New Hitman Trailer Brings the Guns and the Nuns

Sep 24, 2008
Ooooh. I get it. He's killing nuns. And that's a sin. And he's going to go look for some absolution!

It's just trying to justify the title!

... I honestly got nothing.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
What the heck was that? i hope they didnt think that would reveal a plotline or something.
what was that all about?

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
DVS BSTrD said:
With your guns and nuns and nuns and guns, hurroo, hurroo
With your guns and nuns and nuns and guns, hurroo, hurroo
With your guns and nuns and nuns and guns
The hit squad nearly slew ye
You'll never hear, when he draw near
Rest sister, I hardly knew ye.

Zhukov said:
Also, what is it with sexualizing nuns? Have these people ever seen a nun? 'Cause I have and, let me tell you, sexualizing them is like sexualizing grandmothers. It just doesn't work.
You must not have very active social life, because you've clearly never been to a Halloween costume party.
Casual Shinji said:
One has to wonder where nuns find the time to get in such peak physical shape.
Yeah, I always heard they have a lot of Mass.
Is there a single thread you haven't punned in?

OT: I can rationalise them wearing habits I suppose, very useful for concealing weaponry. But why the S&M outfits underneath?


I endorse Jurassic Park
Oct 20, 2009
It's like they really don't want me to buy this game.

At this point, it's just depressingly amusing how out of their way they're going to alienate the fanbase. At least I got Blood Money.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
What the flem did I just watch!?
The other trailers I where alright, hell I'd have been excited if they were advertising any game besides Hitman, but that was just ridiculous


New member
Apr 16, 2011
This is without a doubt going to be nothing like the other games in the series, and i originally definetly saw this as a terrible thing. same thing with max payne 3, i saw the promos and adverts and knew this was going to not be a "Max Payne" game. but i bought it and i can honestly say it is one of the most satifying purchases to date. what im trying to say it, maybe?


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Responding to comments #2-4 and everyone else with the same cliche response; cool it.

All gamers do now is over-react, and flip their sh-(table) to anything that didn't come from pre-2000. Play the Sniper Challenge and watch this trailer:

Both define the fact that Hitman, like any other, can and will be played two ways: Stealth, and Action. You can make it around everyone, or you can kill everyone. Even the trailer in this thread, he Silently Assassinates half of them, then decides to go guns loud.

OT: It's my most anticipated game of the year. Looks awesome, intricate, and has huge potential.


New member
Feb 20, 2010
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Anyways, until more gameplay comes out, I'm going to remain optimistic. And besides, I happen to like leather-clad RPG-wielding sexy lady assassins, so this trailer gets a thumbs up from me. Though perhaps next time, they could do with less of the bone crunching. That's not sexy...
That's the problem people have with it. The trailer presents female assassins, which is fine. Then it:

a.) Heavily sexualizes them
b.) Graphically brutalizes them

On the whole, people are fine with either. The average gamer isn't put off by sexy nuns. The average gamer is not put off by bone-cracking violence. But sexualizing a woman and then graphically beating the shit out of her is a little weird and squickifying, particularly in an environment this poker-faced and context-free, and carries dozens of unpleasant implications.

So it's more that people wish they'd pick one and stick with it, and since this is a Hitman game, they'd probably rather keep the graphic brutalization than the graphic sexification.

That's not to say mixing sexualization and violence is *impossible* to do without alienating the gamer. The boss in Saints Row the Third beats the crap out of plenty of kinda fetishy lady gangers throughout the game, and on the male side, blows up gimp rickshaws at one point. The difference is the tone. When the boss kills someone, it's often pretty brutal, but he also mugs for the camera, there's not a lot of gore and broken limbs, the moves are over-the-top, and the soundtrack is peppy and exciting. The tone in this trailer is bleak and serious, which makes things a little weirder and more alienating. I mean, look at that part at the end where he somberly bends down to close the lids of the black one. What the fuck was that?


New member
Mar 31, 2010
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
I'm in the same camp, man. Everyone here just wants Blood Money all over again. They want the same serious game that was the last Hitman game. Not to be overly-cynical or anything, but the last game had you don a clown suit to infiltrate a house where you put chloroform on a pair of panties to watch a perverted guard pass out.

