Nintendo Looks to Enter Movie Business Within 5 Years

Li Mu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
Veldie said:
Thing is I see it being possibly R rated considering how dark Metroid can get and its inspiration taken from the Alien Franchise.

Lone female struggling on a harsh planet where everything is trying to kill her sounds awesome as hell. Sense it will have a small cast you can pump all that extra money into the visuals and sets not to mention the horrifying sounds.

Main issue is we need a really fucking tall woman to play her and who can act
Did you read the article or just come straight to the comments section to post? There are only 5 paragraphs in the article, the second largest one being ALL about how it wont be live action and will be entirely 3D/Anime.
Please don't think that I'm being aggressive or insulting you (I know it can be misunderstood in text) I am just genuinely curious whether you read the article at all, or just posted after reading the title.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
If that's the case, shouldn't they stop the claiming rights for a movie studio to make a Pokemon movie already (it was mention on the news months ago).

OT- What's with the resurgent of them making video games movies again? First Angry Bird, now Racket and Clank, Assassin Creed and now this plan.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
It'll be Mario or a Zelda movie. Those two franchises seem to be all Nintendo knows how to do. I hope for the english dub, they get Bob Hoskins, John Leguizamo, and Dennis Hopper to do the voiceovers.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
KoudelkaMorgan said:
Well Samus is 6'3'' 198lbs canonically, without armor. Or used to be at least before Other M. Now I think Taylor Swift could play her.
Bayonetta is 7'7". Could you possibly think of any woman to fill that role?

OT: You know, for the life of me, I don't think I'd watch any Nintendo gaming figures as movies. I may change my mind later down the road, but I'm not too optimistic for this...


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Does Nintendo have anything to show for when it comes to movies?

I mean when Blizzard announced Warcraft, I at least knew if they'd go the animation route, that it would look good as hell. Just look at the intro sequences they made for WarcraftIII 15 years ago!

Nintendo could do the smart thing, and ask for royalties and have Disney make the movies. They have Disney in animation and Marvel and Lucasarts in live action, so why not make a few Nintendo movies on the side? :D


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
As much as some people would hate this suggestion.

Nintendo... learn from Marvel, and Star Wars. Sign the deal with Disney. Sit back, spend no money, spend no effort, and just collect the cash flow. True, keeping it in house gives you more control. It also opens you up to making a terrible movie that loses money for the company. Disney is KILLING IT with Marvel properties and all indications point toward Star Wars being EASILY worth the 4 BILLION they paid for it.

So, potentially lose money... or almost assuredly make tons of money. Just sign the deal.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Paper Mario and Fire Emblem would work great as movies. Zelda might work if you go more Hyrule Warrior's route and make it a huge war of good vs evil. In fact, I would love an outright Hyrule Warrior movie adaptation. I loved the silly story.
Then they have Monolith's IPs. Dunno about you guys buy Xenoblade Chronicles and X have a fantastic story that might be translated into a great movie.

But most Nintendo IPs would work better as episodic cartoons or anime and not so much as movies. But as they want to go with CGI, it gives them a bit more space than if it was live action. Because of that Zelda, the mainline gameplay and not HW, might work. Since the games are generally self contained they can make an action-adventure movie similar to PoP. Even Metroid might go. The IP always gave off an Alien feeling. You're alone, isolated on a planet. It was never a childish and relaxing game when you think about the atmosphere. A Metroid horror-esque movie would be fun to watch.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
Yeah nintendo is gone, half its IP is dead and left to rot, it can't market a console to save its fucking life, and now they are completely abandoning their audience to desperately try to claw up some "new" one


New member
Sep 17, 2015
Colour me intrigued. An epic Zelda movie would be fun to see in theatres, but let's wait see how things will turn out.


New member
May 23, 2011
First thing that this made me feel

The film industry it definitely not the right direction for Nintendo to head into. They just need to stop focusing on making gimmick consoles that are behind in so many ways. Some gimmicks are fine, but having you're entire release based around them is a bad idea. I wish they'd just stay true to their well known franchises and try making some new IP's that aren't based around motion sensors/voice commands/ "gimmicks".


