Nintendo Messed Up 3DS Launch, Says Analyst

Charmi the ninja

New member
May 28, 2011
*initiate middle finger* (for the second time today at something to do with 3d :p)

Srsly Nintendo, the 3ds is an eyesore (literally). Focus on making better games instead of using old franchises to feed a gimmick console. Gimme something original. O-RI-GI-NAL. Anymore zelda & mario crap and I'm not even gonna consider you in the next gen wars. And don't even think about adding a new effing pokemon to the roster.

Btw, I'm still waiting for an english Love Plus game :)


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I couldn't stand the 3DS when I played it. All it did was hurt my eyes and give me a headache. The idea of glasses-less 3D was super cool, but I just don't see anything that really grabs my attention with the 3DS.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I have no idea how people have forgotten.

Ocarina of Time was released on the N64, the Wind Waker promo disk (included Master Quest), the Zelda Collector's disk (included Zelda 1, Zelda 2, Majora's Mask), the Wii Virtual Console AND the 3DS

There are 5 official options of playing the game. And soon I will have 5 (I'm lacking a 3DS).


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Jumwa said:
Ming_the_Merciless said:
I never got why there were so few demos in stores. I might have actually gotten one sooner if I knew that the 3d actually worked and I didn't just have to take Nintendo's word for it.
Same here. I've been searching every place across my entire city that might possibly have a 3DS display unit, and none do.

If the launch lineup had some actual Nintendo brand heavy hitters, however, I might've caved even without a test unit.

Instead I find myself looking at specs for tablets and thinking of which I'd rather.

Also, it's not simply a re-release of Ocarina of Time, it is a rather remastered version with impressively updated graphics and plenty of new features and some remade content. I'm tempted to stop looking at the tablets again because of it.

Edit to add: Also, why does this analyst get press for this? Everyone knows this is why the 3DS hasn't had the sustained sales boom Nintendo expected. Launching without a strong first-party lineup was what hurt the Gamecube initially too.

This guy didn't even point out how the lack of ability to really advertize the 3DS's features effectively also has stunted its growth.
I'm loving the new OOT, the boss time trials are really what had me sold.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
orangeapples said:
I have no idea how people have forgotten.

Ocarina of Time was released on the N64, the Wind Waker promo disk (included Master Quest), the Zelda Collector's disk (included Zelda 1, Zelda 2, Majora's Mask), the Wii Virtual Console AND the 3DS

There are 5 official options of playing the game. And soon I will have 5 (I'm lacking a 3DS).
You have no idea how people have forgotten what? That OOT is out 4 different times. The two different collectors edition releases are considered one release since they were both released at the same time. It's like saying the vanilla version of a game and the collectors edition both released at the same are separate releases, they aren't. Different SKU's but not different releases.

Anyway, I don't think people have forgotten that OOT has been released multiple times, why the pretense to say what you wanted to say? Just say "I intend to own it 5 times".

Ya know, if you wanted to get right down to it, OOT also had a gold cart and a gray cart. So you could own 6 unique copies of the game but still only 4 releases.