North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


New member
May 1, 2009

North Korea routinely threatens war in response to joint military exercises by the two long-time allies, calling them a rehearsal for war.

But tensions have been high for the past two months, since the US and South Korea accused the North of torpedoing a warship with the loss of 46 lives. The North denies involvement and says the "smear campaign" is a pretext for aggression.

The United States and South Korea have begun four-day joint exercises -- the first in a series -- in what they say is a bid to deter North Korea's "aggressive" behaviour.

In a show of force, Seoul and Washington began the exercise involving 200 aircraft, 8,000 service personnel and 20 ships including an aircraft carrier in the Sea of Japan. The drill is the first in a series intended "to send a clear message to North Korea that its aggressive behaviour must stop", US Defence Secretary Robert Gates and South's Defence Minister Kim Tae-Young said in a joint statement this week after talks.

South Korea and the United States, citing findings of a multinational investigation, accuse the North of sending a submarine to torpedo a South Korean warship near the tense Yellow Sea border in March.
Basically, the US and South Korean governments are going to do military exercises to deter North Korea's agression.
I suspect that they are trying to scare North Korea with their military force into stopping them from taking any further actions against South Korea.
I believe that no decisions have been made yet whether or not the military exercises are going to continue, but it would surely defeat any purpose if they're trying to stop North Korea from taking action since North Korea will unleash a nuclear war if they do those exercises.

The discussion here is: "Who do you side with and what should happen?

Normally, I'd side with the US, but I've lost a heck of a lot of trust in them since the child porn scandal in the Pentagon.
North Korea might always be seen as either "the enemy" or "the insane ones", but how do you know for sure?
It's like saying that all Americans are fat and stupid.
I don't want there to be a nuclear war.
I just want the American government to stay the hell away from this.
This is between North and South Korea. I believe that the US' involvement will only throw more wood on the bonfire since they have a hostile relation with each North Korea.
Perhaps I'm missing something here, because I'm sure that the Americans are more educated on this matter than us Europeans, but I'd like to hear other people's thoughts.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
You do realize that America was in the Korean war that was 60 years ago, right? And they actually had a reason to be there. It's basically fighting old battles, which is stupid, but I can see why we'd want to fight them.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
The nukes aren't supposed to fall for another two years at best, 67 years at worst. Oh well, time to prepare for Yao Guai now.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Trying to scare the Koreans? Yeah, that's going to happen.

To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.

EDIT: Seeing as a whole lot of people keep quoting me over how "OMG America CAN nuke N.Korea!", let me explain.

Think about how many allies America has close to North Korea. The resulting fallout of the nuclear warheads may very well spread to South Korea, Japan, maybe China. Its probably the reason why America didn't nuke North Korea yet.

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
Why do I now have the image of Obama saying, "Shut the hell up." And hitting the launch button first? My god that would be strange.

Yeah, so tell me how the vaults work out America!

Calumon: Protect Bandit Keith!

child of lileth

The Norway Italian
Jun 10, 2009
I don't really know who I'd side with. I guess the U.S., because North Korea does need to learn to stop making threats over everything that happens. I can understand them feeling like they have to or something, but at this point, they've threatened nuclear war so many times, I just don't even care anymore.

At the same time, I don't want this to turn into the U.S. getting stuck fighting a never ending war there too.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Okay, let me explain that for you. In North Korea, Kim-Il-Sung (if that's his name), their original leader, is considered a "God-Emperor". I wish i was making this shit up. I've heard their "communist" regime has evolved into a Nazi one (Godwin's Law, i know) over time. And you suggest that anyone sane would side with them? It's not like Iraq, people in NK government are actively malevolent.

I just wish someone shut that dictator up already, dismantled this petty regime, and let people live in a normal country, as opposed to a pastiche of Stalin's USSR made by nine-year olds from cardboard and duct tape.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Nuclear war would be fucking awful, so regardless of who you side with you shouldn't hope for that.

Personally I side with the US, partially because I live there.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Subzerowings said:
The discussion here is: "Who do you side with and what should happen?

Normally, I'd side with the US, but I've lost a heck of a lot of trust in them since the child porn scandal in the Pentagon.
North Korea might always be seen as either "the enemy" or "the insane ones", but how do you know for sure?
It's like saying that all Americans are fat and stupid.
This is a stupid opinion founded on ignorance, if you don't mind me saying. Nobody in their right mind would side with North Korea, as it is a truly insane Orwellian State. The people are brainwashed, starving, and the government is doo-lally.

A good documentary about this can be found at

Another, more humourous example is

And for the record, their Nuclear Weapons are absolutely laughable. The most they could do is hit the very closest tip of Alaska, killing one Polar Bear in the process.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Heres the thing though: If North Korea actually does something, theyre truly fucked. Every nation under the UN and NATO turns against them and their country wont even exist within about a week. Look at what happened to Japan, and that was BEFORE we had ICBM's and Mechanised Divisions of the military.
Apr 19, 2010
Why does everyone assume that any country that isn't a major power will blow up the world at the slightest provocation as soon as they get nuclear technology?
And I'm siding with South Korea on this one; if you blow up their ships they're gonna try to make you think twice about doing it again.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Estocavio said:
Heres the thing though: If North Korea actually does something, theyre truly fucked. Every nation under the UN and NATO turns against them and their country wont even exist within about a week. Look at what happened to Japan, and that was BEFORE we had ICBM's and Mechanised Divisions of the military.
thats precisaly why im not really worried, entire world vs a small country run by a gnome.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Rakkana said:
Trying to scare the Koreans? Yeah, that's going to happen.

To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
Koreans have no balls, so they can't be made to drop
not that THEY care, they'd rather have nukes anyway haha...

(Korean drama fans might really hate that I just said that bahaha...but keep in mind that's SOUTH Korea)

but no seriously, from what I see around myself...Americans don't really like North Korea all that much (no surprise there), but neither do many Asians I know personally (Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand...idk China's odd). bleh, none of this would make anyone happy (neighbors...too close for comfort)

somelameshite said:
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.

I feel like the "don't shoot until you're shot at" idea doesn't really work on a nuclear stage, heh...


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Subzerowings said:
I just want the American government to stay the hell away from this.
This is between North and South Korea. I believe that the US' involvement will only throw more wood on the bonfire since they have a hostile relation with each North Korea.
Perhaps I'm missing something here, because I'm sure that the Americans are more educated on this matter than us Europeans, but I'd like to hear other people's thoughts.
In all honesty, your country, if allied with South Korea, may be called in to help soon. Sadly, if an ally calls on you to help, you have to help. If you don't, you'll be labeled as a douchebag by other allies.

Also, we know North Korea are hostile. The only country that actively trades with North Korea is China, and even China has been pretty peeved at North Korea as of late.

However, I'm not worried about the US being hit by a nuke of N.Korea. If you remember, their missiles are pretty awful. If they try to fly via plane to the US, they'll be shot down by laser before they get close.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
America Fallout is just that little bit closer. I think if it does errupt into a nuclear war we are going to see some scary scary shit.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
If either of them start a nuclear war just between them, it will skull fuck the rest of the planet. Selfish bastards.
-We dont want your nuclear fallout, coming over here taking our lives!


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Wont happen.
China will be laying down the law pretty hard if NK tries to be serious with nukes and shit.
Even a conventional attack against SK (or Japan for that matter) will end up with a new (and more puppetlike) govt in Pyongyang.
China aint got time for war in their own back garden, they are far to busy being a nascent economic superpower. Anything that threatens that will be crushed ruthlessly.