News Junkie: Elderly woman shoots bully, no charges!


New member
Jul 31, 2010
Deserved it, i guess, aslong as he didnt die sure

And I doubt he'll be telling anyone about that
"You ever been shot?"
"Man thats so cool! Who by?"
"An old lady I used to bully"


Keeper of Brannigan's Law
Oct 4, 2007
Jamash said:
I wouldn't shoot a child with a gun, especially if I was that old and feeble that I couldn't be sure I'd hit what I was aiming for.

I'd make my stepson do something before I'd potentially murder a child, after all, if the stepson was involved enough to talk to the papers about the situation, so the least he could do was get involved before I had to do something so drastic. I'd also get my family to install CCTV so I have evidence of the attacks with which to force a prosecution.

I'd also phone the police again and make them do something, force them to intervene again and warn them that if they don't do their job, I'll be forced to shoot a child and I'd then sue them for negligence.

Even if I had to resort to using a gun, I'd show it first and fire a warning shot before shooting a child like a rabid dog... just because guns are legal to use in self defence doesn't mean it's morally correct to use them on children, as an adult of more than 5 times his age and experience, I should know better than to shoot children.
Don't forget your writting this with a clear mind and as such we're both objective. Neither of us are being scared, maybe even terrified by someone, we havn't got bricks being thrown through our window, and I definently havn't had a year or so of torture by the same person.

We can all judge this situation from out computers, but if we're put in the same situation, I don't think we know how we'd react, unusual and terrifying situations bring out responces we don't even think we can do.

I've not said what she did was right but I cannot for the life of me say what she did was wrong, I can see her justification, and i'm boarderline exstatic that she's had no reprecussions for standing up for herself.

All I can say is I agree with how it turned out, and I want to spread the message so more people do something similar or at least little shits realise they're not untouchable.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Wow, what's with all the "human right defenders" in this thread? I believe it was stated that the kid had been harassing the old woman for some time and the police didn't do anything about it. Getting "proof" that the kid was being a little prick probably wasn't gonna do much good either since he's 12, and the law wouldn't be able to do a lot to punish him.
Way to go, kids have no limits these days. That's a surefire way to stop a douche-in-training.

Richard Eis

New member
Oct 5, 2009
As far as i'm concerned, her aim was off.

Someone terrorises an old lady for a year, they deserve what they get, as they clearly have no sense of compassion or understanding. Prissy little "humans shouldn't be hurt, everyone is speshul" space cadets need a few lessons in real life.


New member
May 21, 2010
Jodah said:
Celtic_Kerr said:
sms_117b said:
Celtic_Kerr said:
Shooting a human is shooting a human. If a thief breaks into your house, slips on a toy, and breaks their leg, they can probably sue you and win.

If someone attacks you and you kill them in self defense, it's still murder

So if someone smashes your window with bricks and insults you, suddenly you can gravely injure a 12 year old boy through a bullet wound and you get off scott free? What the fuck?

Assault is assault, whether self defense or not. Shotting another human is just plain and simple shooting them. It's bull shit.

EDIT: Here's an idea granny: Call the cops before going Rambo on a child's ass
Someone attacks you and you kill them it's manslaughter, and generally the defender wouldn't be a violent person and so would have to live with it.

Also no, assault is not assault if it's self defense, you can upto break bones and dislocate joints in self defence, I have, and I got off scot free because I was defending myself from a person with a knife.

She did call the cops
3rd degree murder is murdering someone without preconceived intent to kill them. This would occur in: self defense. So like... Manslaughter! You're thinking 1st degree murder, which is killing someone after having a preconceived intent to kill them (I'm going to walk in there and kill those people)

And you got a lucky break. My friend was attacked in a bar and punshed him out in about 3 hits. He was arrested for assault. it depends on whether the cop is a nice person or not
No matter if it was self defense or not you can pretty much guarantee you will be arrested. That is the only thing that surprises me here. Keep in mind being arrested does not mean you are charged with a crime. Until you go in front of a Judge for arraignment you are not charged with a crime.
Indeed. she fired a gun, she should have atleast been brought in or something. The story mentions nothing of that. If a person in my city fires a gun, first thing a cop asks "Where is the firearm and who shot it?"


New member
May 21, 2010
Richard Eis said:
As far as i'm concerned, her aim was off.

Someone terrorises an old lady for a year, they deserve what they get, as they clearly have no sense of compassion or understanding. Prissy little "humans shouldn't be hurt, everyone is speshul" space cadets need a few lessons in real life.
There is a difference between hurt and killed. He's 12 years old. Not saying he shouldn't be hurt, but being shot is overkill.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Celtic_Kerr said:
A) If it's life threatening, you call the cops and tell themn "I'm in danger, I'm having bricks thrown at me" and hang up. They trace the call to you and come over. Why the cops wouldn't show up to this is bullshit. Cops in my town would get REAMED for not answering this call.

B) her insurance company wouldn't pay for the windows in the event of assault?
That's one superb police force where you live, however not everyone in the world has access to it. Not every cop goes running to your house whenever something happens. Especially if you're old.

