Nickelodeon Buried the 90s in a Time Capsule


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
newwiseman said:
First I have to say that the movie Hackers is the greatest computer based comedy I've ever seen, so thank you for using that picture.

Second, Stop...


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
Foolproof said:
Yes, your point being nostalgia clearly makes you completely blind.
Gosh, who peed in your coffee this morning? It's just my opinion, it's stuff I happen to enjoy, I'm not forcing you to watch or appreciate any of this, am I?
If you want to get technical, though, I'll tell you what the best movies of the 90s were. Hint: Star Trek movies aren't on the list... The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Schindler's List, The Matrix, The Usual Suspects, Forrest Gump, Se7en, Léon, American Beauty, Braveheart...

lapan said:
My father used to play Wing Commander a lot in my youth. That and Myst. I myself was more a fan of humorous adventures. I actually didnt play a single Sam & Max yet though.
Now that i think about it more clearly, my favorites were probably Curse of Monkey Island, DotT and Discworld 2. The last one got me into the books later on in my life.
Sounds like you were more a late 90s gamer then a early 90s. Oh for the days when we had to type "open door". ;)

Moonlight Butterfly said:
Pfft 80's >90's
We had Thundercats and Ghostbusters for a start.
(Stop making me feel old Escapist :<)
I'll be 60 :p
Oh I agree, the 80s were waesome too, but that's a different topic altogether. (Care Bears, Ghostbusters, need I go on, really?)


New member
Feb 5, 2012
Foolproof said:
The 90's sucked ass in pretty much every way a decade could suck. A decade without an identity, and without anything outstanding to identify it. I really can't see why you'd need a time capsule to remember it, as there really wasn'y anything worth remembering.

Coming from someone swwho grew up in the 90's, they sucked ass.
I grew up in the 90's and I fucking loved it. The Soviet Union collapsed and the threat of nuclear annihilation diminished massively. The IRA agreed to a ceasefire and the supposed threat of radical Islam had yet to rear its head in the conscious of the general public. The mid to late 90's was a period of economic growth and prosperity (even if the early 90's were bad in this respect) and was a great time to get into the job market, I do feel sorry for kids these days, the future looks a lot bleaker now, the 90's felt remarkable carefree and optimistic from where I was standing.

Then we had rave culture which was an absolute blast, lasted the whole decade and carries on to an extent today. There were some great TV comedies and awesome films.
Home computers and consoles started to get decent from the SNES, Amiga etc at the start to the Playstation, N64 and PC at the end, the late 90's being considered somewhat of a golden age for gaming. The internet started up towards the end of the 90's. I loved the music from the various forms of Techno and rave music, Death Metal, Black metal, some good punk came out even if it is traditionally remembered as an 80's thing.

Some of the haircuts and fashions look rather hideous now but you can say that about any decade. I started wearing combat trousers back in 1992 and I still wear them today.

Coming from someone who grew up in the 90's they were fucking awesome.

Marshall Honorof said:
Even so, it serves to reinforce the fact that even though it may not seem like it, the 90s were a long time ago, and a whole generation of kids has grown up under a whole new pop culture paradigm.
Oh yeah, it is a long time ago. It makes me feel old that the kids who are 16 now were born the year I turned 18. They weren't even alive when I was watching kids programmes and having my first drink, first drugs, first sex, I could technically be their dad. I am to them what people who were born in 1960 were to me. People who spent their teenage years listening to disco and glam rock.

What really gets me is that the current generation has grown up with the internet and social networking sites and mobile phones from a very early age whereas those things weren't around when I was a young teenager. I do occasionally find myself wondering what it is like being a teenager now, how much different things would have been if we;d had the same things when I was their age.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
Eleima said:
lapan said:
My father used to play Wing Commander a lot in my youth. That and Myst. I myself was more a fan of humorous adventures. I actually didnt play a single Sam & Max yet though.
Now that i think about it more clearly, my favorites were probably Curse of Monkey Island, DotT and Discworld 2. The last one got me into the books later on in my life.
Sounds like you were more a late 90s gamer then a early 90s. Oh for the days when we had to type "open door". ;)
Seen as i was born in 1988 i spend the first half of the 90's playing games that didn't require reading like Sonic or Mario.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
lapan said:
Don't forget the other old adventures like DOTT either.

I just reinstalled it, thanks. I was supposed to go to bed, too...


Nov 24, 2009
United States
The 90's were awesome I just wish i had a better memory of it.

A good time put put this up to:

even if it's not your kind of music this song made me tear up a bit


New member
Jan 23, 2009
lacktheknack said:
lapan said:
Don't forget the other old adventures like DOTT either.

I just reinstalled it, thanks. I was supposed to go to bed, too...
Sleep is for the weak.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
lapan said:
lacktheknack said:
lapan said:
Don't forget the other old adventures like DOTT either.

I just reinstalled it, thanks. I was supposed to go to bed, too...
Sleep is for the weak.
Damn straight.[1].gif



New member
Nov 24, 2011
Wow. Lots of negativity on this thread. Did everyone have a shitty day or what?

