New Wonder Woman Trailer


New member
Aug 22, 2010
KingsGambit said:
It's certainly a lot better than the first trailer. The first trailer made it look like it was going to be shit. This makes it look like it could be a decent movie. Except that the first trailer still exists, which means the nonsense in it does too. So far, the DCCU is 3 flops for 3 films. I think I'll keep my money and wait for this to stream somewhere.

Could someone clarify, is WW actually bulletproof, or just her bracers? What is her actual powerset? I know she has the golden lasso of truth too.
Her power set is fairly similar to Superman's in that she can fly, has super strength/endurance and ages well. She lacks some of the more flashy powers like heat vision and ice breath but makes up for their absence in martial skills that Superman does not have and since her weapons were forged by Haephestus (or at least blessed by him) then she can conceivably kill Superman with them since a powerful weakness of the man of steel is magic. She isn't without esoteric powers, she is specifically mentioned as being immune to fire and can talk to animals - in one comic I read a while ago that's why she was a vegetarian. Also her embassy chef was the Minotaur, as in from Minos so that was pretty cool.

As for being bulletproof I honestly haven't been able to pin that down. I assume she is since to go toe to toe with characters like Darkseid, Steppenwolf, Mongul etc she'd have to be as tough as Superman and he's immune to bullets. I think they do the deflecting with the bracers thing because it looks awesome, like the superhero equivalent of catching an arrow that's fired at you.


New member
Dec 11, 2012
I like it. Though I did catch a glimpse or two of the standard superhero big glowy thing in the sky that's gonna destroy the world. That visual is getting overdone.

The use of her bracers was done really well in that alley scene. The action scenes in general look great and also varied - that's good, because the action is one of the DCEU's few solid strengths at the moment.

I'm betting the bad guy is Ares, just because war.

I like the focus on chemical weapons. They can be just as scary as WW2's nuclear analogue because of how horrifying the effects can be. It actually comes off as a little sad, really, because of the "war to end all wars" line. See, we know from history that Diana fails - there's another, even larger war within a couple of decades that makes this one look like the prologue. That really helps cement how disillusioned she would be by modern times. Kind of like, "I did all this work stopping WWI, and then you assholes go and start it all up again twenty years later. And don't get me started on Cambodia."

Samtemdo8 said:
Have you noticed the ending of this trailer is exactly the same as the Comic Con trailer.

Both ended on that exact same old lady Wonder Woman is talking too making a joke?
That kind of set-up is almost mandatory, at the moment. WB/DC has to try and shake off their reputation for being too dark & gritty.

So they end it on a bit of comedy, like "see, this isn't all serious, because we were laughing just then. []"


New member
Dec 11, 2012
KingsGambit said:
Could someone clarify, is WW actually bulletproof, or just her bracers? What is her actual powerset? I know she has the golden lasso of truth too.
It varies. She's generally depicted as being slightly below Superman in raw strength. Her ability to fly is the biggest flip-flop point. Sometimes she can fly just like Superman, and other times - like in the Justice League cartoon and in this film, apparently - she's land-bound and can just jump real far. Note that she used to (and sometimes still does) own an invisible jet [].

Her being bulletproof is another thing they can't decide on. Sometimes she's Superman bulletproof, where she just lets them bounce off her face. But that's dumb, because it begs the question of what the flippity-floppity-floo she has the bracelets for.

My personal headcanon has her being about as tough as New 52 Aquaman [], in that bullets are mostly an annoyance but can still draw blood and possibly injure her if it hits an eye or another vulnerable spot, so she uses the bracers as her primary defence. That's a nice compromise, I think. The bracers are also way more than "bulletproof" - I think they're kind of like energy absorbers. They absorb Doomsday's heat vision in BvS, and then kind of release it as a shockwave back at him.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
bastardofmelbourne said:
KingsGambit said:
Could someone clarify, is WW actually bulletproof, or just her bracers? What is her actual powerset? I know she has the golden lasso of truth too.
It varies. She's generally depicted as being slightly below Superman in raw strength. Her ability to fly is the biggest flip-flop point. Sometimes she can fly just like Superman, and other times - like in the Justice League cartoon and in this film, apparently - she's land-bound and can just jump real far. Note that she used to (and sometimes still does) own an invisible jet [].

Her being bulletproof is another thing they can't decide on. Sometimes she's Superman bulletproof, where she just lets them bounce off her face. But that's dumb, because it begs the question of what the flippity-floppity-floo she has the bracelets for.

