We need EVAR MOAR!!!Ranooth said:MOAR TRANSISTORS!!!
I wouldn't recommend buying this yet, unless you already need to upgrade your card, or you want to prepare for the Blu-ray 3D disc/games that will probably start coming in in a year or 2. Probably. But be aware, at the moment, there's no certainly Blu-Ray 3D will be wide spread before download on demand services.ZakCanard said:I have £400 to play with as Xmas spending money. Will this be enough for this new toy or should I save a bit more?
The blurriness is mostly due to non-fullscreen postprocessing (both DirectX 9 and 10 work at a quarter resolution for that sort of thing), DirectX 11 work with full resolution postprocessing which means there isn't any of the blurriness you'd normally see, check out screenshots directX 11 enabled Dirt 2 compared to the directX 9 version.Mr.Tea said:I don't get it either... Maybe people like blurriness? I prefer sharpness and higher frame rates; I must be crazy.
The ATI HD5870 has 2.1 billion transistors, a GTX285 has 1.4 billion. So compared to the previous generation model they more than doubled it, and it's about 40% more than ATI's current top end single chip offering.JusticarPhaeton said:3 billion is great and all, but might I be allowed to ask exactly how much this increases performance over their older cards? Computer parts have ridiculous amounts of transistors in them now; 3 billion is just another number to me.
I think that ati already responded with the 5970 and hopefully the 5980/5990 soon. All nvidia has been doing is mashing more and more 8800's together on their "new" cards. And really? 32x antialiassing? The difference between none and 2x is massive and that's what making console games so ugly, the difference between 2x and 4x is also large, you need to be a serious gamer to see the difference between 4x and 8x and going from 8x and 16x is hardly noticeable at all so this change is only going to be appreciated by people who like useless numbers and those who look at the RGB values of each individual pixel.LoopyDood said:Whew, can't wait to see the performance of these things compared to ATI's 5800 series, or ATI's response. Price drops all around!