Yeah, that is the thing with Sony and MS: they don't seem to be all that interested in trying to get younger players on board. They show no interest in expanding their audience. Okay, well they DO, but not in the correct way. Instead of trying to get COMPLETELY new players on board they seem content to try and cannibalize the players of their competition. Not a good strategy. Furthermore, what few efforts they DO make to appeal to the younger crowd come off as a hollow and token, showing that they don't really GET that demographic. They only get the superficial qualities and not the actual heart of it. Though when you think about it, that makes complete sense as to why they don't get that demographic as their origins are in electronics, not an industry known for appealing the kids, but instead teenagers at the youngest. Nintendo was essentially always a toy manufacturer so they get kids perfectly.KazeAizen said:While Sony has these titles and seems to be trying to get in on Nintendo's terf its really really really freaking hard to do so. I'd equate it to someone with a level 5 Charmander fighting against a level 100 Arceus. It won't end well. I mean we all did see what happened when Sony made the PSP and Vita right? I mean I love KH: Birth by Sleep on my PSP but other then that it does nothing for me.
Personally I just think its a shame that Nintendo is the only one that has constantly aimed at that market because of it no one else can get a foot hold in it.
And when it comes to handhelds forget it. Sony has never treated their handhelds as anything more than a side project. They seem to have just outright forgotten about the Vita and have now resorted to shilling it as a PS4 accessory. Bad move.