Tara Callie said:
No, the best way to have a law changed is to vote that way. Get involved in politics and try to actually make a difference in the world. Mass disobedience is only going to come with criminal charges.
MLK and Gandhi would have disagreed with you here.
Or if you want a less self-glamorizing example, then there is always the Prohibition and it's crash and burn.
Civil Disobedience, whether inspired by a moral statement or a personal attempt at doing what seems to be reasonable for yourself, is useful by demonstrating to the public just how fucked up the law is to begin with, and gathering sympathy to your cause.
Yes, voting is what will ultimately change the law, but won't get to the point of there can even exist a significant Pirate Party platform, if we "just suck it up and deal with it".
But getting burned by sucky copyright law and then whining about it on Internet forums, *is* part of that process.