North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Having lived in America all my life, there's no question who I'd side with. North Korea does worry me a little, but I also think they're just trying to show off and make us sweat. They'd also be fools to try anything against America. Look what happened to Japan after Pearl Harbor.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Looks like I'm moving to the UK a bit earlier than expected.

I wonder if Canada's safe?

Then again, I probably won't be the only one to do this in the event of nuclear war, so it might be smarter to just hang out in a state that won't get bombed as hard as any other state...

I'm not scared, though. There was a thing last year where NK was supposedly going to bomb Hawaii on the fourth of July. Needless to say, that never happened.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
new idea!
parachute chuck norris into N.Korea, should wrap this shit up in about,10, better make it 11 second's


New member
Jun 10, 2010
North Korea couldn't possibly win a nuclear war with Pakistan, let alone the United States. They would be obliterated in two seconds if they launched a nuke in Asia. Plus the nuke would probably be intercepted by jet fighters before it could land on its intended target. In the world of dictators, North Korea is the stubborn child who wants everyone to pay attention to him because he thinks he has something to say, even though all his friends are doing far more interesting things.

A nuclear war between India and Pakistan is far more likely and more dangerous to the planet than any war with North Korea would be.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Oh America. Just kill the silly git already.

This is what's going to destroy the planet. Technology being used by idiots.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Radeonx said:
You do realize that America was in the Korean war that was like 20 years ago, right? And they actually had a reason to be there. It's basically fighting old battles, which is stupid, but I can see why we'd want to fight them.
Erm the Korean war took place in the early '50s, so more like 60 years ago...

Also I'm fairly sure I read that NK dont actually have the capacity to launch nukes very far at all, so it's the usual blustering by the looks.

However I'm not really sure what the US's thinking is here.

"Well we know N. Korea is a run by a mentally unstable geriatric who is known to threaten military action at anything that displeases him, so lets play wargames on his backyard. Yeah, that isnt risky at all."

If it did come to war, I feel that the combined forces of S. Korea and the US would be more than enough to dick all over N. Korea.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Kalabrikan said:
A nuclear war between India and Pakistan is far more likely and more dangerous to the planet than any war with North Korea would be.

And unless Pakistan gets it's shit together and do something about the Taliban and the islamists, India might very well decide to go pre-emptive on their ass to make sure their nukes don't end up under control of some crazed jihadist.
Then we be talking shit-storm.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Wadders said:
Radeonx said:
You do realize that America was in the Korean war that was like 20 years ago, right? And they actually had a reason to be there. It's basically fighting old battles, which is stupid, but I can see why we'd want to fight them.
Erm the Korean war took place in the early '50s, so more like 60 years ago...
That doesn't really change much, considering it was still part of the Cold War.
But thanks for the correction.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Radeonx said:
Wadders said:
Radeonx said:
You do realize that America was in the Korean war that was like 20 years ago, right? And they actually had a reason to be there. It's basically fighting old battles, which is stupid, but I can see why we'd want to fight them.
Erm the Korean war took place in the early '50s, so more like 60 years ago...
That doesn't really change much, considering it was still part of the Cold War.
But thanks for the correction.
Yeah, true that.

And the Korean War is still actually going on. It hasnt ended, theres just a ceasfire so I guess you could say you were right after all in a way :p


New member
May 13, 2010
Rakkana said:
To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
Yeah, I agree. A most worrying prospect indeed.

OT: A nuclear war? Right. Because we all know that someone will win that.... :/


New member
Mar 26, 2010
I just want to know what's going on in the mind of Kim Jong Il. How can he possibly believe to stand a chance against the US. I guess he just wants to show off and trying to show the world that no one can fuck with his country.


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Mar 6, 2008
Jack and Calumon said:
Why do I now have the image of Obama saying, "Shut the hell up." And hitting the launch button first? My god that would be strange.

Yeah, so tell me how the vaults work out America!

Calumon: Protect Bandit Keith!