OT: I liked the 90s. That is all.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
The 90s were fun and interesting for me, at least as far as toys,media,ect goes.
CrazyCapnMorgan said:
I absolutely cringe when people say the 90s sucked. If people really believe that, I think they missed out.

I remember, as far as gaming goes, the 90s gave us (just a brief list):

Final Fantasy 2 (Final Fantasy 4, Japanese)
Final Fantasy 3 (Final Fantasy 6, Japanese)
Final Fantasy 7
Chrono Trigger
Killer Instinct
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Wild ARMs
Super Mario World
Super Mario Kart
Legend of Mana (only if you count its Japan release date of July 15, 1999. It didn't make it to the US until June 7, 2000.)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Breath of Fire 1, 2 and 3

As far as shows went, all I'm going to mention is a few intros.

Captcha: Find Your Happy. See? Even Captcha knows!
No duck tails?

No Dog city?





and last but not least.

Honorable mentions
Biker mice from mars

And thoes aren't even the best ones!


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
I feel fucking ancient now, thank you, incidentally both of my legs are hurting and I have back pain, now I feel even more ancient...


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Eleima said:
...Chia Pet...
...The true My Little Pony []...
...It was the golden age of the Star Trek [] movies (Generations, Contact and Insurrection)...
Chia Pets were the 70's, the original MLP was 80's

Insurrection? Ok it's not the worst, but that's the one where that lady was trapped in a cave collapse and they decided that the best thing to do while waiting for rescue was to SLOW DOWN TIME?


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
Endocrom said:
Chia Pets were the 70's, the original MLP was 80's
I'm aware of that, but their influence extended well into the 90s with omnipresent commercials ("ch-ch-ch-chia") and rampant merchandising.

Endocrom said:
Insurrection? Ok it's not the worst, but that's the one where that lady was trapped in a cave collapse and they decided that the best thing to do while waiting for rescue was to SLOW DOWN TIME?
Okay then, what would you have suggested? From a medical point of view, it makes sense. They had no means to help her, and Dr. Crusher couldn't get to her for another hour or so. Think of it in terms of suspended animation, it's like cryogenically freezing someone until you develop a cure.


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
Foolproof said:
The 90's sucked ass in pretty much every way a decade could suck. A decade without an identity, and without anything outstanding to identify it. I really can't see why you'd need a time capsule to remember it, as there really wasn'y anything worth remembering.

Coming from someone swwho grew up in the 90's, they sucked ass.
I disagree, there were a lot of good 90s films, great books, and of course, great games.

It's mainly the music that sucked major ASS.

I think the Windows 95 PC was the greatest icon of the 90s. That truly brought the personal computer within reach of every home. 1995 till the dotcom crash, those were the days...


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Eleima said:
Endocrom said:
Chia Pets were the 70's, the original MLP was 80's
I'm aware of that, but their influence extended well into the 90s with omnipresent commercials ("ch-ch-ch-chia") and rampant merchandising.

Endocrom said:
Insurrection? Ok it's not the worst, but that's the one where that lady was trapped in a cave collapse and they decided that the best thing to do while waiting for rescue was to SLOW DOWN TIME?
Okay then, what would you have suggested? From a medical point of view, it makes sense. They had no means to help her, and Dr. Crusher couldn't get to her for another hour or so. Think of it in terms of suspended animation, it's like cryogenically freezing someone until you develop a cure.
I'll give you Chia pets, but you will never convince me that MLP was as popular in the 90's as it was in the 80's

and why WOULD you want to slow down time when you are hurt? Maybe you just saw it differently, but to me, it seemed that that would extend the ammount of time they had to wait for help.


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
Endocrom said:
I'll give you Chia pets, but you will never convince me that MLP was as popular in the 90's as it was in the 80's
Oh, trust me, they were popular. A few of my friends had a gazillion little ponies, even had the big house for them. I only managed to coax my parents into buying me a couple of ponies. So yeah, they were popular. Or at least, in the first half of the 90s, I'll give you that.
Endocrom said:
and why WOULD you want to slow down time when you are hurt? Maybe you just saw it differently, but to me, it seemed that that would extend the ammount of time they had to wait for help.
Like I said, it's kinda like suspended animation, you halth time to order to limit the amount of damage being done. Imagine she hit her head (or was bleeding out internally, in the abdominal cavity; same difference for the purpose of this discussion), slowing down time who mean the hematoma would have less time to grow and worsen. Slowing down time in their own bubble means that they stay stuck in that instant while time flows normally outside of it. It's like hitting the "pause" button, if you will. In the end, it's mostly used as a plot device to show that Picard has come to understand and even adopt the Baku's way of life and outlook. At least that's how I see it.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Eleima said:
I could swear I saw Worf moving in slow motion as he broke through to them, meaning they were moving faster, thus, extending her pain.

But that doesn't matter now because while looking for that scene on youtube I found the Red Letter Media review of Insurrection and other movies, so I'll be on youtube for oh, the next year or so.