So what if the insurance company pays for it? Id' rather not have my windows broken than having to replace them with insurance, duh.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
its a shame she didnt shoot him in the balls. christ knows i fucking wouldve... i hate bullying little cunts


Keeper of Brannigan's Law
Oct 4, 2007
Celtic_Kerr said:
3rd degree murder is murdering someone without preconceived intent to kill them. This would occur in: self defense. So like... Manslaughter! You're thinking 1st degree murder, which is killing someone after having a preconceived intent to kill them (I'm going to walk in there and kill those people)

And you got a lucky break. My friend was attacked in a bar and punshed him out in about 3 hits. He was arrested for assault. it depends on whether the cop is a nice person or not
I was lucky I wasn't hurt, other than that I was smart. I preserved the scene, didn't touch the knife and called a ambulance and police straight away, they found the knife with his prints, he had a lot of hospital time then went to jail.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
Lets play the "If it was..." game!

If it was another kid who shot the bully, the kid would already have charges pressed on him!

If it was an old man who shot the bully, he'd be in big trouble as well!


New member
May 21, 2010
mark0217 said:
Wow, what's with all the "human right defenders" in this thread? I believe it was stated that the kid had been harassing the old woman for some time and the police didn't do anything about it. Getting "proof" that the kid was being a little prick probably wasn't gonna do much good either since he's 12, and the law wouldn't be able to do a lot to punish him.
Way to go, kids have no limits these days. That's a surefire way to stop a douche-in-training.
Hit the fgamily with the damage costs to the windows. I'm sure mommy and daddy will do MORE than enough to punish the brat.

mark0217 said:
That's one superb police force where you live, however not everyone in the world has access to it. Not every cop goes running to your house whenever something happens. Especially if you're old.

So what if the insurance company pays for it? Id' rather not have my windows broken than having to replace them with insurance, duh.
You see, now there's "Whenever something happens" and there's "Someone has been harassing me for a year! Do soemthing abotu it!"


New member
Apr 12, 2010
The little shid deserved that. Should have aimed for his heart.

Atleast the kid will think twice before bulliying an other old lady.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Sexy Street said:
Jamash said:
xDarc said:
Jamash said:
So verbal abuse is enough justification to shoot children?
No. But the bricks the kid was throwing are potentially lethal. Probably the key reason no charges are being filed against granny.
This precedent should make all future riots a lot easier to deal with. If children can be justifiably shot for throwing bricks, then the police should have no trouble opening up on adults throwing any object that is considered potentially lethal.

People should think long and hard about whether they want to be shot the next time their favourite sports team loses a game.
It is self defence as well. Destruction of home and potentially getting hurt or killed by a brick being thrown in your window justifies shooting the person attacking you and your house. That is the reason.
There's something called the Castle Doctrine [] that basically says you have every right to use lethal force in order to protect your home and those inside it.

The bricks that the little bastard was throwing were breaking windows in her house and could have severely injured anybody who happened to be standing next to the window, so under the Castle Doctrine the woman's actions were justified in order to protect her home and herself.


Biologist Supreme
Jul 29, 2009
I'm honestly surprised by how many people are defending the woman. What the kid did was wrong, but that doesn't justify shooting him. His actions weren't threatening the woman's life (bricks were apparently thrown at the house, not her) and the potentially lethal actions she took went too far. There were different ways she could have dealt with this kid, but shooting him was not right. I can't believe she's getting off free for this.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
This is deeply screwed up. It's a 12-year-old bully, not a twenty-something mugger. Unless the kid was throwing bricks directly at her and she feared for her safety, this was way overkill. There are plenty of other avenues to take, like calling his parents or the police.

Plus, consider this: I know that I personally am nowhere near a good enough shot to pick a specific point, like a shoulder, to hit the kid with. The granny may be a better shot than me, but she's old and surely doesn't have the eyesight, steady hands, and reflexes that a younger person would. Was she aiming for the shoulder? Or could that bullet have just as easily hit the kid in the head?


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Jamash said:
So verbal abuse is enough justification to shoot children?

Does freedom of speech not apply to children, who can be shot for being mouthy?

I know it's not quite as simple as that, but it does seem a bit extreme to shoot a child, even if he was being a bastard.

I hope she was a crack shot and was aiming for his shoulder, because if not she's extremely lucky. Six inches out and she could have hit him in the head or chest.

read the article, he actually hit her in the chest with a brick. he wasnt just being mouthy, he was being violent. Good job granny...

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Jamash said:
So verbal abuse is enough justification to shoot children?

Does freedom of speech not apply to children, who can be shot for being mouthy?

I know it's not quite as simple as that, but it does seem a bit extreme to shoot a child, even if he was being a bastard.

I hope she was a crack shot and was aiming for his shoulder, because if not she's extremely lucky. Six inches out and she could have hit him in the head or chest.
That kid had been herassing her for a year or so, that brick was just the final straw.

I know it's wrong to simply shoot the kid, but I couldn't help but smile when I read this. Herassment is something cops never really do to much about nor can they, so when some poor old geezer can finally take a stand against little punks like this then more power to them.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I'm embarrassed by the number of people that seem to believe that shooting someone is a justifiable response to being bullied.

If you're capable enough to take aim and shoot someone in the shoulder then you're capable enough to pick up the phone and call the police, tell a family member or tell a neighbour about the bullying/abusive behaviour.