No matter how open-minded...


New member
Feb 18, 2010
The belief that good deeds are pointless without exclusive personal profit.


The belief that human beings in their natural state are not violent selfish animals. I cannot accept the humanist belief that humans will preserve each other simply because it's morally correct. The only reason that one homo erctus would save another homo erectus is if he knew that the dying erectus may be of future use, or that the social exclusion brought upon him by not saving him would prove to much. Every human action boils down to the desire to mate. Any action can be unraveled to a point at which it is revealed as nothing more than an attempt to ensure or improve reproductive success.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I don't understand why people want to be miserable. I'm baffled by the idea of someone being spoon fed help for their problems and shoving it away like a child not wanting to eat his vegetables. Why would anyone want to dwell in their misery? I understand mourning and being upset and depressed over short periods of time, or mild extended periods, but why do people just want to be miserable? Is it so they can always get attention for their problems? Are they really not upset and just being dramatic? Why would anyone not at least try to be happy? Even when I was super depressed, I fought every day for joy and putting myself in a place where I could be happy (which I am at now.) If people care about you and are trying to help you feel better, why would you turn that away? It makes my head hurt!


New member
Mar 5, 2008
There are a few (the idea that animation can't tell good/serious stories, the idea that video games aren't/can't be art, etc.), but I guess one stands above most of the others...

Subjectivism/Post-Modernism. The idea that reality does not exist and each individual's perception is all that matters. I get that some things are subjective (beauty, art, etc.), but there is absolutely no merit to the idea that perception has the same value as reality. Right now I am a college-attending male typing on a Macbook and watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother. However much someone may want to believe it, I am not a middle-aged woman typing on an Acer laptop while watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. This is fact. If someone thinks otherwise, that's not a matter of "their perception:" they do have that perception, and it is factually and demonstrably incorrect.

Beyond that, even matters that are unclear have some sort of truth. This philosophy tends to infiltrate things such as religion, and people end up saying things like, "People will do to wherever they believe they will," or "Everyone's religion works for them." And no. If one religion teaches to get to Heaven by simply believing and another says to get to Heaven by doing good works, one will work and one will not. All religions simply cannot coexist under the same criteria. A simple look at them will make that painfully obvious.

Just, the idea that all conflicting ideas can both exist and be equally valid simply doesn't make sense. It's basically denying that reality even exists, which opens the door to nothing more than a set of useless and even harmful philosophies. I just don't understand how it can possibly be a valid way to think about life.


New member
May 26, 2010
I don't understand what it's like to want sex and orgasms. The former I have only a passing philosophical interest in, and the latter doesn't do much for me, it's more or less boring. Not that I've never tried to enjoy it, but I get much more pleasure from drawing or writing.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Homeopathy. I don't get it. How can less of something make it more concentrated? It makes no sense! How can the bark of a tree with trace amounts of something be more potent than the raw, distilled form? Water has a memory? When *maybe* a single molecule of the original material remains in the dilution, how can this said to be an effective amount? Don't waste my time. You want to believe in anything else, go for it. This? Don't tell me about it. Ever. I'll find new languages to call you dumb.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
summerof2010 said:
Tselis said:
It is just WRONG.

Come on, you can't do that to me. I've been getting good stuff out of all sorts of people tonight. Why is it wrong? More precisely, why is it disrespectful to the deceased? I already agree with your assessment that it is wrong to disrespect a person who has sacrificed so much for us, but I'm trying to show that when you disrespect human remains, you are not disrespecting a person. You are simply disrespecting a collection of decaying cells, which is another matter entirely. That doesn't, by itself, show that the entire situation was a-ok; I don't think it was. What I'm trying to argue is that the act of tossing the ashes itself was not wrong in any significant sense. This is because, as I explained earlier, the body has nothing to do with the "self" or the person.

Are you suggesting that it does in some way, so the body retains some rights after death? Or so that it's important to the preservation and respect of his memory? I know you must have a good reason - I believe you are a reasonable person. I'm only asking that you make yourself explicit.
If you cannot see the disrespect here, if you cannot see the mockery this makes of their sacrifice, then you have failed as a human being. I am done with you, with about as much respect as these poor service members received. They expected better, they deserved better. Instead, they got inhuman little shits more concerned with penny pinching then honoring the dead who gave everything. If you truly cannot see how this is wrong, and how wrong it is, then you have just failed. Failed as a human being. I am done with you.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Hap2 said:
I don't understand what it's like to want sex and orgasms. The former I have only a passing philosophical interest in, and the latter doesn't do much for me, it's more or less boring. Not that I've never tried to enjoy it, but I get much more pleasure from drawing or writing.
Here's homeopathic medicine explained in a single sentence: Gullible people who refuse to believe science turning to alternative products as a result of lies and misinformation spread by individuals of varying degrees of intelligence and whatever you would call the trait that makes you want to manipulate people for personal profit.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
People disliking mixed breeds in animals (or people)

I can't understand why people believing 100 percent of one type of breed is better when you can get an animal that can have the strengths of two. Like that's something to really be proud of.

"I spent a boatload of money to get a dog that is supposed to be all poodle."


"She's 100% poodle! A purebred!"


"...Screw You."


