New "Game" Encourages Secret Police-Style Spying


New member
Jan 8, 2009
paragon1 said:
Harbinger_ said:
Thank God this is only in europe.
Okay, totally unrelated post, but your avatar is awesome, just wanted to say that.

OT: You know, reading stuff like this makes me think that Skynet might be right.
Ironically enough the UK has a survelliance satellite called Skynet allegedly. Ty, WoT is probably the best book series I've ever read.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Harbinger_ said:
paragon1 said:
Harbinger_ said:
Thank God this is only in europe.
Okay, totally unrelated post, but your avatar is awesome, just wanted to say that.

OT: You know, reading stuff like this makes me think that Skynet might be right.
Ironically enough the UK has a survelliance satellite called Skynet allegedly. Ty, WoT is probably the best book series I've ever read.
Damn, never thought I'd get ninja'd by a government.
It's a damn shame the RJ had to croak. His last book is going to have to cover a whole lot more ground than he originally intended.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
paragon1 said:
Harbinger_ said:
paragon1 said:
Harbinger_ said:
Thank God this is only in europe.
Okay, totally unrelated post, but your avatar is awesome, just wanted to say that.

OT: You know, reading stuff like this makes me think that Skynet might be right.
Ironically enough the UK has a survelliance satellite called Skynet allegedly. Ty, WoT is probably the best book series I've ever read.
Damn, never thought I'd get ninja'd by a government.
It's a damn shame the RJ had to croak. His last book is going to have to cover a whole lot more ground than he originally intended.
Yeah I figured it was a joke at first but I was wrong. it is a shame that RJ died, I'm still skeptical about if I'll enjoy the last book or not. Editor and widow-approved or not it's still not Robert Jordan.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Harbinger_ said:
paragon1 said:
Harbinger_ said:
paragon1 said:
Harbinger_ said:
Thank God this is only in europe.
Okay, totally unrelated post, but your avatar is awesome, just wanted to say that.

OT: You know, reading stuff like this makes me think that Skynet might be right.
Ironically enough the UK has a survelliance satellite called Skynet allegedly. Ty, WoT is probably the best book series I've ever read.
Damn, never thought I'd get ninja'd by a government.
It's a damn shame the RJ had to croak. His last book is going to have to cover a whole lot more ground than he originally intended.
Yeah I figured it was a joke at first but I was wrong. it is a shame that RJ died, I'm still skeptical about if I'll enjoy the last book or not. Editor and widow-approved or not it's still not Robert Jordan.
Too true man. Too true. But we both know that we're going to buy it anyway.

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
Malygris said:
awmperry said:
Thirdly, it's not a game. They're not plugging it as a game, so that seems to be something a journalist has made up simply by dint of the system being on a computer.
I have a bit of an issue with that point. From the FAQ:

"Internet Eyes will not be issuing prizes in a game style fashion." Okay, fair enough, that sounds reasonably non-game-like. But that line is immediately followed by this: "Internet Eyes will, however, reward viewers a minimum of £1,000, issued to the highest crime scoring member every month."

So... what? It's not a game, but whoever racks up the highest score every month gets a prize? That sounds mighty game-like to me.
You're just trying to make it sound like it's game to get publicity on this article and have people enraged. Typical journalists.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I think the government should be able to read our minds. After all if you're not thinking anything wrong, you've nothing to fear have you? In fact fuck it, lets let the general public do it so they can cover us all 24/7.

Also I can't wait for this, a few strategically placed mirrors around, hmmm, lets say, an ATM, and I'm in the fucking money!


New member
Aug 15, 2008
So annoying, these are public place, not people's homes, silly author is comparing it to the Stasi, maybe when we're installing them in people's homes I'll start listening.


Geek of Guns and Games
Apr 30, 2008
Malygris said:
awmperry said:
Thirdly, it's not a game. They're not plugging it as a game, so that seems to be something a journalist has made up simply by dint of the system being on a computer.
I have a bit of an issue with that point. From the FAQ:

"Internet Eyes will not be issuing prizes in a game style fashion." Okay, fair enough, that sounds reasonably non-game-like. But that line is immediately followed by this: "Internet Eyes will, however, reward viewers a minimum of £1,000, issued to the highest crime scoring member every month."

So... what? It's not a game, but whoever racks up the highest score every month gets a prize? That sounds mighty game-like to me.
Not really. Being rewarded for acting in defence (theoretically and hopefully) of the law? That's pretty standard. You can get a reward for reporting evidence leading to the resolution of a crime, after all. I'll agree that the competitive aspect does lend itself to question marks, but even so the original article is over-hysterical, poorly-sourced twaddle.