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Li Mu said:
Did you read the article or just come straight to the comments section to post? There are only 5 paragraphs in the article, the second largest one being ALL about how it wont be live action and will be entirely 3D/Anime.
Please don't think that I'm being aggressive or insulting you (I know it can be misunderstood in text) I am just genuinely curious whether you read the article at all, or just posted after reading the title.
It's a Nintendo article, so the chances of people reading the source are very slim. It would be interesting to see a Metroid film or series though, maybe by Sunrise or Production I.G.

thewatergamer said:
Yeah nintendo is gone, half its IP is dead and left to rot, it can't market a console to save its fucking life, and now they are completely abandoning their audience to desperately try to claw up some "new" one
Uh, over two-thirds of Nintendo's IPs have seen releases on the current generation of hardware alone, not including new stuff like Splatoon, The Wonderful 101, and Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. or 3rd/2nd party titles like Monster Hunter, Bravely Default, Shin Megami Tensei, Yo-kai Watch, and Bayonetta 2. If anything them looking into films is because they've been doing well financially and thus can afford to branch out in order to expand exposure to their IPs.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
Hawki said:
Zelda, I think, would be easy. In fact, due to how each game is self-contained from the others (bar the occassional sequel and reference), you could easily fit a LoZ movie on the timeline. And with that in mind, you can do whatever story you want, and tell it however you want. Cut out the 'gamey' bits, focus on story and character, and voila. You'll probably have at least a decent fantasy yarn. The main problem I'd say is hearing Link speak. Because...well, y'know...
Since The Last Airbender, we know there is an audience for "serious" kid-oriented animated serie.
Even Dragons and MLP/Littlest Pet Shop/Ever After High are doing it.

In a Metroid movie's defense, I'll say that there's a precedent for more conventional storytelling if one considers the manga for instance. But in fairness, Metroid has a few things stacked against it:

-Most of the time, Samus is on her lonesome, and in a suit. So not only do you need a single character/actress capable of carrying a film by theirself for most of the run, but the visor, unless they do the Iron Man trick that's also been copied by Power Rangers, will hinder storytelling through body language.
Give a voice to Samus's spaceship and go Cowboy Bebop.

As for the body language problem: Zero Suit.

-Metroid takes a fair amount of influence from Alien, at least in regards to setting and arguably themes. It's the same problem that Prince of Persia and possibly Warcraft had/will have. They're wearing their influences on their shoulder. We've seen swords and sandals in films for decades, and orcs are...well, orcs, even if Warcraft does something different than Tolkein.
Aliens, bounty hunter mode. It has never been done before.
The predators themselves aside.

-A film set in the Metroid universe with Samus as a someone in the background could work, but the general reaction to Federation Force seems to have shown that Metroid fans don't want that. I know there's other factors for said reaction, but, yeah. It also doesn't help that Other M is also frowned upon, when that also tried more conventional storytelling.
Give us a curvy bounty hunter, running after alien-ultimate-weapon pirate stealers, Ninja Scroll style with lasers, and we're on.

-Finally, as I've discussed elsewhere, I don't think the Metroid games I've played have ever been strong in terms of plot, apart from Fusion. It's part of why I've never been as enamored with Metroid as, say, Zelda. The Mario RPGs aside, would anyone clamor for a Mario game based on its story? Probably not.
Show, don't tell. Metroid has always been very good at that.
Well... until recently.

