No FOV Control in Far Cry 4? You Pirated the Game


New member
Jan 17, 2009
CaitSeith said:
Nice measure. Too bad that hackers will probably create a mod for fixing that...
It happened on the day, the hackers have already fixed a lot of the bugs and performance issues too.

Fucking hilarious, man.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Strazdas said:
1. Complains about riduculous FOV handling is coming from legitimate costumers too. When you increase FOV in FC4 you get this:
The ATV has a warp drive?

The possibility of false positives should be cause for concern if Ubisoft weren't trying so hard to fulfill the stereotype of the contemptibly arrogant Frenchman. If I found out that a company deliberately sabotaged a product I bought and paid for, then had the balls to call me a thief because they wronged me? I would never buy anything from them ever again.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
I don't think breaking your game beyond being usable should be touted as "DRM" and customers with legitimate complaints should not be shouted down as "filthy pirates"...


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
I'm not having any problems at all with my version of FC4...
And yeah, it's basically FC3.5, but I liked Far Cry 3, so... I like it like that...

Sure, the frame-rate tanks a bit at times, but that's probably my fault playing @4K on maximum possible settings... So, yeah... I have no issues at all with FC4 the actual game...
I just had to wait a day-and-a-half for Ubi to patch Uplay that would allow me to download the damn thing...

But anyway, yeah... I like the game and have no (technical) issues with it...


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Grumman said:
Strazdas said:
1. Complains about riduculous FOV handling is coming from legitimate costumers too. When you increase FOV in FC4 you get this:
The ATV has a warp drive?

The possibility of false positives should be cause for concern if Ubisoft weren't trying so hard to fulfill the stereotype of the contemptibly arrogant Frenchman. If I found out that a company deliberately sabotaged a product I bought and paid for, then had the balls to call me a thief because they wronged me? I would never buy anything from them ever again.
some good soul has already covered that: (16MB gif)

and yep, the only Ubi games i bought in past 6 years were when they got garbage bin 5 dollar level. actually i didnt buy anything for 6 years and wanted to give them a chance again but then Watch Dogs happened and im not buying again.

CrystalShadow said:
You can create things that work most of the time, but probably not all of the time.
According to ArsTechnica [] 20% of legitimate costumers were falsely identified as pirating windows when they did not by "windows genuine advantage" when it launched. So if microsoft could not make it work even most of the time you expect the incompetence of Ubisoft to make it work?

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Andy Shandy said:
Heh, Ubisoft has taken a fair amount of shit recently, but I do always like stories of pirates getting caught in the act.
It is funny, but I get the feeling most of them are "caught in the act" only in the sense that people know an Internet poster pirated the thing. Don't see people using their real names on the Internet outside of Facebook, and that's not usually the place people go for help with something like a missing FOV slider.

It also strikes me that now that crackers know about this, they'll have it fixed soon enough. Someone who legitimately bought the game will seed the data downloaded with the patch and all that. I doubt very much that the pirated copies of Arkham promulgated now have the broken cape bug anymore. Good effort on the part of the companies doing stuff like this, and it can't really hurt,, but its more a mild frustration to piracy than a real triumph over it.