Nintendo Doesn't Care About "Winning Online"


New member
Jan 27, 2010
oh Nintendo ... When you play the game of Thrones you Win or you Die ...and if you don't want to win then you don't care enough


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Update: Nintendo new console to be called WiiU.
Update: Nintendo stocks plummet.
Update: WiiU to not include DVD/Blu-ray options.
Update: WiiU consoles to be limited to one touchscreen controller.
Update: Nintendo not interesting in "Winning Online"
Update: Nintendo develops the 'stick it up your ass' controller. Limit 1 per console.
Update: Nintendo WiiU released.
Update: Nintendo WiiU sells millions.
Update: Miyamoto found burning tonnes of 'extra' cash in bonfire.
Update: Nintendo WiiU&Me announced.

Fanboys: They make the world go round. And round and round.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Pre-Production whine: Same great bitching, zero foundation.

I don't care what you have to do to get there. Just get me there, Nintendo. One controller? Don't care. Not online? That's what a gaming rig is for. Doesn't play DVDs? Does anyone honestly give a shit?

In the end, none of this will matter if the games are good and it's current gen compatible. I guess the whole "console" title seems to have made people overlook the fact that this is going to be dirt-cheap.

Again, if I wanted top of the line, I would have gotten a gaming rig. Which I already have. I just bought a new motherboard and RAM and I couldn't be more pleased with the results <3

So just give me the cheap goods, and I'll be pleased as punch.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Is this like how they weren't interested in high-graphical technology or good third-party support?

Also the online-player splitscreen sounds like another one of those goofy gimmicks only useful in Japan and no where else. Frankly I largely don't care enough about the second player to want to watch his movements, nor do I want to lose half the screen to someone who won't be able to see it.


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
I hope offline family players (what I consider to be "casual") will just go with the regular Wii and not this thing that stuck between "dancy swingy fun time" and "FPS and action community". But Nintendo could just not sell the Wii. I just want Grandpa Ninty to get with the times. Mario MMO anyone?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I don't think I need, or honestly, even want an on-line experience like that offered by MS or Sony. What I've seen of both often seems bloated and sometimes almost coercive in the way they expect you to participate.

But Nintendo really ought to be giving us more than "it's not going to be as impressive as Sony or Microsoft." I mean, c'mon- keeping a cross-game list of people we might want to play games with would be an improvement for N.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I think they basically have it right. I mean, what would they gain if they came out and said "We are going to crush Xbox Live, that is all." A bunch of people scoffing at them and telling them they will never catch Xbox Live. So they just work in their own sphere and accept that a certain level of online interactivity is almost required now a days (See: Second paragraph of the articles quote). Personally I'd rather see them just go their own direction then see Xbox Live WiiU Edition. We might end up with something better, we might end up with something worse (probably this one).

I forgot

New member
Jul 7, 2010
I don't care because I'm not much of an online gamer. All I care about is good software. Of course this won't stop the idiots who look for every chance to slam Nintendo and whine how they're not with the times.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
I would like to inform you all that I don't care about winning the Superbowl or becoming President of the United States or winning a Nobel Prize. You may now bask in my suaveness.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Demon ID said:
I don't rate Zelda as highly as everyone else does. Please don't kill me.
Eh, no harm done. Ocarina of Time is my favorite game ever, but other than that and Majora's Mask I could never get into Zelda either.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
I don't mind my Wii not being online, after playing SSBB on the internet I gave up hope of that particular dream.

What I do hope is that they use the 3DS to be able to utilise the internet properly in the future. The shop and general connectivity of the device is already better, hopfully they have some plans down that route.

Unfortunatly though Nintendo are still to caught up in the "family friendly" rubbish and need you to exchage friend codes...why? I mean When someone wants to become my friend on my 360 or even Facebook, if I don't know them I decline. If parents are really worried about that then don't connect your childs device to the net. Further more if the kid can do it itself, then its probably intelegent enough to make the decision not to talk to strangers...


New member
Jun 8, 2010
It doesn't take much to have an online system better then the one currently on the Wii and DS. I bet the wii u will still be using friend code only multiplayer. They shouldn't even bother with online at all if they're going to put out half assed crap like that.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
If you want to play competitively, play on PC. There you have full clan support and the strongest online community (I think it would be a good time to bring up the Bad Company 2 exp event not long ago where console players had to have the map unlocked by the devs while PC players breezed past...).

If you want split-screen and couch gaming with some friends, get a console. This notion that actually playing to a consoles strengths makes Nintendo outdated is idiotic and a symptom of the stupidity that hybridization in games and platforms has created. Not every console HAS to be focused on multiplayer and I think we're much better off because of it.

So shut up.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Vozati said:
It doesn't take much to have an online system better then the one currently on the Wii and DS. I bet the wii u will still be using friend code only multiplayer. They shouldn't even bother with online at all if they're going to put out half assed crap like that.
Well, they did say they weren't going to keep friend codes.
Which is probably be the only thing they do to make it better than the Wii.

The way I see it, if the multiplayer isn't up to scratch, they won't get nearly as good third party offering as they expect. Like it or not, but for most companies, sales depend on having a decent multiplayer component.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Okay, this thread so far is really funny.

"Get with the times, Nintendo!"

"Yeah Nintendo, you don't know what gamers want!"

"I don't care about online."

"Meh, I like offline multiplayer."

Which, yeah, I gotta say, you people that prefer online multiplayer, you're NOT the ridiculous majority you may believe you are. Of course it can't help looking like that's the case because you're always bandwagoning together... online.

See? That's what happens. PS3, and especially 360 gamers spend so much time in their respective online communities; they surround themselves with like-minded people with the exact same opinions on games as them. So, naturally, they assume everyone agrees with them.