The only light at the end of the tunnel is the fan film "The Sky Calls," but imagine making that feature length, and accessible to the general audience. And even that film is using 2001: A Space Oddysey as its frame of reference, and while I'm not fond of 2001 myself (like the book though), trying to top that would be a rigged game.
See Kawajiri/Gainax anime style.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Any source material can be translated into good film with the right imagination/talent/presentation. With Nintendo IPs, they leave a basic baseline from which a creator can take it in any direction. It certainly won't have to follow the gameplay of the games, not sure why some gamers seem to think this. The freedom of creativity is vast, perhaps infinite. The choice to avoid live-action is probably for the best, as live-action contains many more hurdles to overcome. There have been films with silent protagonists before, more along the indie scene; god forbid gambling on trusting the mainstream market to understand something that isn't outright explained to them!
Whether Nintendo's new leader will hire teams with the required vision, skill and passion...only time will tell. It's a new dawn for them, people scared of change will assume the worst as any fearer of change usually does. But assumptions are effective time-wasters and makes an ass out of you and umption.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
The Rogue Wolf said:
Which instead horrifies me at the thought of another CGI Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within disaster.
Spirits Within wasn't that bad.

Dopey and cheesy yes, but it wasn't Super Mario Bros or Max Payne bad.

Nintendo is really flailing at the moment. They never understood why the Wii was such a success and they still fail to understand that they can't replicate that success (nobody can). So now we're getting rapid fire gimmicks and expansion into new markets that are all going to go a bit Wii U.

I can't help but think Nintendo should count back a couple of generations and start releasing ports of old games onto PC. Wii and DSi backwards. Even Nintendo couldn't fail to make money on it and it doesn't hurt the NX.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Kyrian007 said:
As much as some people would hate this suggestion.

Nintendo... learn from Marvel, and Star Wars. Sign the deal with Disney. Sit back, spend no money, spend no effort, and just collect the cash flow. True, keeping it in house gives you more control. It also opens you up to making a terrible movie that loses money for the company. Disney is KILLING IT with Marvel properties and all indications point toward Star Wars being EASILY worth the 4 BILLION they paid for it.

So, potentially lose money... or almost assuredly make tons of money. Just sign the deal.
Disney OWNS Marvel and Star Wars. There is no "deal" involved.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
Kyrian007 said:
As much as some people would hate this suggestion.

Nintendo... learn from Marvel, and Star Wars. Sign the deal with Disney. Sit back, spend no money, spend no effort, and just collect the cash flow. True, keeping it in house gives you more control. It also opens you up to making a terrible movie that loses money for the company. Disney is KILLING IT with Marvel properties and all indications point toward Star Wars being EASILY worth the 4 BILLION they paid for it.

So, potentially lose money... or almost assuredly make tons of money. Just sign the deal.
Disney OWNS Marvel and Star Wars. There is no "deal" involved.
Well, sell your movie rights or make an offer on a deal. I doubt Disney is about to buy the whole company, and the movie rights probably aren't worth Star Wars' 4 billion. I bet they could get quite a lot for the rights to several of their properties.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Kyrian007 said:
canadamus_prime said:
Kyrian007 said:
As much as some people would hate this suggestion.

Nintendo... learn from Marvel, and Star Wars. Sign the deal with Disney. Sit back, spend no money, spend no effort, and just collect the cash flow. True, keeping it in house gives you more control. It also opens you up to making a terrible movie that loses money for the company. Disney is KILLING IT with Marvel properties and all indications point toward Star Wars being EASILY worth the 4 BILLION they paid for it.

So, potentially lose money... or almost assuredly make tons of money. Just sign the deal.
Disney OWNS Marvel and Star Wars. There is no "deal" involved.
Well, sell your movie rights or make an offer on a deal. I doubt Disney is about to buy the whole company, and the movie rights probably aren't worth Star Wars' 4 billion. I bet they could get quite a lot for the rights to several of their properties.
THing is I think Nintendo wants to maintain a fair amount of creative control over the project in order to avoid what happened with the '93 Mario movie.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
if we can get a Mario and Luigi movie in the same style as Wreck it Ralph I won't really mind so I'm hopeful this is more good news than bad... A Guardians of the Galaxy style Metroid or a Zootopia like Star Fox I guess there's plenty to be hopeful about let's just hope it pans out well and we don't get more crappy video game movies