My personal headcanon has her being about as tough as New 52 Aquaman [], in that bullets are mostly an annoyance but can still draw blood and possibly injure her if it hits an eye or another vulnerable spot, so she uses the bracers as her primary defence. That's a nice compromise, I think. The bracers are also way more than "bulletproof" - I think they're kind of like energy absorbers. They absorb Doomsday's heat vision in BvS, and then kind of release it as a shockwave back at him.
I'm pretty sure she flew, like a lot, in the JLU cartoon. Other than that, yeah, what you're saying makes plenty of sense.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Gordon_4 said:
I'm pretty sure she flew, like a lot, in the JLU cartoon.
Yeah, she flew around all the time.

I remember because she was often on Batman-carrying duty. As a kid I found it hilarious that he often got carried about by one of the heroes with actual powers and wondered if they ever argued over whose turn it was to haul him.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Not a bad trailer. Right now I'm leaning towards seeing this movie, perhaps even opening week, unless the reviews warn otherwise.

My one big concern is that they may be so determined to do the "Powerful female superhero who doesn't need any help to get by in a man's world" angle that they fail to create any real sense of tension or risk.


Dr. Stan Gray
May 31, 2011
Callate said:
Not a bad trailer. Right now I'm leaning towards seeing this movie, perhaps even opening week, unless the reviews warn otherwise.

My one big concern is that they may be so determined to do the "Powerful female superhero who doesn't need any help to get by in a man's world" angle that they fail to create any real sense of tension or risk.
Wonder Woman is my favorite superhero precisely because of how often I like the way her femininity factors into her dynamic between allies and enemies. More often than not, this is well-written, but there have been some catastrophic failures in this regard as well. I don't think this movie could possibly sink as low as some of her comic arcs, but I'm nonetheless excited to see what kind of Wonder Woman we get - a badass warmonger who is comically ignorant and dismissive of modernity and civil manner, or an extremely powerful, exceptionally empathetic fighter who doesn't hesitate to crack skulls, but always prefers mercy and restorative justice over retribution and conflict.

It looks like the movie is going more for the former, but I hope they do it to realize the fun awesomeness of the character, rather than trying to shoehorn in political messages. One could argue that those are inseparable, and to a degree, I would agree - I just hope there isn't too much of an intentional "girl power" message being pandered here.


New member
Dec 11, 2012
Gordon_4 said:
I'm pretty sure she flew, like a lot, in the JLU cartoon. Other than that, yeah, what you're saying makes plenty of sense.
Zhukov said:
Yeah, she flew around all the time.

I remember because she was often on Batman-carrying duty. As a kid I found it hilarious that he often got carried about by one of the heroes with actual powers and wondered if they ever argued over whose turn it was to haul him.
I completely forgot about that. My nerd credibility is ruined!

Incidentally, I remember reading a comic where Batman allowed Flash to carry him somewhere on the condition that he moved faster than the human eye, and then Joker later realising that the only way Batman could've gotten there so fast is if he hitched a ride.

Batman was displeased [].

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
altnameJag said:
I'd actually argue WW1 is more interesting than WW2, but due to its nature is far less useful to a WW story. (Quick, I need more abbreviations with two Ws)

Because if you're trying to convince someone that the world of man is worth a damn, I'm not sure the Great War is going to do that terribly well compared to the war started by real-life super villains.
That's part of the premise; the events of World War 1 cause her to lose faith in humanity for a long time.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Callate said:
My one big concern is that they may be so determined to do the "Powerful female superhero who doesn't need any help to get by in a man's world" angle that they fail to create any real sense of tension or risk.
They seem to be going for a more lighthearted fish-out-of-water thing. Except the fish in question can, y'know, bench a battleship. Which seems like fun.

As for tension/risk, I'm wondering who the super-powered opponent is going to be. I mean, there is going to be one, right? Just having Diana kicking the crap out of soldiers who pose no actual threat to her can't sustain a whole plot, surely.
Oct 22, 2011
It looks okay. I hope the movie will turn out decent for a change, cause Marvel could use some competition. DC's failures have stopped being funny some time ago and are embarassing just now.

Zhukov said:
I have some qualms about applying more cynical approach. DCEU have been accused of being too 'drab' or 'edgy' before, and seems even WB is concerned about that, judging from the way they half-assedly tried to turn their last project into something more light-hearted.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Zhukov said:
Callate said:
My one big concern is that they may be so determined to do the "Powerful female superhero who doesn't need any help to get by in a man's world" angle that they fail to create any real sense of tension or risk.
They seem to be going for a more lighthearted fish-out-of-water thing. Except the fish in question can, y'know, bench a battleship. Which seems like fun.