New member
Feb 10, 2009
What about...Nope.
I can't think of anything. I honestly can't. I mean, the closest would be people who aren't open minded at all, but then, I just want to slap them with a croquet mallet. I can still stand them and respect their reasons.


New member
Sep 13, 2011
Acceptance... I cannot deal with people who do not accept new things, this obviously makes me a hypocritical but I can't accept it haha. I've got lots of examples like I live in Australia where we have problems with refugees, (the problems aren't from the refugees themselves they are from the right wing conservative partys within Australian politics that make out like Australia will be over run with "boat people" when every year we get at most 8,000 people when countries everywhere else get around 30,000) if some one argues against refugees I will argue back and some times I get violent, I've tried keeping my mouth shut but even in the most important situations like at my girlfriends sisters engagement party I got into a massive fight with her dad because of refugees...

Way to long.... What I am trying to say is that in my opinion you can either be open minded or you can go away...
(Yes I know hypocritical)


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I can't really think of anything i can't wrap my head around. I usually have a little hypothesis (because i never bother actually finding out) for everything that comes up.

Maybe i can't understand not understanding things?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I, for one, will never understand how Millikan spent so darn long spewing oil all over the place just to find one physics constant. I wouldn't have survived the first day, and my physics teacher told me that he sprayed oil and did calculations for MONTHS.

...Oh, and atheists. I won't ever understand atheists.

Sight Unseen

The North Remembers
Nov 18, 2009
Soods said:
German grammar...

Edit: So many people saying they can't understand religious people. Here is a slightly logical answer:
If [insert deity here] does exist: you will go to heaven or be reborn as a cow or something.
If it doesn't exist: doesn't matter now that you're dead, does it?
I know this was posted 10 pages back, but I haven't read through this whole thread and wanted to comment on this post. I apologize if someone else mentioned this before me.

What you stated here is what's called Pascal's Wager, and it is a flawed argument, because you are assuming that the choice is only between your faith and no faith. You are saying that it is safer to bet on the side of your religion because if you're right then you go to heaven and if you're wrong then there is no consequence; whereas if atheists are right there is no consequence and if they're wrong then they go to hell.

This is flawed in a couple ways. First of all, if you're only deciding to "believe" in your faith as a safety net against hell, but you don't REALLY believe in the claims of your religion, then that is a really disingenuous position, and I'm sure that any god, if it exists would be able to see right through your ruse.

Secondly, there are, literally, MILLIONS of different religions, and millions of subsects and cults that make up those religions. Every religion, since they're all based on an equal amount of fact (ie. none) are equally likely to be right, and therefore if you're wrong about your faith, but another faith turns out to be the right one, then you go to hell(or that religion's equivalent) right along with the atheist. So really, you're no more "safe" than the atheist, and you're lying to yourself, and to your God(s) if you only hold onto religion as a safety net.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
thelonewolf266 said:
henritje said:
that people still buy COD.
that people enjoy the Seltzer Berg movies.

that we still have console wars mark my words when the PS4/WII2/Xbox 720 the mods are going to have their hands full deleting 720VSPS4 threads.
people who follow a religion so they don,t end up in hell.
You don't understand console wars which is one group of people saying they like something and the other group is wrong for liking another thing and vice versa you even reinforce that point with a big picture and yet you also don't understand why people buy COD.Guess what its because they like it.
but after COD4 it,s basically the same game just a different map pack.
the console wars are just immaturity.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
CleverCover said:
People disliking mixed breeds in animals (or people)

I can't understand why people believing 100 percent of one type of breed is better when you can get an animal that can have the strengths of two. Like that's something to really be proud of.

"I spent a boatload of money to get a dog that is supposed to be all poodle."


"She's 100% poodle! A purebred!"


"...Screw You."
The strength of two? A dog doesn't inherit combined powers of every breed in its ancestry. A Poodle/Collie mix isn't twice as good. You don't get a more powerful dog, you get a dog, the same as if you got a purebred. If I want a poodle, I'll go for the dog that is a poodle rather than the dog that isn't. If someone wants a poodle enough to shell out the big bucks for one, that's fair enough; some people are willing to spend £40 or more a pop on games. People are allowed to spend money on things that other people might not want to buy themselves, and value exactly whatever they want as a status symbol. A more realistic conversation would be along the lines of:

Colin: 'I spent a lot of money to get a purebred poodle'
Roy: 'Why?'
Colin: 'Because I wanted one.'
Roy: 'And?'

And that's the end. If Roy actually wants further explanation, the onus is on him to facilitate meaningful discussion. Colin doesn't have to explain the cause of his desire for a poodle, but roy might have cause to explain why he's so intent on grilling Colin over that decision.

Well that's enough. I suspect I'm too old for this thread anyway.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
A couple of things would have to be getting drunk, the love for the movie Blade Runner and Twilight series, and why some people like being assholes for the hell of it.

Also, been reading a bunch of comments on religion and belief in a deity and whatnot. Some have been saying it's mostly a comfort thing and based on fear of punishment. For many that's true, but it's not for all. For me, I decided to believe in a god when I truly started thinking about God's existence when wondering about the origin of the universe itself. I won't go into great detail, but in the end I decided that I do believe in a god's existence. It's not for comfort or fear, but because it logically made sense to me. I know that sounds like a paradox to many, but to each their own.