Nothing you do is ever going to matter


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
samonix said:
No-one likes to admit it, a lot of people secretly thinks their sweet idea will one day be turned into an awesome game or that book you've been working on for years will suddenly take off, but the world will never know you've existed.

Does this depress people, or make them feel like they should just focus on enjoying the world and not trying to change it? Do you think I'm totally wrong and YOU are the exception that will echo through the generations.

Personally, i don't like this idea; which is strange because I have no belief in the afterlife so my impact on the future will be completely unknown to me anyway.
Well...that depends. If people think the world is going to bow down at how wonderfuly they are...then they are almsot certainly doomed to failure...and worse, some tosser who gets made a media celebrity for no reason will outstrip them.

But if they have got an idea they want to share with the world cause they think it's a neat idea and deserves to be shared...that's another issue completely.

Being part of society is to recognise the value of everyone else in society, you can't concern yourself too much with other people legitimately outshadowing you.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
TriggerOnly said:
samonix said:
No-one likes to admit it, a lot of people secretly thinks their sweet idea will one day be turned into an awesome game or that book you've been working on for years will suddenly take off, but the world will never know you've existed.

Does this depress people, or make them feel like they should just focus on enjoying the world and not trying to change it? Do you think I'm totally wrong and YOU are the exception that will echo through the generations.

Personally, i don't like this idea; which is strange because I have no belief in the afterlife so my impact on the future will be completely unknown to me anyway.
Its a awsome idea do what ever you want it anit going to make a diffrents its freeing when you think about it go go hard till you drop! i say
Am I supposed to comprehend that statement in a sexual way?

I'm getting off-topic :/

I agree with this man, if it's gonna make no difference then do what makes you happy.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Congrats, TC, you've summed up both my world view and philosophical approach to life.

Not really, but I don't really spend too much time trying to be one of the "winners" when I can spend more of my time doing what I want and be content with not being a total loser.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Everyone matters. You might not do anything that changes the world forever or anything along those lines, but does that mean you don't matter? Hardly.

'Course, there's an exception to every rule. I'm pretty much worthless and told as much really rather often, but hey, I'm resigned to it. No big deal.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Cogwheel said:
Everyone matters. You might not do anything that changes the world forever or anything along those lines, but does that mean you don't matter? Hardly.

'Course, there's an exception to every rule. I'm pretty much worthless and told as much really rather often, but hey, I'm resigned to it. No big deal.
*My View of Life*
You can't value life because it doesn't have any, because it is beyond something that an outside individual can infer upon you. It's your choice to value your own life in any way you want, but you have to value others they way they want you to value them.

... Crap I can't remember what I was going to say.

Ah Yes!

Nobody deserves to die. No matter what they do or how they are now, they can be changed. That said, some people choose to forfeit their lives via harming another persons or their own.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
alimarin said:
Cogwheel said:
Everyone matters. You might not do anything that changes the world forever or anything along those lines, but does that mean you don't matter? Hardly.

'Course, there's an exception to every rule. I'm pretty much worthless and told as much really rather often, but hey, I'm resigned to it. No big deal.
*My View of Life*
You can't value life because it doesn't have any, because it is beyond something that an outside individual can infer upon you. It's your choice to value your own life in any way you want, but you have to value others they way they want you to value them.

... Crap I can't remember what I was going to say.
I suppose. Still, hearing it all the time from most of the people I know (though from family most of all) makes me think there's something to it.

That, and I've got 10 years to do whatever else I do. Not a lot of scope for getting much of anything done. I doubt I'll even move out, actually.

Still a bit confused as to why you quoted me. That seems more like an answer to the OP than to my post. Oh well. Maybe it's the insomnia that has me confused.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Just because the chances of success and acknowledgement are so damn low, doesn't mean you shouldn't try in the first place. By trying, you give yourself a tiny chance. By not trying at all, you have no chance. And besides, we're on this planet and we're alive and we have nothing to do until we die. We have two options - kill ourselves or waste away with boredom and inactivity. Or you could always, you know, try to make something out of it, despite the futility of it all.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
Will I change the world? No. Will people in school be taught about me one day? No. Do I make my fiance happier by being me? Yes.

Do I make a difference? To her most definetly.

Thats all I need.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
On the grand scale of things, no nothing matters. Nothing really matters at all

However if you just sit in your bed telling yourself that, you will become miserable and die, if you go out and try things, learn to enjoy things and become a better person you will become happier and live longer.

