Nintendo Says Used Games Aren't An Issue


New member
May 14, 2011
Andy Chalk said:
In fact, from our perspective you want to create a game that people will want to keep and keep playing for a long time
Motherfucking THIS. It'd never even occurred to me before, but the only Nintendo game I can recall trading was Yoshi's Story. I can't imagine ever wanting to get rid of Mario 64, or Smash Bros Melee, or Wind Waker, or Metroid Prime.

You see this people? If you want to avoid used games, start making games that people want to keep. If no one's selling their copies then everyone will be buying new.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
That's why I have the utmost respect for Miyamoto, he is always so focused on making gameplay the most important priority for the games he works on. His philosophy is exactly why I replay Nintendo games the most, the laser focus on making a purely fun game allows me to return to his older games and love them as much as the new ones.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Neronium said:
Yopaz said:
Actually the GameBoy didn't have region locks. I have bought a few American games that worked fine with my European GBA and DS. I don't think you're prevented from playing DS games on the 3DS, but that's a guess since I have only tested this with one DS games. 3DS games are region blocked though which is a shame.
Hm, guess I was wrong on that front, then again I didn't start to import majorly until the DS and PSP were out. Although I do wish that they didn't region lock the 3DS at all because there are a few games I want that are only out in Japan for the 3DS and will never see the light of localization. *glares longingly at Unlimited Cruise SP games*
I couldn't agree more. I've always seen region blocking as something useless. If anything encourages piracy or third party region block removal software it's region blocking. There are plenty of games released in Japan and USA that I would want to buy, but can't.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
You know what? They might be right. I never see Nintendo's big hitters on the DS 2nd hand in CeX or whatever: and I can't personally remember trading in or even giving away any Nintendo games, going back to Pokemon red and beyond...

Infernal Lawyer

New member
Jan 28, 2013
NoeL said:
Andy Chalk said:
In fact, from our perspective you want to create a game that people will want to keep and keep playing for a long time
Motherfucking THIS. It'd never even occurred to me before, but the only Nintendo game I can recall trading was Yoshi's Story. I can't imagine ever wanting to get rid of Mario 64, or Smash Bros Melee, or Wind Waker, or Metroid Prime.

You see this people? If you want to avoid used games, start making games that people want to keep. If no one's selling their copies then everyone will be buying new.
Nintendo seems to be the only company who fully realizes that it's not cool to lump their problems onto the consumer. Sort of reminds me of a obscure quote from Bioshock: Something along the lines of "If people aren't buying from you, then make a better product. I'm not going to arrest people for going to your competitors". Yeah, not very inspiring sounding, I know, but it stuck with me anyway, and seeing as I'm reminded of it every time a company tries to change the market to suit them, rather than changing themselves to suit the market, it's hard to forget.
Nov 24, 2010
TK421 said:
tdylan said:
TK421 said:
Scribblesense said:
(Though Sony is getting a lot of love from me lately for not screwing everything up, good on them)
Except, you know, making you pay extra to play games you already own.
Servers don't pay for themselves.
Pretty sure multiplayer on PC is free.
arent you paying for the internet? ^^
and well, yes, i think cost for servers might be in the price already (eg for diablo-servers)


New member
Aug 28, 2011
Of course used games aren't and issue for them. At least where I am, used copies of windwaker on the GC are about as easy to find as the fucking holy grail D:<

Same thing with the Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii (that contains all three games, for some reason I only found incomplete copies >:C)

Nintendo makes games people love to keep. Simplest answer to this "problem".


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Once again Nintendo shows that they get it. My circle of friends and I all have two consoles, either a PS3 or a 360 and a Wii. You what we play the most when we most of the time when we get together? The Wii. Throw Mario Kart or Mario Party and we will kill an afternoon like you wouldn't believe. Yeah their games don't have uber-realistic graphics or major online multiplayer features but you know what that doesn't matter if the game is fun to play.

And Miyamoto... I will mourn that man twice, when he retires from the industry and when he dies.


New member
Feb 19, 2011
GAunderrated said:
thethird0611 said:
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
thethird0611 said:
Ubisoft, Sony, EA, now Nintendo, plus many other developers.... and Microsoft is being head strong about this.
Ubisoft and EA at least are just trying to get good PR. Whatever claims they may make about valuing used games are undermined by their concerted efforts over the years to stab the second-hand market in the heart.

So you know what bud? Lighten up, give the big guys a chance when they do something good.
I would love to look at those companies straight in the eye and give them a second chance, except I can't see them through the enormous pile of shit they have created that has made me very cynical. It would take years of not being dicks in order to gain any sort of good will back.

Ubisoft has given PC gamers way too many middle fingers as well as EA. Ubisoft admittedly hasn't given console's many middle fingers but EA sure has.
Honestly man, you are majorly over reacting. MAJORLY. Your acting like they killed your only child.

You, just like many other Escapist, need to stop acting like EA is the living devil. They are a company who made mistakes and are now remedying them. THEY ARE LISTENING TO CONSUMERS. THEY ARE LISTENING.... TO YOU.

I used to be pure console also, and EA barely did anything to people on consoles. Yes, there was Operation $10, but nothing else was purely evil, just a bad business decision that consumers didnt like.

Now that im majorly a PC gamer... I still havent seen much bad from EA at all, and Ubisoft just has sucky DRM.

So seriously, lighten up and give the big guys a chance when they do something good.