I'm actually lauding Io here for changing what worked before. Difficult trial-and-error gameplay (though that mostly remains intact, from what I've seen so far) may not be the focus for the previews, but the presentation is certainly a spectacle to behold for now.

Still, they're trailers, and I take all game trailers with a massive heap of salt before I play the finished product.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
On one hand:

They officially do not care any more. Christ, I thought it couldn't get any worse after booting the main voice actors off the project. This is ridiculous, it's some over the top Quentin Tarantino bullshit. I said before that Absolution may or may not be a fine game but it will not be Hitman to me, this trailer only reinforces that.

On the other hand:

The choreography of the action was nicely done. The animations were good.

Gorilla Gunk said:
You guys already forget that 47 is a genetically engineered clone? Or that one level in Silent Assassins where you fought against ninjas? And who could forget the Meat King level in Contracts not to mention the Heaven/Hell party in Blood Money? Hitman has always been ridiculous. Sexy Nun Assassins are par the course for the Hitman games.
Hitman being a clone is just science fiction. There's a difference (to me at least) between the situational stuff you've mentioned and the fact that these female assassins are not even trying to disguise themselves. They just ran in with nun outfits for no reason like some gimmicky final fantasy characters that don't even bother concealing their weapons. If Hitman was in a church or something it would make sense.

Gorilla Gunk said:
A true stealth game penalizes you for picking up a double barreled shotgun and shooting your way through a level causing all kinds of mayhem. Hitman doesn't.
Actually it does, Hitman Blood Money had a notoriety system that was entirely based on that. To get the highest ranking and most money in any of the games you had to be stealthy.

Zhukov said:
Also, what is it with sexualizing nuns? Have these people ever seen a nun? 'Cause I have and, let me tell you, sexualizing them is like sexualizing grandmothers. It just doesn't work.
Nuns represent purity, it's sort of an ironic statement. Also forbidden fruit tastes better.

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
Lovely Mixture said:
Actually it does, Hitman Blood Money had a notoriety system that was entirely based on that. To get the highest ranking and most money in any of the games you had to be stealthy.
But again even with that it was completely optional. Why else would it even give you the option to start every level with every gun in the game? Why else would the game give you a fucking shotgun and assault rifle to customize as you see fit?

LGC Pominator

New member
Feb 11, 2009
my god people get so pissed off on this forum it is hilarious!

did we forget the heaven and hell level of blood money? which I daresay is more graphic than this trailer.

I like the look of the transitioning from stealthy executions to high octane gunplay, certainly looks hella cool, but of course cool is frowned upon here, so let me just restore my neckbeard cred by saying "OH IT LOOKS TERRIBLE I HAS NEVER SEEN A WOMAN AND I DONT THINK THIS IS RESPECTFUL AND IT IS KILLING MY BELOVED FRANCHISE!" Blah blah fucking blah, give it a rest guys, pretty much EVERY big announcement that has come out of the gaming world has had the same group of people pissing and moaning about how it isn't the game they knew, or how it is the death of the industry or some other stupid whining BS, you claim to be the mature side of the videogame fandom, act like it, enjoy what is fun, and don't have a temper tantrum every time something hurts your ickle sensibilities.

God only knows you expect that much from people who don't like gay superheroes, or violence in videogames, or political movements, or anything else for that matter, its hypocritical and bloody annoying


New member
Nov 25, 2009

I'm still going to hold out that as ever the game will allow you to go in guns blazing or as a silent assassin (or any where in between).

Why? Because uhhh... the trailers for Blood Money... they had explosions, piles of corpses and automatic gun fire too. I know. Your shocked that you didn't recall that. Only difference between those and these has been that these are entirely CGI, and those were CGI and in game footage.

(I am before anyone points it out also willing to concede that they had more stealth game play in those adverts too).


New member
Dec 24, 2008
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
I'm going to go against the grain here. I don't care what anyone says, I thought the trailer was brilliant.

I mean, it's not as if it's a gameplay trailer or anything. It's just a marketing trailer, designed to hype the game. And even bearing in mind all the craziness, it's not as if 47 is acting out of character in this. He manages to sneak up and garrotte two of the Nunassins with no-one looking, and uses a third as a meat shield while gunning down the rest. All of which, if I remember, were perfectly valid in previous games.

