Ninja Theory Wants Devil May Cry Reboot to Compete with Bayonetta

Marshall Honorof

New member
Feb 16, 2011
Ninja Theory Wants Devil May Cry Reboot to Compete with Bayonetta

While Ninja Theory thinks its new Devil May Cry will stand on its own merits, the developers want the game to be able to stand toe-to-toe with Sega's Bayonetta.

I'm thinking of a famous videogame character. Try to guess which one! This action game protagonist, who loves ridiculous outfits and outrageous hairdos, dispatches foes with stylish combos, wields an arsenal of over-the-top weapons, and takes part in a twisted, convoluted plot told through cutscenes right out of a wire-fu movie. If you guessed Dante from Devil May Cry reboot [], wants Dante's latest adventures to be distinct from those of a certain witch sporting pistol high heels. At the same time, wherever the mechanics of Devil May Cry and Bayonetta mirror each other, Ninja Theory wants the newly redesigned demon hunter to come out on top.

Alex Jones, a producer at Capcom, acknowledges that, despite overt similarities, Devil May Cry is a distinct beast from Bayonetta, particularly when it comes to narrative and tone. At the same time, Jones wants the reboot to deliver where it counts. "You always want to go out there and beat your competitor to some degree," he says. "[How] does the game feel when it's in your hand? We absolutely want the same fluidity of control that's a standard setting [for Bayonetta]." While Jones seems to have a lot of respect for Sega's sexy heroine, he doesn't feel that she has a monopoly on the stylized action game. In particular, he cites Dante's newfound ability to "rip apart the world and manipulate it ... Some areas we're offering something different."

The fact that the two series share so many similarities is hardly a coincidence, given that Hideki Kamiya, the director of Bayonetta, was also the original creator of Devil May Cry. What's more puzzling is why Ninja Theory would be so concerned with competing with a game that's already two years old and has no sequel on the immediate horizon. While Bayonetta is a superlative example of its genre, how many people will decide to invest in it instead of the new Devil May Cry? If Ninja Theory knows something we don't, and the bespectacled temptress is due for another adventure, that could be exciting. Otherwise, Dante and Bayonetta are perfectly good protagonists on their own, but if Capcom and Sega really want to move some units, all they have to do is put them together in one game. Ball's in your court, guys.

Source: Eurogamer []



New member
Feb 21, 2011
Bayonetta is easily one of my favorite games. On the other hand, the Devil May Cry series is alright (all three games, *coughcough*), but I couldn't really get into it for some reason.

I somehow doubt that "DmC" will do anything to change my mind.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
DMC is prehaps my favorite game franchise ever created, and that being said the only thing I find appealing from the new games trailers is its very artistic world (Seriously why is this thing called DmC, if it were ANYTHING else I'd totally look into it) but in no way was that the main aspect of Devil May Cry. Bayonetta was everything a female protagonist of Devil May Cry needed to play.

I'm not happy about seeing an awesome characters history changed (now Dantes a half angel/half devil?) nor am I happy about the previous PR given by this new company. In the end though I can still be glad and get my hack n slash fill when Bayonetta 2 comes out.

Will DmC be a let down? More than likely
Will I buy it? Nope, but I'll rent it the first day it comes to my rental store
Will it compete with Bayonetta? Will my dislike of Tameem Antoniadas ever be resolved? (No)


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Bayonetta is one of the best action games this generation, so I'm glad Ninja Theory has high goals. Maybe this will be the one Devil May Cry game I like...

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Guttering franchise picks a dev-cycle-old game as archrival.

This can't end well. It would be like a disgraced boxer trying to restart his career by fighting a 12 year old. Either he'll win and everyone will be unsurprised or offended at the spectacle of beating an easy victim, or he'll lose and everyone will laugh at him for losing to such an easy victim.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Good luck with that.

I mean, really, good luck with that, but Bayonetta's combat is some of the best and most polished ever. You can just hammer a button on easy, but the higher the difficulty the more technical, fluid, and expressive it gets.

Ninja Theory has delivered Kung Fu Chaos, Heavenly Sword, and Enslaved: Odyssey. Not one of those would make me think they can possibly compete with Platinum in this regard. But if they do I will certainly be buying it!


New member
Jul 23, 2009
kyosai7 said:
Bayonetta is one of the best action games this generation, so I'm glad Ninja Theory has high goals. Maybe this will be the one Devil May Cry game I like...
bayonetta was all of devil may cry's ridiculousness with none of its quality.


OT: Bayonetta was an awful game and to try and and match it is to design DOWN from the already low expectations I had for this game. Fuck you ninja theory and your shitty ideas. I hope you burn in a pit of cobras


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Interesting... they want a single game that came out way after DMC to "compete" with it? Does this sound ridiculous to anyone else?

Will it though? Probably not, not after the emo loser transition they are putting Dante through.


Dec 1, 2009
I loved devil may cry since i first popped the demo included with code veronica x into my ps2. I sort of was a little meh about dmc4 and I really dont like the redesign in this upcoming game, but who knows maybe I will fall in love with dmc all over again...maybe

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
this confuses the hell out of me, their ruining the game, to compete with another game o.0 wow, they must be on some GOOD shit for that to make sense. Devil May Cry didn't NEED a reboot to compete with Bayonetta, whom, at this point seems to just have the one game with nothing on the horizon. -.- what are they? retarded? why are they retooling a SERIES to compete with ONE game, when thus far Sega seem ok with leaving it at one game

well fine

fuck you Capcom, first you give the game to a group of asswipes who are on record as hating on it, and even blame it for their own poor sales, then let them ruin it, and to top it off, you cunts have killed Mega Man yeah, fuck you, i hope you go out of business
/fanboy rage


New member
Oct 26, 2010
People like Bayonetta? Was I playing a different game to everyone else?
Cause my experience left me thinking its the biggest pile of crap I've ever played, with stupid, frustrating combat and a story so stupid it makes my brain hurt just thinking about it.

Just do not get the appeal of that game at all, except for the obvious and shameless fanservice it is providing


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
This isnt good news for people like me who hold Devil Mmay Cry (not 2) to be better than Bayonetta.

esin said:
8-Bit_Jack said:
And Dante surfing a missile is intelligent and plausible?
I think we both know that Dante surfing that missile would prove to be one of the less rediculous things to happen in DMC3.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Maybe its why Sega isn't looking too keenly to do Bayonetta 2 at the moment; They struck gold with the perfect game right off the bat and now they are apprehensive if it were a fluke or an unrepeatable success.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
As much as i simply don't find anything appealing about Bayonetta as a character, both in design and character (Sue me), i will say this: It has some really REALLY freaking good gameplay.

Ninja theory? You think this new Dmc compete with that? No offense, but...this games gonna have to pull 360 on...everything to even BEGIN to stand on even ground with that game. Which, if i remember, came out some time back.

I'm sorry, i am REALLY trying to stay neutral in this whole thing and just ignore this game but Ninja Theory are just making it so damn hard to ignore them. Still not gonna bother buying the damn game though. At this rate, i'll probably just buy a copy of Metal Gear Rising instead.