No Right Answer: Best Western Film Ever


New member
Mar 14, 2011
My personal favorite is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. that is my opinion, for some reason I felt you were entitled to it.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
I'm tempted to say "The Wild Bunch" but.... But really saying what is "the best Western" or "the best gangster film" is an admission that the films from that genre don't rate as overall great films.

And "The Wild Bunch" is one of the best films ever made.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Mouse_Crouse said:
I'm still not sure what to think of this series. Are they seriously defending these 2 movies as the best? Or is that the joke. Because that seems like REALLY strange choices for best western ever. If that is the joke, I suppose I get it, but it just isn't that obvious or even that funny. If that isn't a joke, then I don't know what to think. And the Jones plug really bugs me. Blatant product pandering can't really be done in a funny way more the once. Kinda loses it's "funny" after the first time.
The joke is that people like me have all sort of really stupid conversations and fake debates about a wide range of pointless and stupid subjects, and it is fun to hear these debates from the outside. Everyone has heard the argument of Batman vs Spiderman, and that is an incredibly dumb thing to argue about, but it is fun. And it is more fun to defend an absurd position if you make bigger and wilder claims about it. I think the show is really fun, and the product placement doesn't bother me one bit. Then again, product placement never has, I don't see the big deal if it's done in a way that is fun or in some other way does not damage the show.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Cat Ballou, because of the awesome balladeering, Lee Marvin's double-acting duty, and the way Jane Fonda filled out those pants:



New member
Apr 28, 2010
DrOswald said:
The joke is that people like me have all sort of really stupid conversations and fake debates about a wide range of pointless and stupid subjects, and it is fun to hear these debates from the outside. Everyone has heard the argument of Batman vs Spiderman, and that is an incredibly dumb thing to argue about, but it is fun. And it is more fun to defend an absurd position if you make bigger and wilder claims about it.
Fair enough. I suppose I could see some fun moments with me and my friends. Just dosen't seem like it's as fun to watch from the outside. Because I can't call out the BS without being part of the conversation. Guess it's just not my thing. Well either way, I wish them luck. The escapist can be a hard place to start a new show. Just ask Jim.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Best pure Western film? Tombstone.

Best hybrid Western film? SERENITY. Probably not, I'm biased, but it's my favorite.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
If the aim of the game is to pick some poor candidates, then Back to the Future III is actually a really poor candidate for that game. :p

BTF III would rank pretty high for me among the best westerns ever. It was one of the first to use the grittier style of '90s Westerns, along with "Young Guns". And it did it very successfully. They managed to use the silly humour of the series without actually compromising with the Western genre.

My personal best Western ever would probably be Tombstone. There are lots of worthy candidates, among them of course several of the Sergio Leone episodes. Tombstone however feels more classic than the spaghetti's, and much more realistic than anything from 1930-1960.

Tombstone has everything you need from a Western, the dream of starting from scratch, the gold rush, the bad guys who ruin paradise, and most importantly friendship. And it has not only one, but two incredibly cool dudes. I am of course talking about Doc Holliday and Johnny Ringo.

*Edit: I had completely forgotten about "Cat Balou" that has to take the price as the best comic Western ever. It shows just how many tricks that genre can do.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
For me I'd pick Once Upon a Time in the West though I've a lot of love for Django and Winchester '73.

But given the theme of defending terrible choices I guess I'd go Jonah Hex... go on, defend that pile of terrible ;)


New member
May 16, 2011
I thought the first episode was pretty funny. I had no idea what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised. But this episode -- the moment you guys mentioned Fievel Goes West . . . wow. I loved that movie as a kid, and I just know I'm going to be a fan of this series for a long time to come.

Captain Bobbossa

New member
Jun 1, 2009
Seriously, what are the acctual requirements to getting your vweb series on the escapist these days? Breathing? Because so far that's the only quality this group have. Between this and "drinking" games I'm starting to think that a few of Russ Pitt's mates just needed a job.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Boy was I surprised when I expected Fist Full of Dollars vs. Two Mules for Sister Sarah


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Sparrow said:
Pssh, naw. Best Western I've seen? The 3:10 To Yuma remake. Damn, I loved that film.

Also, one big thing Feivel had going for it in the music department was the score itself, by the inimitable (mostly because he's too busy imitating himself) James Horner. Recognize.

Fun fact: Tom Wilson kinda does a lot of things nowadays: music, art, the occasional guest shot on Bones or House. But he also tours as a stand-up comic. And an awesome one, too. Take the whole family, he's as clean as he is funny. Seriously, look for his name, and when he's in town, GO.



New member
Jul 29, 2011
I'm going to throw Young Guns out there.

I love westerns ranging from Sons of Katy Elder to Unforgiven however, for some reason, I just really like Young Guns.

Wesley Brannock

New member
Sep 7, 2010
Neither of the movies debated were " westerns " pick a real western like the good the bad and the ugly vs some random John Wane movie. That at least would be a worthy debate.