All the while, there is an epic magnitude of gamers who connect gaming to their lives, and play with real goddamn people. Also, there's like a perfect boy-girl ratio. It's pretty nice. However, this whole universe is mostly invisible to yours because they're not online, telling you about them. Whenever some Nintendo fan will come about talking about how much more they play the Wii than the other consoles, they get blasted away by the overpowering online gamers who spout TROOOOOOOOOLL and get scared off.

All the while, online gamers are running in circles, confused about why Nintendo is the grand champion of the market right now. "It's the little kids and the old people" they say. I'm guessing you think that, right? Up to this very moment, you 'knew' that the Wii was leading the way pretty much JUST because of the casual audience, right? Yeah, well, think again.

Of course one of the most awesome things about the online gaming community is that since no one from the outside enters their land, it's pretty easy to think really highly of yourself. Only upon a rare cosmic alignment does there exist a gamer that isn't part of the online game community, AND cares enough to make arguments about it on the internet. How many are there, exactly?


Oh vienna sausages, that's exactly what I figured!

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Don't worry guys, Nintendo will have decent online in their next generation of consoles.

It'll be released in 2018 and it's gonna be called the Wii Catchup.

Mr. Gency

New member
Jan 26, 2010
As long as Nintendo backs the hell away from friend codes, I'm happy.
Demon ID said:
Then again, I've never understood Nintendo and don't like their games. Yeah I said it, I don't rate Zelda as highly as everyone else does. Please don't kill me.
Gasp! You have opinions!


New member
Jun 27, 2008
UltraHammer said:
Okay, this thread so far is really funny.

"Get with the times, Nintendo!"

"Yeah Nintendo, you don't know what gamers want!"

"I don't care about online."

"Meh, I like offline multiplayer."

Which, yeah, I gotta say, you people that prefer online multiplayer, you're NOT the ridiculous majority you may believe you are. Of course it can't help looking like that's the case because you're always bandwagoning together... online.

See? That's what happens. PS3, and especially 360 gamers spend so much time in their respective online communities; they surround themselves with like-minded people with the exact same opinions on games as them. So, naturally, they assume everyone agrees with them.

All the while, there is an epic magnitude of gamers who connect gaming to their lives, and play with real goddamn people. Also, there's like a perfect boy-girl ratio. It's pretty nice. However, this whole universe is mostly invisible to yours because they're not online, telling you about them. Whenever some Nintendo fan will come about talking about how much more they play the Wii than the other consoles, they get blasted away by the overpowering online gamers who spout TROOOOOOOOOLL and get scared off.

All the while, online gamers are running in circles, confused about why Nintendo is the grand champion of the market right now. "It's the little kids and the old people" they say. I'm guessing you think that, right? Up to this very moment, you 'knew' that the Wii was leading the way pretty much JUST because of the casual audience, right? Yeah, well, think again.

Of course one of the most awesome things about the online gaming community is that since no one from the outside enters their land, it's pretty easy to think really highly of yourself. Only upon a rare cosmic alignment does there exist a gamer that isn't part of the online game community, AND cares enough to make arguments about it on the internet. How many are there, exactly?


Oh vienna sausages, that's exactly what I figured!
Nintendo does need to get with the times as it was said

Nintendo can either do without online or don't gimp it to make it "family friendly". Now I own all three consoles and love them all for what they offer but Nintendo for online bugs me the most. On the X-Box your gamer tag can block you from certain features if the child is to young (my friend had this problem where he f'ed up his age and could do somethings even though he was old enough for the right account). Sony I don't know what they do but I do know it has a age block system (I use it to lock my PS3 when I'm out of the dorm sometimes), but it doesn't gimp online. Nintendo is a pain in the butt with online, on the DS if you're playing a non DSi enhanced game you can't go online unless your network is WEP secured (or has none), so that's only like 3 games that support WPA encryptions. And every DS game is tagged to a DS system, so if I play Animal Crossing on one DS and it is broken and I get a new one and play online with that one I lose ALL MY FRIEND CODES AND AM FORCED TO GET A NEW ONE. The wii is even worse, where you have a System Friend Code but you still have to give out your in game friend code. And this protects no one cause most people go on forums to share friend codes so this hassle is a moot point.

Now I don't know about thi slike minded opinions thing since I don't follow that hive mind thing (I try to give any game that tries a chance). And I don't follow what your saying about people don't understand the couch co-op deal since a lot of people are pissed that games don't include a online and couch co-op option, hell even the new Dungeon Siege games advert pretty much says "Hey we do couch co-op unlike other games play us please).

Hell even PC gamers do lan party's irl. Online makes it easy for those who can not do that, example I play pokemon and I have no one to play it with in my circle of friends so I play online and I even bought a DSi jsut to play online on WPA encryption. So I don't understand why your banging on about not playing with real people. And most people who "blasted away" someone who plays a Wii is just someone who things the Wii is a kids toy (online doesn't have that much basis on it), and you know what I'm inclined to agree with that thought process a little. As I said I love my bloody Wii, but it doesn't cater to a gamer who is 17+ most of the time (And that is the big complaints about the Wii when PC/Xbox/PS3 owns starting going on and on about it). Hell even Microsoft is trying the family approach now and they aren't mocked because they try to balance the load of who to cater to. And you wanna know something I do think Nintendo is leading the way with the casual audience. I've sold more Wiis to older people/parents buying it for their child, then people buying it for themselves. And going by the trend of wii games out now and coming out and how nintendo wants to win the "hard core" gamers back yeah I think it is the casual audience that made the numbers so high.