off Topic: Anyone read conspiracy books for pure enjoyment, and want to recommend a good one?
I second that book recommendation!

This is interesting, but I believe the Roswell scare was a false flag attempt, the government scares the people into becoming more nationalistic... except this one backfired.

Has anyone every actually thought aliens ACTUALLY landed on Earth?


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
Sober Thal said:
Off Topic: Anyone read conspiracy books for pure enjoyment, and want to recommend a good one?
The Biggest Secret [] by David Icke. Absolutely exquisite from start to finish.

On Topic: Crazy Soviet scare tactic really isn't that far-fetched an idea. No clue if it's true but I've heard way crazier even without invoking aliens.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
I could have sworn that the Roswell Incident occured in 1947. *Checks the Interwebinetz* Yeap, July 4th, 1947. Anyway, if it was in 1951, why would Stalin do this? The Soviets detonated their first atomic bomb in 1949, that was enough to make Americans shit their pants in fear. And in 1947, the Soviets were already working on said bomb based on data and specs gleamed by their spies from the Manhattan Project. Why crash land a saucer in the New Mexico desert when your great equalizer was on the way?


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
... This Conspiracy makes the most sense out of all conspiracies of Roswell. But again, this is still a Conspiracy, so I won't believe it unless further evidence is brought into the light.

CAPTCHA: Printed corytin


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Greg Tito said:
Here's some quick background in case you haven't seen any popular science fiction in that last four decades. Something crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in 1951 and the US military brought whatever wreckage left to the secret research facility called Area 51.
Hey, Greg, I'm not sure if this is an error on your part or the book's, but I'm pretty sure that the so called "Roswell incident" happened in 1947, not 1951. If it is an error in the book itself, then that raises severe doubt on the veracity of the book's claim when they can't even get the date right.

Besides, I thought I heard that the whole thing was resolved when they declassified files stating that the debris recovered from Roswell was from "Project Mogul," a top secret project to use high altitude balloons to spy on Soviet military bases. One of these balloons crashed in Roswell and G-men were sent to recover it. When curiosity led people to question what the debris was, a representative of the army claimed it was a crashed UFO, in line with the military's clandestine agenda to make people misidentify secret experimental aircraft as alien spaceships. Quickly realizing that this would only intensify curiosity instead of divert it, he later redacted his earlier statement and said it was a crashed weather balloon.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Well, the wreckage was from a secret US monitoring device to see if the Soviets had nuclear weapons, so sorta.

Claims the Soviets were behind, or at least egged on, conspiracy theories to discredit the US aren't new. Then again, that'd be something the KGB was set up to do, wouldn't it?

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
Why don't they just tell us about Roswell? Well I mean about the "alien" crash, what could it possibly hurt?


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Well I prefer to believe the idea that maybe just maybe because all these UFO's seem to hang around an area close to a US Airforce base known to be where they develop and test the next generation of top secret spy/intel planes that yes they are seeing UFO's but these are UFO's not because they are aliens but because they are top secret and joe public doesn't know they exist yet.

For the most part I guess it's an exciting weekend out with friends to camp out in the desert and swap tall tales about strange lights you saw through those ex-russian military spec night vision goggles you picked up on ebay for 100 bucks.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Seriously? Soviets launched a disk-craft from a mothership near alaska?

I'd be more inclined to believe in the visitors.

Ultratwinkie said:
Secondly, the theory states that children were genetically altered to look like the greys. How did they genetically alter DNA when we couldn't even test SPERM until 1986? And how did the children survive such a drastic change?
Watson and crick didn't even figure out the structure of DNA until 1953, let alone sequencing and modifying it. Prior to this discovery, genetic engineering would have consisted simply of crossbreeding greyish colored people.


is a trap!
Nov 22, 2010
I'd be more inclined to believe INcredible INCREDIBLE HOAX by US govt. gone out of control.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
Why does everyone here appear to think that aliens crashed in Roswell? I grew out of that idea when I was like, y'know, 12.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Notably, the author previously made the news for trying to have a bunch of middle eastern musicians arrested for being terrorists because they went to the bathroom too much during a flight.
So really, she never HAD any credibility to lose.