As others have said, Hitman was never a pure stealth game to rival the likes of Metal Gear of Splinter Cell. The joy of it was that you could actually choose whether you wanted to stealth it or run-and-gun it, and the game allowed you to explore both those paths in multiple ways.
I'm glad that not everyone is cynical enough to say that the Hitman franchise is 'dead to them'.

It's a CG cinematic trailer, guys. They're showing the actiony stuff in the trailers to show the improved non-stealthy options for players who are that way inclined - and now I realise that I'm just paraphrasing j-e-f-f-e-r-s here.

Call me blindly optimistic or naive, but I reckon this game will be pretty damn good. IO aren't idiots.

digital warrior

New member
Oct 17, 2008
Gorilla Gunk said:
Love the people freaking out over this. The Hitman games were always silly and unrealistic. You guys already forget that 47 is a genetically engineered clone? Or that one level in Silent Assassins where you fought against ninjas? And who could forget the Meat King level in Contracts not to mention the Heaven/Hell party in Blood Money? Hitman has always been ridiculous. Sexy Nun Assassins are par the course for the Hitman games.

And the Hitman games have never been a true stealth series like Splinter Cell or Metal Gear Solid. A true stealth game penalizes you for picking up a double barreled shotgun and shooting your way through a level causing all kinds of mayhem. Hitman doesn't. Stealth has always just been an option.
Lets not forget that level in blood money that had you, an failed albino clone, two love-bird assassins all wearing chicken suits during mardi gras. For me the series has always had a strait face while at the same time being batshit insane.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Gorilla Gunk said:
Lovely Mixture said:
Actually it does, Hitman Blood Money had a notoriety system that was entirely based on that. To get the highest ranking and most money in any of the games you had to be stealthy.
But again even with that it was completely optional. Why else would it even give you the option to start every level with every gun in the game? Why else would the game give you a fucking shotgun and assault rifle to customize as you see fit?
Because it was a stealth game with optional guns blazing, not the other way around. The notoriety was a major part of the game, and there was a massive amount of ways given to you to do any mission stealthily (I still find out new ways to do some of the missions), as opposed to the guns blazing option which only really varied in what guns you used, that said, I think the real problem here is that there has been a notable lack of stealthy trailers for the game, from what I have seen it has been mostly gung ho trailers. If they came out with more stealth trailers everyone would probably calm down about the game


New member
Feb 25, 2011
All the articles for this trailer have overhyped the shit out of the violence, and really, what was the worst part? When that one chick got headbutted? No dismemberment, heavy gore, torture, etc (not that I was looking for any of that). One of the very first trailers for this game, where 47 breaks into a house while a woman is showering is far more violent than this one, not to mention this is the same game that has you killing innocent police officers, yet somehow a group of villains who attacked 47 first getting (deservedly) killed is what attracts the attention of the morality police.

What rock were you guys living under when Max Payne 3 came out a couple of weeks ago? No doubt game journalism capitalizes on these sorts of stories to discuss issues like sexism/misogyny in a weak attempt to gain legitimacy, something that they continually undermine when half of their reviews have the line "SHOOTING GUYS IN THE FACE IS AWESOME FUN" in them.

White knights, please feel free to dismount.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
never really cared much for this franchise. played part 1 which was ok but never finished it. part 2 i played at a friends house but dint convinced me either. so i dint bother to play the rest. i had more fun with splinter cell 1 and 3.

now watching this trailer, it has action and sex like many other games and movies these days. the movie makes a better impression to me then the trailer.


New member
Jan 22, 2012
Interesting trailer, although I may be overthinking it. Full disclosure: have not played a Hitman game. Anyhow, the game is entitled Hitman Absolution. In the opening scene, you can see that he's washing blood off of himself, which to me suggests washing away guilt, with a white towel, white often symbolizing purity. He also has a cut where his barcode is- could this potentially be a self-inflicted would to symbolize that he has abandoned his former profession? Then you see the group of nuns shed their disguise- 47 seeing through the organization? What he once perceived as good becoming a deadly threat? That would also explain why assassins are after him: they were sent by the organization that he left.

Probably a bit of a stretch, but I'm sleep deprived and this is what went through my head when I first saw the trailer.