But a war with Korea again.
If America's billons of dollars spent on nuke defense works, it shouldn't be that bad. If they don't, well, I might as well put on a cowboy hat and jump on a nuke.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Subzerowings said:
North Korea might always be seen as either "the enemy" or "the insane ones", but how do you know for sure?
Yes, yes I do.
It's like saying that all Americans are fat and stupid.
No, its not. North Korean is lead by a, frankly, insane leadership who brutally oppress their population - in fact, the average North Korean isn't insane, because they've simply learnt that resistance == death.

I don't want there to be a nuclear war.
I just want the American government to stay the hell away from this.
This is between North and South Korea. I believe that the US' involvement will only throw more wood on the bonfire since they have a hostile relation with each North Korea.
Dude, you need to learn some history - see the Korean War (1950, I believe it started), a war between the two Korea's, with the following countries on the South Korean's side as apart of UN forces:

United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey

And several others providing medicial support.

As for North Korea, only the USSR and China where on their side. Now, Russia is unlikely to support N. Korea this time, and China doesn't really wanna get involved in war in Korea, and frankly, I get the impression the Chinese government would like the N. Korean government to just Shut the Fuck Up.

Now as to N. Korea's threats of nuclear war: it seems unlikely a N. Korean missile could actually strike the US - as in, reach its target, breach the anti-missile defences, and denotate. Remember, the N. Korea forces are very technologically backwards as the country's infrastructure is plain broken, and its soul military advantage is numbers. Now, whilst that is a good advantage, I suspect US and S. Korean technological superiority are enough to close the gap.

In summary, this isn't the US's fault, for once, and whilst war should be avoided, siding with N. Korea over this is just daff.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Subzerowings said:
Normally, I'd side with the US, but I've lost a heck of a lot of trust in them since the child porn scandal in the Pentagon.
North Korea might always be seen as either "the enemy" or "the insane ones", but how do you know for sure?
It's like saying that all Americans are fat and stupid.
I don't want there to be a nuclear war.
I recall reading that the North has the fissile material to make about two bombs grand total. The bigger threat they pose is from their artillery, and even that's rusted and decades old. If they tried to do anything remotely aggressive, they should know full well that even *China* would roll all over them, let alone the USA and SK.

Anyone even vaguely supposing that the North should be supported in such a conflict has had a woeful lack of understanding of the matter. The US isn't going to start a nuclear war, and the only way it'd be nuclear is the North dropping one or both of their bombs. Then, it's a conventional war.

As someone in South Korea at the moment, the general reaction is eye-rolling - it's not like this kind of behaviour is unusual on the North's behalf. But as long as they hold off from any nuking/war starting until after my flight from Incheon on Wednesday, then I'm alright with it.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
We just neeed to get some one to kill NK leader. ANYONE please do it, you'll be saving the world a huge lot of hurt. And for once i wish we still had Bush as president. Cuz he wouldnt care less about nuking someone. Infact i bet he's pissed he didnt get to when he was president.

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
This is stupid, NK doesn't even stand a chance. They'll stop or make a mistake like they always do and will shut the hell up for a few months before trying something stupid again they know will never work. I'm pretty sure once they give us a reason to invade them, it'll be all over for North Korea as we know it.
Apr 28, 2008
VanityGirl said:
Subzerowings said:
I just want the American government to stay the hell away from this.
This is between North and South Korea. I believe that the US' involvement will only throw more wood on the bonfire since they have a hostile relation with each North Korea.
Perhaps I'm missing something here, because I'm sure that the Americans are more educated on this matter than us Europeans, but I'd like to hear other people's thoughts.
In all honesty, your country, if allied with South Korea, may be called in to help soon. Sadly, if an ally calls on you to help, you have to help. If you don't, you'll be labeled as a douchebag by other allies.

Also, we know North Korea are hostile. The only country that actively trades with North Korea is China, and even China has been pretty peeved at North Korea as of late.

However, I'm not worried about the US being hit by a nuke of N.Korea. If you remember, their missiles are pretty awful. If they try to fly via plane to the US, they'll be shot down by laser before they get close.
Yeah, pretty much this. Plus chances are China will step in and stop them. We are China's number one customer after all, I don't think they want to see us die while we're giving them money.