Nintendo Now Saving Children's Lives With the DS


New member
Mar 16, 2010
LimaBravo said:
SoxFan96 said:
So your saying everyone shouldnt think exactly like you ? Wow thats just 'special'. Possibley replace /rant with /jackboot :D
I'm not saying that they should think like me ( I think that is what you ment). I just think they should care enough about themselves to take care of themselves. If they don't take care of themselves then they are (if you'll excuse the language) fucked. It can lead to damage to the following areas.
heart and blood vessels

Limb damage may require amputation, eye damage could cause blindness and so on.
I'm not asking them not to play the game, just care about their own god damned life and do it for themselves. I'm also not going to ask you to understand were I am coming from, very few people will, just to think that somebody should care more about their life then a game.

I'm sorry if I do upset anyone, this just frustrates me.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
LimaBravo said:
SoxFan96 said:
LimaBravo said:
SoxFan96 said:
But thats the way you think. I assume youve had a bad experience from it. Most people dont see the effects of diabetes due to the massive energies put into controlling it.

The attitude of sufferers though is partly caused by medicialisation (A pill will fix it) and a natural human instinct to self destruct.
I guess you don't understand were I am coming from. I guess i can not say it in a way to make you understand my thought/opinions. But they are just that opinions.

All I can say though is care about yourself more then a game.

I dunno if there is anything else to say though other then sorry to anybody who thought I was being a prick. Just felt strongly a particular way.