However I suppose the former option means you don't become afraid of death so that's always a bonus

Also I have a girlfriend, I matter to her. I matter to my parents, my friends, my fellow workers and even my girlfriends family love me. I would say I matter to a lot of people


New member
Dec 3, 2010
...matter according to what standard?

Also, how are you defining "the world"?


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Cogwheel said:
alimarin said:
I suppose. Still, hearing it all the time from most of the people I know (though from family most of all) makes me think there's something to it.

That, and I've got 10 years to do whatever else I do. Not a lot of scope for getting much of anything done. I doubt I'll even move out, actually.

Still a bit confused as to why you quoted me. That seems more like an answer to the OP than to my post. Oh well. Maybe it's the insomnia that has me confused.
Well I quoted you because that's how I came up with my reply.

Mouse One

New member
Jan 22, 2011
Okay, quicky poll here. Anyone remember who Sargon the Great is? Oh fine, you googled it. But I doubt 5% of the overall population does. What we think is important today is forgotten tomorrow.

Depressing? Only if you care about "posterity". But if you care about your fellow man, hey. Maybe you've made a few people smile in your life. That's something. Make your dog wag its tail, and you're better than most.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Mouse One said:
Okay, quicky poll here. Anyone remember who Sargon the Great is? Oh fine, you googled it. But I doubt 5% of the overall population does. What we think is important today is forgotten tomorrow.

Depressing? Only if you care about "posterity". But if you care about your fellow man, hey. Maybe you've made a few people smile in your life. That's something. Make your dog wag its tail, and you're better than most.
Reason why we forget is because our brains have a shitty indexing service just like windows!
We still have the memory, but we can't find it sometimes, you have to make some searches for things related to what you can't remember.

I choose to create some sort of cloud mind. (All human minds linked together sharing all information! Everything from porn to the meaning of life!)

Mouse One

New member
Jan 22, 2011
alimarin said:
I choose to create some sort of cloud mind. (All human minds linked together sharing all information! Everything from porn to the meaning of life!)
Heh. "We are all Geth. And we are still reaching a consensus on Miss April"


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Fortunately, I am the greatest man ever to have lived, so this is not really a problem for me.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
samonix said:
Odds are that nothing you do is ever going to matter.
You put too much finality on that. As a few people have said, someone has to make the best games, best movies, bestselling books, new music, medical breakthroughs, and advancements in technology. The odds of it being any of us are slim to none, but it's possible.
Plus, it depends on what you mean by "matter." You started a new topic, which people are sharing ideas in. Regardless of how little, you've changed the course of our lives, and none of us know how far those ripples may spread. Not to mention that many of us may leave rather large legacies behind, at least to our close friends and families.
Your view, although potentially realistic, is a bit on the nihilistic side. You have a very narrow definition of what matters, as well as little faith in the people you come into contact with. *shrugs* I hope you don't take any of this as an insult, since I personally don't see anything wrong with the way you see things; it's just different than the way I see things.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Mouse One said:
alimarin said:
I choose to create some sort of cloud mind. (All human minds linked together sharing all information! Everything from porn to the meaning of life!)
Heh. "We are all Geth. And we are still reaching a consensus on Miss April"
Not exactly, I was thinking it would be more like sticking 4Chan in everyones heads, because that would be a more realistic showing of how it would be. Lots of hilarity.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
Who cares? The meaning of life is to live your life.

Corn chips exist. Soft drink exists. THe internet exists. There is love in the world.

Still have existential quandries? Eat chocolate. Have a milkshakes. Stop worrying.

Enjoy life.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Whether it's just my body squirting something unpleasant on a pathologist's face or something even less consequential, my existence is having an effect the world somehow, so I don't see what the "Our actions have no consequences!" fretting that many people indulge in is all about. I think people who yammer on about how they can't save the world so they might as well do nothing are some of the more frustrating ones out there, because not only do they often spout inane existential dribble, there's a lot of things I and a lot of people could recruit them for if they were willing to get off their sorry arse.

Also, in the case of a lot of people that I've met who have the attitude that accomplishing things is impossible have been the spoiled types too, usually teenagers not that it's a bad thing. It's just that teenagers rarely have the patience to see things through properly, I mean of course watering some dirt every morning seems useless and pointless if you quit before you can get to the good bits where you can walk outside and casually pick the ingredients for your next meal.