Nintendo Messed Up 3DS Launch, Says Analyst


New member
Jun 27, 2008
TimeLord said:
I don't understand why Pokemon White and Black were not released in 3D with the 3DS. They were only a couple of months apart. I still bought a 3DS... and White. But it would have been so much cooler and would have been good marketing to release a Pokemon game with a new console.
Black and White came out around september in 2010 in japan. Kinda a big difference in release dates.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
i've kinda gone away from mobile gaming, prefer to sit in the security of my home and play games then carry a £200+ piece of equipment around. its also why i don't have a smart phone or Ipod, my phone was £40 and my Mp3 player was £30.


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
I haven't bought a 3DS because it's super expensive. I got a DSI XL like a year ago and I love it, why would I want to change since I barely play it. If I get a 3DS, it'll probably be when either the next pokemon comes out, or when I have enough money to buy it in a few years. I really only use my XL for Pokemon and Flipnote studio, and I haven't used FNS for about six months.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Well, that and Nintendo is likely to release a superior version of the 3DS a couple of years from now. They've made a habit of that.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Krion_Vark said:
L34dP1LL said:
"Nintendo has just released, or rather re-released, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"
Re-re-released would be more accurate. And people still get excited about it. Lol.
Well considering how the version on the gamecube was a preorder bonus for getting The Windwaker I am not sure if that fully counts.
Your avatar is awsome

OT: Meh 3D is overated imho.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Analyst firm Interpret says that the reason that sales of the 3DS have been lower than expected is not due to a lack of interest in 3D gaming on the part of consumers, but because Nintendo messed up the console's launch, by not having a strong enough launch library.
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH. Grats, this analyst realized what we all already knew. They did the same thing with the DS and the Wii and look at how they disappeared into the back This way they have units available, sitting, waiting to be sold come Christmas time when all the game come out.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I've never heard people really discuss how the 3D is mind-blowing or fantastic. Mostly they just either say it seemed to take more away from the game than it contributed, or that it was kind of cool at first but difficult yo really get into. Overall what I hear most is that it's not really winning anyone over.

I don't think a lineup of rehashes will make anyone fall in love with this thing. I also think that a lack of dual analog was a bad decision because it really limits what people can do as far as modern gaming is concerned.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Mister Benoit said:
Does this guy think he's setting the world on fire with his breaking news of "The 3DS didn't sell well because it didn't have good software at launch" Absolutely ANYONE in the industry wouldn't tell you otherwise.

Hell Nintendo even said themselves that they sold less than expected and why.

How is this news?

Btw the grass is green.
Pssh, joke's on you, my grass is brown. And gone. Comes where there's no rain in near seven months.

But seriously, no shit. Games sell a platform. And what will sell this platform are the titles we want. We don't really need a Pilotwings. We do need a platforming Mario. We need a Zelda title or two. The promise of Starfox going back to a railshooter means that there will be systems sold on that. Paper Mario will get a few others. Kid Icarus jumps back, and he snags a few.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Covarr said:
You know he's right, because he's not Michael Pachter.

Ba-dum TISH!

P.S. Thanks
That's a little unfair. Michael Pachter is usually right, if only because whenever he says something, it's usually along the lines of "Based on extensive studies into the subject, I predict that there is a fairly good chance the sun will rise tomorrow, coinciding with the approximate time at which I eat my breakfast."


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Icehearted said:
I've never heard people really discuss how the 3D is mind-blowing or fantastic. Mostly they just either say it seemed to take more away from the game than it contributed, or that it was kind of cool at first but difficult yo really get into. Overall what I hear most is that it's not really winning anyone over.