As for tension/risk, I'm wondering who the super-powered opponent is going to be. I mean, there is going to be one, right? Just having Diana kicking the crap out of soldiers who pose no actual threat to her can't sustain a whole plot, surely.
What I'm hearing whispered around is that the big bad is actually Ares, presumably working through some nefarious mortals. I'm not sure if they're inferring he's responsible for the outbreak of the Great War and indeed I would find it a neat subversion of expectations if he isn't and is just stirring the pot a bit for shits and giggles.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
bastardofmelbourne said:
I like it. Though I did catch a glimpse or two of the standard superhero big glowy thing in the sky that's gonna destroy the world. That visual is getting overdone.

The use of her bracers was done really well in that alley scene. The action scenes in general look great and also varied - that's good, because the action is one of the DCEU's few solid strengths at the moment.

I'm betting the bad guy is Ares, just because war.

I like the focus on chemical weapons. They can be just as scary as WW2's nuclear analogue because of how horrifying the effects can be. It actually comes off as a little sad, really, because of the "war to end all wars" line. See, we know from history that Diana fails - there's another, even larger war within a couple of decades that makes this one look like the prologue. That really helps cement how disillusioned she would be by modern times. Kind of like, "I did all this work stopping WWI, and then you assholes go and start it all up again twenty years later. And don't get me started on Cambodia."

Samtemdo8 said:
Have you noticed the ending of this trailer is exactly the same as the Comic Con trailer.

Both ended on that exact same old lady Wonder Woman is talking too making a joke?
That kind of set-up is almost mandatory, at the moment. WB/DC has to try and shake off their reputation for being too dark & gritty.

So they end it on a bit of comedy, like "see, this isn't all serious, because we were laughing just then. []"
This generation's obssession with having everything be light hearted and jokey is starting to get annoying.

For example start this video at 02:23



New member
Aug 2, 2015
Silentpony said:
Meh. Looks confused and misdirected. Same as the others.
Explain how this looks misdirected and confused?

Don't just throw that out all willy nilly. People need to understand why you think it looks misdirected and confused.


New member
Dec 11, 2012
Samtemdo8 said:
For example start this video at 02:23
That video was, well, um...energetic.

I actually quite enjoyed it, although I can't say I agree with all of it because a) it's a six-minute diatribe that doesn't slow down long enough to make its own point clear and b) I haven't read any of the comics it's talking about.

I haven't read any Marvel title that isn't Deadpool in quite a while, actually. I mean, I got into Dark Reign a few years ago because that was a neat idea, but then the status quo snapped back, and the next thing I know Thor's a lady, there's a sequel to Civil War, and Captain America is working for Hydra. It's clickbait-level writing, to be honest.

DC's output the past few years has swung from entertainingly improbable to cartoonishly ridiculous to implausibly gritty, but at least I had fun reading about biker Superman and mecha Batman, even if Superman's dead now and got replaced with a Superman from a different universe and - oh, dang. I just remembered that comics are terrible.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
bastardofmelbourne said:
Samtemdo8 said:
For example start this video at 02:23
That video was, well, um...energetic.

I actually quite enjoyed it, although I can't say I agree with all of it because a) it's a six-minute diatribe that doesn't slow down long enough to make its own point clear and b) I haven't read any of the comics it's talking about.

I haven't read any Marvel title that isn't Deadpool in quite a while, actually. I mean, I got into Dark Reign a few years ago because that was a neat idea, but then the status quo snapped back, and the next thing I know Thor's a lady, there's a sequel to Civil War, and Captain America is working for Hydra. It's clickbait-level writing, to be honest.

DC's output the past few years has swung from entertainingly improbable to cartoonishly ridiculous to implausibly gritty, but at least I had fun reading about biker Superman and mecha Batman, even if Superman's dead now and got replaced with a Superman from a different universe and - oh, dang. I just remembered that comics are terrible.
Except the "replacement" Superman is the real Superman. It's been established during the final run of Nu52 Superman and the Lois and Clark mini-series that he was not the real Superman.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
So let me get this

Set during a massive global conflict, check
Sees the establishment of a new Super Hero during said conflict, check
Hero is fighting against new super bad guys developing a series of uber uber weapons, check

It's DCs Captain America... only with more boobs and that includes Chris Pine.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Laughing Man said:
So let me get this

Set during a massive global conflict, check
Sees the establishment of a new Super Hero during said conflict, check
Hero is fighting against new super bad guys developing a series of uber uber weapons, check

It's DCs Captain America... only with more boobs and that includes Chris Pine.
With a hint of Greek Mythology.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
bastardofmelbourne said:
Samtemdo8 said:
For example start this video at 02:23
I just remembered that comics are terrible.
Be thankful Superhero movies have not made their own Spiderman One More Day yet.

And no BvS, Amazing Spiderman 2, Fant4stic comes no where near close to how bad the worse comics like One More Day are.