Someone brought up people telling people to deal with the fact that GTA V had only male protagonists and to stop whining and compared that to this. I don't think that works
I actually agree with the GTA V thing, because those were set characters and their gender really does play a part in all of their characters, their interactions, and how the player perceives the characters. The fact of the matter is that until gender doesn't matter it does matter and GTA V recognized this, playing with how we expect relationships between men and specific stereotypes of men to work. GTA V is one game where simply substituting a woman for any one of the main three would not work, and the characters were in no way supposed to represent the player. Demanding a female protagonist in that story is pointless and stupid, clear cut evidence that at least some people have fully embraced the idea of diversity via quota and check boxes.
Rust, on the other hand, generates the most pointless and throw away type of character imaginable. An avatar that is ostensibly supposed to represent you, but they have guaranteed that it in no way actually will. A throw away character without any of the attachment from actually creating it. It is the worst of both worlds, arbitrarily restricting the player without any purpose at all. The idea that it provides some sort of window to experience transgenderism or will give insight into the experiences of some other minority group is laughable.
To clarify, I am not mad they are doing this. In the same way I am not mad when someone makes cut scenes unskippable or makes excessive and poorly implemented QTEs in some game I don't care about. It is their game, they can ruin it however they want. In any case, I really hope this is them playing the news outlets for free publicity. I can respect that on some level. But if they think this is actually making some sort of deep artistic statement I am going to have to laugh in their face at how complete their failure is.