I don't think a lineup of rehashes will make anyone fall in love with this thing. I also think that a lack of dual analog was a bad decision because it really limits what people can do as far as modern gaming is concerned.
I would buy a lower priced, non-3D version of the system but that won't happen because then they would have to change the name. In the end, they should have just made a more powerful DS with dual analog support. It seems that alot of people can't use the 3D feature for long periods of time so that would mean that most of the time the 3D feature is off anyway.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
No shit, Sherlock. We needed to listen (read) an "analyst" to see what went wrong with the 3DS' launch lineup?.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
It'd be nice if an analyst would say something worth writing an article about.
This is just pointless and dumb. It must be easy to land an "analyst" job if all you have to do is learn something widely known, wait a month, and then repeat it.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Micalas said:
Their biggest mistake was releasing it at all.
Absolutely, no matter how hard Hollywood, the TV manufacturers or Nintendo try to push 3D, it is just a gimmick and will remain that way.

I predict that more games will be developed that ignore the 3D feature and Nintendo will lower the price of the 3DS because the main feature isn't worth the price to most people.

Can I be an analyst now?


New member
May 21, 2010
The only reason anyone will buy a Nintendo system is because it enables them to play Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and other first party games.

Apparently this is news to Nintendo.


Anyone else getting the impression that they've lost the plot?


New member
Jan 8, 2010
How many units does Nintendo have to sell before they start making some net gain from the 3DS? Is that information even available? 'Cause really, I see piles of them at every store I go to. It was impossible to find most of the other consoles Nintendo's released over the years for about a year after they came out. They all got snatched up or back-ordered so quickly... But the 3DS is truly in abundance. It almost feels like Nintendo doesn't care. The line-up was just that bad and the 3DS isn't a dramatic step up from the DS, the only main difference being a terrible control stick.

The problem with 3D imaging on a flat surface, is your eyes have a hard time focusing on artificial depth. When artists create art that has depth but is still clearly 2D, or when you see a movie, the focusing is done for you. You always see everything at exactly the distance you are supposed to. In 3D, your eyes will see what they think is actual depth and attempt to focus too hard because the idea of focusing on depth on a 2D surface is unnatural. I imagine you could adjust, but then you'd be a bit disoriented upon returning to real-life 3D. It's a cool little gimmick which can be fun when utilized properly, but 3D is definitely not the future of media in any way. I know the last 3D movie I actually saw in 3D was Tron. Before that, Toy Story, How to Train Your Dragon, and Avatar are all I can really think of. An optical illusion you have to stare at for extended periods of time just isn't really WORTH the extra expense. Even if it was free, in most situations I'd prefer to ditch it. HTTYD was actually better in 2D because any pans whatsoever blurred and caused some queasiness. Luckily, there weren't too many pans in the movie. A shitload of action and stills, essentially, but that's standard in animated films.

Ramble ramble ramble, I gave 3D a shot, and it just isn't cool enough. The 3DS is kind of a fart in the bath as far as gaming innovation goes.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Um...well done Mr. you actually work for nintendo? If not whats the point in getting an analyst to tell us what we already bloody knew?

Even Yahtzee said it!

Its obvious it happened with the DS origional, although at least it had Mario64. It had a butt load of really crap games on lauch. But the 3DS had about 5 crap games on launch, why did they do that? I love my 3DS but I'm starting to wonder why I bought it.

I'm playing through Zelda atm and tbh all its made me think is, wow, this is a gimmick that I really shouldnt have bought into...


TimeLord said:
I don't understand why Pokemon White and Black were not released in 3D with the 3DS. They were only a couple of months apart. I still bought a 3DS... and White. But it would have been so much cooler and would have been good marketing to release a Pokemon game with a new console.
I assume (like with every other pokemon game) there will be a third. Red and blue had yellow, gold and silver had crystal, ruby and saphire had emerald and pearl and diamond had platinum. They saw the 3DS coming and I assume the brought out black and white pre-3DS to boost sales after by bringing out; Pokemon grey...or something like that.

Have you not noticed the obvious 3D moments i.e. the bridges, that big city I forgot the name of, the ferris wheel etc.

Mark my words it will happen

I would like to add that I love my 3DS, I went to an expo recently and finished the puzzle quest which made me sad because now its pointless. And the shop is so much easier to use than on the DSi. Overall its good but I really wish they would hurry up and release some games.