Saelune said:
Thats why you re-make them. Ya know, make them again, but better. I dont give a fuck about Warcraft, but Im sure the people who do, who were late to the party, might like to see the old games plots firsthand. Why not remake them, and use the chance to fill in the holes made by later additions?
...honestly, the plot of the first game makes no sense anyway, and has seen so many retcons over the decades that the only relation they have to the current storyline is in name alone. Hell, Warcraft 1's plot was literally 'You are humans/orcs, you go and kill Orcs/Humans, final level is blow up Blackrock Mountain/Stormwind'. They wouldn't so much be filling holes as just copy-pasting from a Wikipedia page on 'History of the First War' at this point.
As for remakes... ehhhh. It'd be much better to just do a GoG with 'em than spend THAT many resources rebuilding the things. Especially with Warcraft 1 - They'd be better off making a friggin' Warcraft 4 rather than try and bring that piece of garbage (note, I played it when it was new and it's what got me into Blizzard games) into a modern era. Really hard to remake a game that had no Voice acting, minimal animations, barebone gameplay, non-existant AI and an idiotic plot faithfully. Warcraft 2
maybe could fair better, but that's mainly because someone could probably slap all the War2 assets onto the Starcraft 1 engine and call it a day.