Nintendo Responds to Greenpeace Criticism


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
swaki said:
danpascooch said:
swaki said:
danpascooch said:
swaki said:
you go girl.

yes the Wii is a girl, look it up.

and despite the energy efficiency is most likely related to its lack of horsepowers its still nice that they care about the environment, a big ol' hopenhagen badge from me.
Don't you get it at all?

They don't care, at all, the energy efficiency is a symptom of its low processing power NOT a product of environmentally responsible forethought, that forethought would be displayed if they gave a rats ass about reducing the number of non degradable dangerous components of their system. Which they obviously don't.

You can't retroactively go back and say "oh yeah...we uh, were thinking of the environment when we did this" because they obviously didn't

BTW I am not an environmentalist, it can all burn for all I care, but I DO hate hippocracy, and lately, Nintendo.
well i did say "despite the energy efficiency is most likely related to its lack of horsepowers".

so yer i kinda get it, but its still the most selling console there is and its energy efficient, no matter if it was intended or not.

and we are already burning, I'm not an member of greenpeace or anything but please don't be so angry at the environment, it helps us make grain, which pigs eat, and that is how we get bacon, so yeah, the environment is a pretty cool guy.

the environment is a guy, look it up.
The environment is my enemy!

I will fight it to the ends of the earth!
oh thats it, im so calling captain planet, and we are gonna go hearts on your ass.

Don't mess with mah bacon boy!
Go ahead! I have a super-soaker filled with acid rain ready for him!


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Oh lol, the best part is a lot of people will fall for their statement and not take the crappy hardware into consideration.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
danpascooch said:
tomtom94 said:
So basically the Wii is like the Prius?
Bought by everyone, supposedly energy efficient, and does a lot of environmental damage when it's being built?
First post nails it.

Bravo dude, bravo.

Yeah, heads up guys, Prius is NOT environmentally friendly, not that I really care, it just annoys me when people think they are so green and responsible and better than you for driving one.
If you didn't care you wouldn't have said anything

Anyway as has been pointed out before Greenpeace has lied on these things before and gotten caught []. Not that I'm saying Nintendo shouldn't improve on things, which they definitely should, I'm just saying that the white-knighting of a group like Greenpeace which will distort information just to try and get a point across comes off as silly.

Then again looking at the other half of posts in this thread are "hurr hurr the Wii's hardware is inadequate" it's obvious what tone this thread has already taken, i.e. the stupid one. If Nintendo is somehow the sole perpertrator of global pollution/warming that some are trying to paint it to be, well then I hope they do more of it so that the world ends a lot damn sooner so I can be done putting up with people who tout words and labels like "hardcore" and "casual" and parrot things said by Englishmen in nice hats since they (the people in question) are unable to generate their own thoughts without being told by distinguished personalities what to think.

And no that second paragraph isn't me refuting the idea that Nintendo should improve things, since the paragraph is using the logical fallacy of the idea that one company is responsible for all the environmental problems of the Earth, which it obviously is not.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
GDW said:
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit?

I hate the Earth, anyway. Go Nintendo! Keep barely meeting the minimum, you awesome bastards!
Exactly no matter what we are going to kill ourselves be it greenhouse gasses, war, penguin invasion from mars (yes that is where they come from) or some other crazy thing. go nintendo finishing us off sooner instead of prolonging it WOOO. sorry nothing will make me change my opinion on how awesome nintendo is.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
AceDiamond said:
danpascooch said:
tomtom94 said:
So basically the Wii is like the Prius?
Bought by everyone, supposedly energy efficient, and does a lot of environmental damage when it's being built?
First post nails it.

Bravo dude, bravo.

Yeah, heads up guys, Prius is NOT environmentally friendly, not that I really care, it just annoys me when people think they are so green and responsible and better than you for driving one.
If you didn't care you wouldn't have said anything.

Anyway as has been pointed out before Greenpeace has lied on these things before and gotten caught []. Not that I'm saying Nintendo shouldn't improve on things, which they definitely should, I'm just saying that the white-knighting of a group like Greenpeace which will distort information just to try and get a point across comes off as silly.

Then again looking at the other half of posts in this thread are "hurr hurr the Wii's hardware is inadequate" it's obvious what tone this thread has already taken, i.e. the stupid one. If Nintendo is somehow the sole perpertrator of global pollution/warming that some are trying to paint it to be, well then I hope they do more of it so that the world ends a lot damn sooner so I can be done putting up with people who tout words and labels like "hardcore" and "casual" and parrot things said by Englishmen in nice hats since they (the people in question) are unable to generate their own thoughts without being told by distinguished personalities what to think.
I don't care, about the environment that is, I do care about hippocracy.

And so far, I don't see anyone white knighting Greenpeace at all, also, what motive would they have to single out Nintendo for their criticism, none, so what "point" are they distorting to get across? That Japanese game companies are dumb?

