I think Nintendo is improving, but they still seem to think their fans are downright stupid when it comes to technology.
Redlin5 said:
Remember the days when games just cost a few beads? I find it harder and harder to now...
I don't know about where you are at, but I don't think much has changed.
I'm 27 and I've been gaming for about 23 years. Yes, at four I was already jumping on goombas and koopas.
Now that I think back on now much games use to cost(my parents never hid how much it cost to get me a game), I can safely say that game prices really haven't changed that much.
I remember back to having my old grey brick Gameboy, which I still have
, and my aunt had flown in for Christmas. Her family diced to go to the mall for some last minute Christmas shopping. We entered a game store and she asked if I wanted anything in particular. I saw that the store had Paperboy for Gameboy. She ended up getting it for me and I remember it costing around 30 dollars.
So in that respect hand held games haven't changed in price that much. I got Pokemon White, when it came out, for 34. I also remember getting SNES and N64 games for around 60 to 70 dollars. Considering the N64, prices of games have come down for consoles.
PC is pretty much the same except for in the AAA department, which keeps up at 60 most of the time, thought with Steam and its sales, one only has to wait a few months for a sale to get the AAAs for much less.