Also, those posts about Nintendo's lack of hardware are not stupid at all, they point out that the low energy consumption is NOT a product of environmental forethought and rather a side effect of cheap design. Which means that Nintendo should not be credited with this "environmentally friendly policy" since it was never their intention, just an unintended side effect, and that it doesn't mean that Nintendo will be environmentally responsible in the future. We cannot rely on side effects, companies need to actively think about about how they can lessen their environmental impact to have a long term effect. Until people see Nintendo do something environmentally on PURPOSE (and for the purpose of being environmentally friendly) we cannot expect them to be an environmentally responsible company going into the future.

Lastly, I don't see anybody saying that Nintendo is the sole perpetrator of anything, all I see is you blowing the opinions of these posts out of proportion.

Why are you being so defensive about this? Do you think this thread is stupid because it criticizes Nintendo? Because you are both calling the posts stupid AND simultaneously saying that we have an opinion that NOBODY here has expressed (that Nintendo is the sole perpetrator).

It is ok to like Nintendo, but try to be impartial about this.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Meh. Either way, the Earth will die, humanity will die, or humanity will go into space, abandoning the planet. In either three scenarios, I'll be dead, so what do I care? :D

What does Greenpeace want Nintendo to do? Create some sort of air machine for us to play on, with discs made of dirt?

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
I thought the term "Environment Friendly" or "green" branded full of shit. Are there still companies who use this as a fucking excuse to cut costs?! Oh wait, it's the 21st Century. Anything to keep Eco-Nuts quiet long enough until they find something to ***** about.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Here is the problem with Greenpeace, they really do not like anything that uses any form of consumption of resources. I wouldn't matter if Nintendo made a system that ran off 1 AAA battery, They would complain that in order to make the console they had to still use plastic product.
OK we get it plastic is bat for the environment, but if using the most environmental efficient plastic known to man in this day and age doesn't make Greenpeace happy then what should they use? Wood? Well we would need to chop down trees! OK ummmm... Metal? The environmental impact on mining argument comes to mind. How about recycled newspaper and cardboard, will that appease the twits?
Also I'm sure there would be some rhetoric about the dangers of batteries because Nintendo is responsible for every person in the world who doesn't use rechargeable batteries.

It really doesn't matter what the gaming companies do. Ultimately people will complain about how the Playstation's New PSP battery cannot be properly disposed of due to this environmental concern or Nintendo's Wii motion bar has a small metal strip that was mined out of a place that was a rain forest 75 years ago and we are supposed to feel bad.

My point is as long as the company is atleast trying to be envirnmentaly sound then good for them, at least they are trying. It's a heck of a lot cheaper to release something made with plastic that has a terrible effect on the environment than to do research on the plastic and figure what is both useful and has the lowest impact on the world. I know many of these people are wanting the best for the Earth, (actually they want what's best for the Humans, the Earth can and will shake us off like a bad case of the fleas, The Earth isn't going anywhere. We are!) but it seems that they are really pushing it here with rating things like video game consoles. There are 1000000 other things that have a larger impact ont he environment than the Wii (Figi water pollutes 3 gallons of water for every 1 gallon they "purify" did you know that?)whats next toasters?


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Like i said in the last thread, there the most enviro-unfriendly because they sell the most.


New member
Dec 17, 2008
I could care less, considering Greenpeace, like PETA, is on my "people who shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion" list.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
I dont care so much about Global Warming, but I am all for getting max useage out of your limited resources, we really should try and preserve our non-renewables for as long as possible.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
weeeelllll... me being a member of Greenpeace, I have a feeling my opinion is kiiinda biased in favour of them... soooo yeah...

Boooo! Hisssss! Bad Nintendo!

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Quadtrix said:
I could care less, considering Greenpeace, like PETA, is on my "people who shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion" list.
This for me as well, plus they both should be added the federal watch lists.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
coxafloppin said:
Like i said in the last thread, there the most enviro-unfriendly because they sell the most.
That would make you wrong in two threads then, they're unfriendly because of what they use in their products and basically not giving a crap about the environment. Nokia sell far more phones than Nintendo does Wii's, yet they top the list in terms of "green-ness". Greenpeace doesn't work on specific quantities either, they work on specific chemicals and measures of reduction. For example, Nintendo isn't phasing out a few bad chemicals, they'd not recycling shit and they're increasing their carbon footprint.

edit: Not to say I fully agree with the list, the criteria are horrible and it would be fairly easy to score high on Greenpeace's list just by publishing the right crap on your website and doing nothing, but Nintendo isn't ranking horribly because of politics, production levels or anything else, they're doing so because they don't give a crap about the environment. If you don't care about chemicals dumped into the environment, then that's fine. But if you're somehow trying to reconcile your love of nintendo while giving a crap about the environment, you're deluding yourself.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
People still care about Greenpeace? This smells like another example of my parents' generation making up reasons why video games are bad.

When it comes right down to it, I want my gaming console to be made out of the best materials, not the greenest materials. You go, Nintendo. Keep using that PVC and making consoles that don't RROD.

Mighty Lighty

New member
Mar 23, 2009
The wii if sort of eco-friendly as since only crap is released on it, it is never switched on and uses no energy


New member
Mar 4, 2009
gee greenpeace takes the freedom of speech thing too far ... maybe the government should crack some heads